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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. I’m sorry - if you think this is some Obama-backed hit job, with all of the intervening causal links that would need to be accounted for - you’re mouth-breathing insane.
  2. I doubt even more that the judicial officers - knowing how politically sensitive this would all end up being - would risk failing to dot every “i” and cross every “t” in connection with executing this search and seizure. The risk of blowback would be far too great.
  3. Ok - so let me make sure I have this right - a cabal of liberal elites, furious that “Crooked Hillary” lost the election to a political outsider - have co-opted the DOJ, the FBI, the mainstream media, and - best of all - the Trump-appointed (and Trump-interviewed, a Presidential first) U.S. Attorney in New York, AND a sitting SDNY magistrate judge - in order to pursue an overbroad, illegal warrant against Trump’s personal lawyer - who broke no laws - with the aim of turning up something they might be able to use to obtain some vague leverage over the President. Do I got that right, nutbag?
  4. What track record of Southern District of New York warrant over-issuance or overreaching are you referring to? I’ll take one example.
  5. That might be a decent argument - if it had happened.
  6. Are we anti-lying now? Yes or no, is lying bad?
  7. You're right about the drop-ins, I shouldn't do that - but this place is such a cesspool, a Fox & Friends circle-jerk. You say "different opinions are welcome" but most of you don't want discussion or divergent views. You folks mistake the echo of your own voices with some kind of broad, national consensus. People like me avoid this place because it's toxic and, frankly, boring. Whenever someone pursues a counter-argument with any real vigor, he or she gets called an idiot by DC Tom, and the rest of you snicker like hyenas because "someone got emotional" - isn't that just hilarious? Someone getting emotional? Here is a challenge: see if you (the broad "You") can respond to a discussion about potential crimes committed by Trump and his cronies, without resorting to the words "But Obama," "But Hillary," or "But CNN..." see how many posts you can run up without that happening - I bet you don't get farther than 2 or 3 in a thread. As for me being a smart guy, that's debatable. You and I aren't so far off in terms of our actual views about human nature, and I suspect we'd enjoy having a beer (and a shot) together. Unfortunately PPP - "the taint of TBD" - doesn't bring out the best in people.
  8. Oh please. There has been no "end run around" anything. You're such a psychotic conspiracy-monger. Everything the Left does is an attack on fundamental freedoms, and the survival of the State is imperiled. Please, enough with the John Galt melodrama. The attorney-client privilege is a strong - but penetrable - doctrine. The crime/fraud exception is well-recognized. SDNY judges and magistrates are not "on the take" - this was a judicially-authorized search, not some coup or grand conspiracy. He's PPP's Colonel Kurtz - he lords over the zombie hordes, the one-eyed old king in the land of the blind.
  9. Taking a RB at 2 and passing up multiple picks? That has the makings of one of the dumbest draft-day decisions in recent memory. And I continue to say - Barkley will be a bust in any event. Guice, Michel and Penny are going to be more productive.
  10. You need it recounted? Lying on a daily basis? Requesting loyalty from high-ranking law enforcement officials? How much time you got?
  11. You're right I'm angry. I'm tired of it. I'm a registered independent, I've voted for both parties in Presidential elections over the past two decades. What Trump has done to our institutions is disgraceful - and the only thing worse is the hordes of zombies, trolls, and unabashed racists who cheer him on because "he ain't afraid to tell it like it is."
  12. Congrats on being a self-admitted troll.
  13. Oh yeah? The institution of the Presidency is where you draw the line? And I'm sure you harbored no such thoughts about his predecessor. You're part of the "swamp."
  14. You're a Russian bot. Why do you exist?
  15. Will the deplorables keep defending these guys when the gavel finally falls?
  16. There were plans to sell season tickets and increase revenue - but that's about it. Lots of salary shed in late August during the Ralph years.
  17. I agree with many of these. I think Barkley will end up being a bust (his ceiling is Reggie Bush's career, to me). Mayfield and Rosen (in that order) are the only two QBs I like. I love Guice and Michel.
  18. Whatever. I view this as win-win. If the Pats have gotten fidgety because of the Bills’ and Jets’ moves and want to trade a boatload of draft capital for a player who won’t play for 2-4 years, all the while poking Brady in both eyes and creating an off-season media feeding frenzy around a “QB Competiton in Foxboro,” freakin’ let them have at it. I will get my popcorn and watch those asshats get what they deserve. More likely: they’ll draft Hurst or an edge rusher.
  19. You forgot what they feel they might do.
  20. And consider this: if Allen does "buck the trend," he'll pave the way for dozens of terrible QB prospects to be overdrafted based upon athletic traits, just when the pendulum was starting to swing in the other direction (thanks to Jamarcus Russell).
  21. Just because it can be explained doesn't mean it can be corrected. It's that simple. Can he make quick decisions under pressure and get the ball out accurately? We have no idea, because he's never shown he can do it. Ever. If I'm a GM with my job on the line, I'd prefer to have an idea.
  22. The Bills could draft two QBs. I continue to believe that Peterman’s roster spot is (and should be) in serious trouble.
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