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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. So by his own words (and implied words), he was out there limping around last year, mad at his coaches and the medical staff for making him play, but then they'd win a game and he'd also be mad that he wasn't getting the ball, despite the win. Yeah, I can see why they shipped him out!
  2. It's not the missed throws with Winston as much as it's the careless throws. If Tyrod was sailing balls into double-coverage off his back foot like Winston was last night, the calls to replace him would be at a fever pitch (he also wouldn't be winning us games, because his success is all about limiting stupid turnovers). As for Tyrod - let's just see how things play out. It's only Week 5, there is a lot of football left to be played and Ty is gonna have to carry this team to a couple of victories and/or win a couple of shootouts at some point. He really hasn't been too tested yet - he's been able to play within his skills and the D has kept the games close enough. Let's just see.
  3. Oh I didnt forget. I was afraid to mention it, because the Patriots are totally in my head and I dont want to jinx it. He definitely looks older this year and I love that hes been taking a beating. Lets see how it goes for them through October.
  4. I agree with you about Tampa. They're one of the weirdest teams in the league. What's their identity? They have this odd love-hate relationship with the Muscle Hamster (who, incidentally, should sponsor his own PED called "Muscle Hamster"), where one week he'll be featured and look explosive and the next week is completely out of the gameplan. They don't commit to running the ball and they're not built for a ball control offense. On defense, they've been boring ever since Kiffin left. Mike Smith's bland Cover-4 or whatever you call it seem like a super easy defense to play against - the Pats didn't play well enough to exploit it, and their o-line (especially Solder) is having a really rough start to the season. The Bucks lack heart and identity - they're utterly boring and nondescript.
  5. I dunno man. Granted I only watched the first half - but Winston was unwatchable in the first half. Every time I watch Winston play he's lofting college-type passes into double coverage off of his back foot. Sure he's streaky and he'll put up yards and points against bad defenses, but when you watch him do you ever think, There's a guy who can take over a game? There's a guy who can will his team to a Super Bowl title? I sure don't. I just don't get the hype. Half of his game is just garbage.
  6. And that's what I meant by Grievance-Based Politics. Super annoying and counter-productive, both in society as a whole and within personal relationships (we all know a few folks who "carry their cross" around). It's the worst. But that doesn't mean the motives are bad - just the tactics.
  7. That's why I called it counter-productive! Which it is. But to long for the days when you could grab the secretary's a$$ or when Sean Connery's Bond wasn't afraid to "hit a b-" is just sad. Get on the right side of history, there is no going back.
  8. "Political correctness" is an annoying, often counter-productive way to advance a laudable goal of increased respect and tolerance. But it is not, as some posters here (and many in society) think, a symptom of degrading moral standing or a societal loss of fortitude. It's just Grievance-Based Politics. Again, super-annoying; doesn't make us weaker as a people.
  9. There are definitely some angry folks on the wrong side of history, holding onto their rapidly-eroding status of being in the cultural driver's seat. If all you have going for you is that you're a white male - you need to work on yourself. It's not society's fault. All of that said - Cam is a moron.
  10. That's what I'm saying - why leave millions on the table? So dumb.
  11. Really this is more about stupidity than anything else. He's just an idiot. Why tarnish your brand needlessly, and cost yourself potentially millions of dollars in endorsements? These guys are coached on what to say and not to say. Why be an idiot? Like Plaxico shooting himself in the leg - hey, we'll give you $10M, all you have to do is not shoot yourself in the leg. BOOM! Stupid.
  12. Sorry, I forgot about Ted's and Jim's Steakout? Come on...
  13. I mean, he's right? I moved away in large part because there is nothing to do, no jobs to be had, not much of a nightlife or food scene. It's a great place to visit, Chippewa is fun (sort of) every once in awhile, but if I were a 30 year-old millionaire athlete, I'd be pretty bored too...
  14. Right, let me put it another way - they're not running those shotgun delayed runs and pulls that Lynn/Roman used because, while they were incredibly successful, they didn't set up the play action rollout passes. Dennison's offense (like Shanny's, Kubiak's, etc.) is all about making the run blocking and pass blocking look identical, so that the defense can't key off of the block type.
  15. I read your post and thought to myself, I don't like working at my job either! I bet 90% of adults would rather sit on their a$$ than have to get up and go to work every day... but your point is well-taken.
  16. First coaching staff in his life probably that doesn't coddle him.
  17. It occurs to me that the decline in rushing YPA and YPG under Dennison might be a tradeoff that the new coaching staff is willing to take in order to give Tyrod better reads and protections in the passing game. The "predictable" 2-3.5 yard runs into piles on first downs, while frustrating to watch as a fan, have the strategic benefit of opening up play action bootlegs on first downs later in the game, which Tyrod has been destroying defenses with. The play-action plays they've been using have more well-defined reads for Ty, and get him out of the crowded pocket (where he is not nearly as lethal - and frankly, can't see as well). So I'm thinking that perhaps this is all by design - while I'm sure they'd love to be having more success in the running game, they're probably willing to trade the lower-percentage runs for the higher-percentage passing plays which extend drives. I haven't seen the stats, but it sure feels like we're seeing lengthier, clock-eating, more efficient drives this season and relying less on the big play to put up points. Thoughts?
  18. That is just not right. Contracts and private property go hand in hand. You cant have long-term exchanges of private property without a collective enforcement mechanism. It was not until the collective began enforcing contracts that humans emerged from the mud. Having the backing of the monopoly of power to enforce property rights freed humans up to create sustainable wealth.
  19. You cut off the rest of my post on purpose - where I talked about the state. Enforcement of private contracts means ENFORCEMENT OF CONTRACT LAWS BY A STATE. Moron. And in any event, all of this came up because Tasker the Megalomaniac said that "freedom" is what pulled humans out of the mud. That doesn't even make any sense - humans have been free since they started walking upright. If anything, it was the opposite - sacrificing/abandoning certain freedoms to the collective, for the common good - that pulled humans out of the mud.
  20. http://www.theonion.com/article/nra-says-mass-shootings-just-unfortunate-price-pro-57094 What are you babbling about? Private contract enforcement has existed for far longer than that. You don't think contract-enforcing democracies existed before the 16th century?
  21. It's not about practicing contract law (whatever that means - it sounds like practicing safe non-sex), it's about the state enforcing private agreements so that commerce can happen and people can accumulate property without having to worry that someone with a bigger gun is going to come along and take it from them. As to the car accident analogy - it would make sense if there were an amendment that said, "Congress shall make no law restricting the speed of vehicles." So then we'd have "car enthusiasts" driving 200 mph wherever and whenever they wanted, routinely running over small children but the response would be "Hey, that's just the price of freedom! We need to protect the right of drivers to drive however fast they want, even though it leads to tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths each year, because FREEDOM. Stop POLITICIZING the TRAGEDY!"
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