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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Your political views are cracked, dude. Freedom didn't pull the human species out of the mud. Collective contract enforcement did, actually (commerce with the state having the monopoly of force). And freedom wasn't "given" to us by the state - it is the natural state of things. The Framers' view was that freedom should be the default state of play, and the purpose of the Constitution is to set limits on what the state can do to impinge on our natural freedoms. No, basically not.
  2. It's not a class action. It would have to be individual lawsuits, although they could have multiple/consolidated plaintiffs. I didn't miss your point about car accidents by the way - it's just so silly I haven't bothered to respond to it. Should there be ANY limits on private weaponry ownership? Should your neighbor have the right, if he wants to, to string claymore mines around the perimeter of his yard, and mount an anti-aircraft gun on his roof?
  3. It's actually not. And you really believe that AUTOMATIC weapons (which aren't even legal now) in the hands of ordinary citizens help foster a free and stable society?
  4. Tasker, I'm aware of the restriction on automatic weapons. But it's pretty damn easy to convert semis into automatic. Is that a good thing? Will you answer that question? Levi was honest about it - he thinks it's a good thing because "it's cool" and he "feels like it." One lunatic in this thread actually thinks it helps keep us stable and free. What's your response? If you think those are good reasons, fine - thanks for your honesty. I happen to disagree, strongly.
  5. I understand that's your interpretation of the Second Amendment. I'm not talking about the Second Amendment - I'm talking about whether there is ANY GOOD REASON for automatic military-grade weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens. Putting aside whether it's legal or not - is it a good thing to have? I should move out of the country if I don't like the idea of my kids getting shot with automatic military-grade weapons?
  6. Let's give it a few more weeks, Bill...
  7. You think automatic weapons in the hands of ordinary citizens are necessary to maintain a free and stable society? If you believe that, you're insane.
  8. There is no good reason why citizens of a free and stable society should be able to own military-grade weaponry capable of being made automatic. None.
  9. No reason? Really? The greatest coach of all time and great players?
  10. The Pats will get their defense fixed, and then that will be the story of the season - how they overcame their early defensive woes on their way to another division title etc. I almost think they enjoy setting up challenges to overcome, theyve gotten bored with just beating everyones a$$ every year. Ugh theyre totally in my head. I hate them so much.
  11. Falcons shouldve run it right up the gut for an easy conversion and probably a TD. Inexcusable.
  12. The Bengals almost always play us tough - until we crap the bed in the fourth.
  13. Yes - I got it, and enjoyed it, and am quite surprised Kelly fell for it for a bit at least. Hes slipping.
  14. Seriously. Hes a more efficient passer this year and is winning games without any receivers or a running game.
  15. Not too different from many of Russel Wilsons games.
  16. Our kicker is amazing
  17. The issue of excessive force is different than the issue of racial profiling. You can have excessive force without racial profiling. I realize Bennett made it about race but in many of these cases the real grievance ought to be excessive force. There is almost never a good reason for a cop to tell a pinned suspect hell blow his head off, regardless of the race of the suspect. If that happened, which we still dont know.
  18. Go back and finish high school and then you can re-join the discussion.
  19. Explain the irony. I am not saying hes telling the truth. Im saying I have no idea. Anyone here who thinks they know what happened is intellectually dishonest. Im not a leftist you blithering fool.
  20. He should've started his term with the tax cuts, like he wanted to. If he had started with tax cuts AND infrastructure investment, he'd be killing it right now.
  21. Kelly, I applaud you for leading the fight for logic, all by yourself, against a bunch of mouth-breathers. Rob's House's posts are the epitome of confirmation bias, it's laughable he uses that term in this thread. The video does not help or hurt either side's account. It doesn't change anything. It still may or may not have happened. Rob: the fact that a video does NOT depict Bennett's story does NOT mean that IT DIDN'T HAPPEN and it certainly doesn't mean that he is LYING, which is what the OP is claiming. He may well be lying, he may well have fabricated it all, but we don't know that any better today than we did two weeks ago. I'm starting to realize why you alt-right knuckleheads on this board (and in society, generally) mistakenly think you're the majority: because you're all so insufferable that everyone else has just stopped engaging with you. This place is full of the same stupid set of opinions shouted snarkily among the same group of jackholes, over and over again. You're just hearing your own cracked takes echoed back to you on a feedback loop. America 2017.
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