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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Just remember, most of these guys are basically gym teachers who’ve made it very far. It helps me to think about it that way sometimes.
  2. That’s not quite true - McD started as a scout.
  3. I agree with you there - TT wouldn't have fared any better given that the line can't block. But he might not have lost the lockerroom and again, I'm concerned about their overall player evaluation skills. How does Ducasse look against the live bullets?
  4. Don't we need to question their ability to collect and analyze info about their own team? Does this not suggest that they may also be wrong about who should be starting on the right side of the line, among other positions?
  5. Does anyone here have any confidence that McDermott knows what he is doing? Can someone please articulate the plan?
  6. I am shocked they are looking at Moore - his teammates have hated him wherever he’s been.
  7. Whoa my thread killed Mead
  8. Well this got some action...
  9. Theyre following the wrong path by constantly letting themselves get talked into things instead of studying the business like it’s their dissertation before making these decisions and/or turning over the management of both teams to experienced and qualified strategic executives.
  10. I don’t pretend to believe that NFL and NHL owners inherently know how to navigate the complex industries they operate in. Some get it innately because they’re extremely savvy businesspeople. The good ones learn it eventually but usually after some trial and error. The best ones know how to ask the right questions of the right people at the right times. The Pegulas strike me as insulated novices who tend to follow their “guts” more often than not. Rex and McD have very little in common EXCEPT that I can see both of them oozing confidence during the interview process. Both men could steelily stare the Pegulas in the eyes and say, confidently and with a clenched jaw or a fist on the table for effect, “Don’t worry, I got this. I can turn this around.” And then Kim turns to Terry on the way out of the interview and says, “I don’t know, something about him just really reassured me. It feels like he’s the one who can fix this thing.” Billion dollar businesses shouldn’t work that way.
  11. They were dysfunctional franchises that had begun accumulating talent, perhaps despite themselves. That talent has been largely dismantled under the reigns of Murray and now McBeane a/k/a Pol Pot.
  12. This is a great post and it provides useful context. My concern is that they've endorsed a strategy for the Bills, at least, that seems unnecessarily to set this team back 3-5 years when it was on the cusp of contending. But I hear you that if the team had started as slowly as many of us expected, much of the anger would be nonexistent. Good take.
  13. Yes, that's the solution Doc. Thank you for your contribution to the discussion.
  14. I really liked Manziel and I still believe that if he had committed himself to football he'd be a successful NFL QB. Mayfield is The One as far as I'm concerned. If you want a savior for this franchise, he's your guy. Putting aside his attitude (which I like), his throws on the move remind me of Aaron Rogers.
  15. "The world" doesn't owe Buffalo fans anything. But they've been forking over their hard-earned dollars to billionaires for years and can't even demand a competent product in return? I have more pride than you do - I'm not "grateful" to anyone except my Creator. I'm certainly not grateful to billionaires.
  16. This thread was basically a bat signal for you, PTR. Your view on this is well-known: us lowly peasants of Buffalo Town are lucky to be blessed by the royalty and grace that the Pegulas have chosen to bestow upon us, and questioning their competence is akin to taking The Lord's Name in vain. Needless to say, I disagree.
  17. With the Sabres, I'd probably agree. With the Bills, McD sped up the evaluation process by his disastrous decision to start Peterman last week. There was so much information provided in that move. Similarly, the Watkins/Dareus trades and the resulting impact on the roster (and the panic moves to plug the self-imposed leaks) told us a lot about Beane. We're getting to the point where we can evaluate these guys and it's not looking good, at all. I don't need 3-5 years of this.
  18. You're half right. The problem here and the problem in America is that the internet gives trolls the ability to broadcast their deranged thoughts to the rest of the species.
  19. Zay will be lucky to ever get to Woods’s level. That’s a fact.
  20. He should be banned. He has taken the trolling to a new level. The guy comes across as evil.
  21. You are the worst poster in this community and it’s not even close.
  22. Except that Chip at least was trying to anticipate trends. His offense was rudimentary in design but modern in execution and speed. Whereas the Bills’ strategy on both offense and defense can best be described as “hiding under the blanket so bad things won’t happen.”
  23. Sorry but this is a weak take.
  24. I suspect there are two games coming up on his schedule that will get him back on track... BB LOVES beating up the Bills with their own discarded sneaker.
  25. I suspect McD is the type of coach who is quick to run his players out for not getting in line, but extraordinarily stubborn about refusing to hold coaches accountable. Plus he’s a young first time coach who probably feels like he owes lots of favors to his staff for choosing to follow him and support him. And he picked his own GM! Think Beane is gonna pressure McD to make changes? Don’t expect anything different folks, it ain’t happening unless the Pegulas wake up.
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