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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Do they think they're all set at linebacker and edge????
  2. Exactly. He is an Eli Manning clone in so many ways. How on Earth do the Giants pass on him?
  3. But the video of him doing this would be priceless...
  4. You make a good case for it. It wouldn't shock me.
  5. You've "seen with your own eyes" pictures of the Earth taken from outer space, and you've concluded that they must be "artist renditions" because they don't look similar to one another? And you've sprung from that (flawed) conclusion to even flimsier ones, i.e., that the Earth might be flat and the moon landing was phony? Do I have that right? If I do, if you're indeed "educated," our education system is a disaster.
  6. The Cowboys should cut bait on Dez and sign Sammy.
  7. This is where we're at as a society in 2018. For decades we've underinvested in education, refused to fire underperforming teachers, and have permitted (through moral relativism and other questionable doctrines) unscientific "beliefs" to compete on an equal playing field against cold, hard, empirical evidence. Now we're saddled with millions of semi-literate voters who will believe anything they semi-read on the internet. The conditions were set up for external manipulation via fake news - whether or not that actually happened/caused a particular result, there is no question that America is, well, just plain stupid, and readily susceptible to "alternative facts" such as "the moon landing was faked" and "the Earth is flat." We've collectively gotten dumber as a society.
  8. I'm sorry but... this is one of the dumbest things I've ever read, anywhere, ever, in my entire life. I'm trying hard not to attack you personally. I am hoping you don't actually believe in this "argument."
  9. I'm not sure how proud God is...
  10. Maybe, in your case, evolution just "didn't take"...
  11. Bortles is the PERFECT quarterback for Marrone - he’s a built-in excuse. Only a saint could win with Blake Bortles.
  12. Bortles just scrambled for 14 on 3rd and long.
  13. No dude, you're the one being either purposely obtuse or downright clueless. There is an opioid epidemic going on. You're talking about it being ok to "execute" drug dealers - you need to follow that argument to its (more) extreme conclusions.
  14. What are you talking about - it has everything to do with it. What political spin?
  15. If by "tolerance" you mean "not getting shot in the head," yes, I think I'm being far more rational. And pot smokers aren't "ill." EDIT: to say nothing of the drug companies who legally make billions off of furthering the opioid epidemic. Anyway that's my last post on this, I don't need another warning shot.
  16. It's not complicated, no, it's just insane.
  17. If someone sells a dime bag of weed they should be shot in the head. Got it.
  18. That was my thought - it's Duerte's platform. Interesting thing to say. I guess it doesn't count (in his mind) as "politicizing a tragedy"?
  19. Amazing the things people will say on a message board.
  20. Uh, they tried to trade for him last year (reportedly). Don't be so sure he doesn't fit the program.
  21. Wawrow is exactly right. Cutting Tyrod now, just to scratch an itch among an annoying part of the fanbase, makes no sense. They screwed this up royally with Fitz and it's nice to see them learning. EDIT: ^^see above^^ as if on cue...
  22. Am I the only one who sees a hitch in Rosen’s throwing motion? He pats the ball before throwing it.
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