Kelly, I applaud you for leading the fight for logic, all by yourself, against a bunch of mouth-breathers. Rob's House's posts are the epitome of confirmation bias, it's laughable he uses that term in this thread.
The video does not help or hurt either side's account. It doesn't change anything. It still may or may not have happened. Rob: the fact that a video does NOT depict Bennett's story does NOT mean that IT DIDN'T HAPPEN and it certainly doesn't mean that he is LYING, which is what the OP is claiming.
He may well be lying, he may well have fabricated it all, but we don't know that any better today than we did two weeks ago.
I'm starting to realize why you alt-right knuckleheads on this board (and in society, generally) mistakenly think you're the majority: because you're all so insufferable that everyone else has just stopped engaging with you. This place is full of the same stupid set of opinions shouted snarkily among the same group of jackholes, over and over again. You're just hearing your own cracked takes echoed back to you on a feedback loop. America 2017.