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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. I’m sure they showed their board to Sal.
  2. This is one of the most uniformed takes I've ever seen. There are so many false premises here, it would take hours to deconstruct and rebut them all. Real quick, your "construct" is as follows: blacks are more likely to commit crimes (FALSE) because blacks are more likely to be poor (POSSIBLY TRUE) because of failed liberal policies aimed at helping blacks (COMPLETELY FALSE). The drug laws, among many other problems with your ridiculous (and transparently racist) argument, were SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to subjugate minorities. How do I know this? I spent an entire semester at law school pouring over the legislative history of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, and it's abundantly clear from the legislative record that trumped-up conspiracies and fears regarding minorities were the key impetus for significantly harsher Federal drug penalties. Oh, and wanna know why there are so many single-parent households in poor black neighborhoods? THE DRUG LAWS. Again, this is one of many, many flaws in your ridiculous, racist, premise. And enough with your pretense about rescuing black people from plantation owners like me. You're not fooling ANYONE with your fake, um, I wanna say virtue-signaling but...
  3. Just admit it!! Why not do it. Just do it! You folks spend HOURS in this alt right circle jerk assuring each other that you're not racist, that the media is out to get you, that liberals are uninformed hypocrites, etc. You'd spare us all a lot of time just coming right out and saying what we all know you believe, deep down...
  4. Someone's getting emotional, amirite? Does this count as a whine?
  5. No, that's not it. It's because they're actually, you know, racist. They know it. We know it. It's known. Let's just have them admit it. Why not admit it? Some of you spend hours and hours on this forum beating around the bush - just say it! You think America was a better country when blacks and hispanics and other minority groups were "in their place," when "men acted like men" and it was ok to hit a b--ch and maybe be a little bit rapey. Amirite? JUST ADMIT IT. Nope.
  6. You aren’t following the discussion Boyst. I’m not “disagreeing with the statistics” - I’m explaining why they don’t mean what he says they mean. Committing crimes and being arrested for crimes are two different things. But it doesn’t matter, he reveals his true views when he says that the “black community” needs to confront the issue. Folks, if you’re gonna be a racist, just admit it. Stop trying to hide and deflect.
  7. No. What you've pointed to are (uncited) statistics which would demonstrate that blacks are more likely to be arrested/convicted of crimes. Those supposed stats would not stand for the proposition you're citing it for, which is that blacks are more likely to commit crimes. And I wonder what happens to your alleged stats when you remove drug arrests from the equation? I bet we both know.
  8. Ridiculous - and you know it. A higher percentage of black people may be ARRESTED and/or CHARGED but that doesn't correlate to commission of crimes. In fact that's precisely the point of the protests... Your motives are so damn transparent Tasker. Just come out and admit what you are, everyone knows it - just say it. Say the word. Do it. Can't wait till you Boomers die out.
  9. I'm somewhat concerned the Bills will get leapfrogged if they don't pull the trigger soon.
  10. I doubt it's intentional.
  11. And when they run out of arguments, they attack the poster, the source of the information, or rail against media bias/conspiracies.
  12. It's a bunch of neocons and "get off my porch or I'll shoot" fantasy-libertarians (as opposed to classical liberal libertarians), interspersed with the "Fox 'N' Friends" parrots and a few quasi-racist lunatics who live in their parents' basements. Stay away.
  13. There is a database of "unarmed black deaths"? Which also lists the perpetrators?? For a good reason - to stoke his base. As this thread demonstrates, it worked.
  14. “When did you stop beating your country?”
  15. Agreed. Jerry Reese would be settled on picking his QB or dealing with the Bills by now. Gettleman is not a forward-thinker and both us and the Giants may pay for that...
  16. This is my view. He has elite measurables - he does not play at an elite level. He runs soft and his vision is suspect. It would be a tremendous waste of draft resources to pick him at 2 when you factor in the opportunity cost of passing on the Bills’ trade package.
  17. No one - NO ONE - is as clueless under "live fire" as Todd Bowles.
  18. He is the worst sideline coach in the NFL.
  19. This has been a thing with Hue since his days in Oakland. He's a talker and a BS artist.
  20. Todd Bowles is hanging by a thread, make no mistake.
  21. That makes sense, I mean, they don't want to get leapfrogged at 1...
  22. Good stuff. Waiting to see which clown copies the entire post in the response.
  23. Anyone remember the show Man versus Beast? There was a legendary segment where a track athlete was racing a zebra, and Carl Lewis was the commentator. They had Carl Lewis break down his "keys to the race" for each participant, and one of Carl Lewis's "keys to the race" for the zebra to win was that the zebra must "realize it's a race."
  24. I'm caught up but still somewhat indifferent - but without Winkler it's not even worth watching. He's KILLING it on that show (just like he did in Arrested Development).
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