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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. Correct. There are lots of potential benefits. Kills me when white men get worked up about “qualifications” - jobs and privileges have been handed to us for thousands of years. You are wasting electrons.
  2. With all due respect, working at Leonardi’s Pizza is a bit different than working for a billion dollar sports and entertainment franchise.
  3. Enough! If she’s smart and a good listener and a good delegator, that’s about 95% of it and for millennia men have been getting jobs like this handed to them because of their dads or their friends and no one thought twice about it - and if you think you’re that much more qualified quit moaning about it on a message board and get working on your resume. I say all of that with much love.
  4. This is where you always go off the rails. You pretend to demand objectivity yet you come into these discussions with an obvious (and harebrained) bias.
  5. Yikes. For the record I stopped agreeing with you about 5 posts back... you've gone well off the rails. You were right when you said "we don't know what happened yet." Since then...
  6. That may be so if you're in a position of ultimate power and everyone is effectively a subordinate. But it's not always the case. And usually if it's disclosed right away, there is considerable discretion in terms of the company's response. Anyhow, we're still just speculating as to what actually happened. And sorry you've been through it. I can somewhat relate.
  7. That's a dangerous statement - ANY circumstance in which a male dates a female subordinate is not acceptable? I don't think that's right, and it's not even most companies' policies. You just need to disclose it (most of the time) so that you don't unfairly disadvantage OTHER employees who you're not dating, among other issues and circumstances.
  8. I wonder what his parachute looks like - it appears he resigned, so he wasn't fired for cause, but nor would he necessarily have gotten any $$ on the way out (although perhaps he negotiated something). But he probably had deferred comp and future bonus etc. that he left on the table. In other words, these encounters may have cost him a boatload of cash.
  9. If he did what stuff? It just depends on what he did. If he made unwanted advances/harassed female employees, I'm with you 100%. If he dated subordinates in consensual relationships, but failed to disclose it to the owners in violation of company policy (and perhaps used personal email accounts to correspond with his partners, which could be the "other stuff"), it's fairly common activity and possibly not all that reprehensible. We just don't know what he did, yet.
  10. Damn. That's a sad way to go out for a hometown kid who worked his way up. Like him or hate him, he worked his tail off for both franchises.
  11. Pettine loves his cornerbacks.
  12. Don't be afraid of opinions.
  13. You guys can stop guessing, the answer was revealed up-thread. Do people even read threads before replying to them?
  14. He's not really like Jay Cutler as an overall player/person - but both players over-rely on their arm strength to their advantage and disadvantage. Cutler never bothered to fix his mechanics and would heave the ball up for grabs off his back foot 2-5 times per game. Allen has flashed some of that in college and it's up to him to fix it.
  15. The real question is which QB Beane was willing to pay 3 firsts for - would it have been Allen or Darnold?
  16. But this is also what bugs me about the pick. It will likely take years to try to develop the guy and the debate will rage within the fanbase and locker room about whether he has “it” or not - with one camp insisting he has he tools and blaming the coaches for not developing him, and another constituency convinced he’ll never be successful. Talented QBs who lack a feel for the game suck years out of a franchise and kill coaches’ careers. I just don’t think this was a risk worth taking with Rosen sitting there. Then again, Rosen is the type who would go straight to the owner (or media) with his gripes about the pop gun offense that McDermott seems to favor, so I get why he wasn’t the choice... Ugh.
  17. You know, I’m starting to wonder. I was convinced he was the guy for us at 7 and I’ve been pissed about it since. And I tend to agree with the notion that these supposed character concerns are made-up and overblown around draft season, and Highsmith’s knife-twist seems unprofessional and unfair. But yet... I’m starting to wonder. Something about these stories is starting to stick with me. I suspect there is more that Highsmith didn’t say. It does seem like Rosen just isn’t very well-liked, regardless of what his left tackle has to say about it... There is something there, I think.
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