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Coach Tuesday

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Everything posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. That is good info and it is wild - there are tens of thousands of rub-and-tug joints in this country and the authorities went all in on this one? Why??
  2. This is really, really bizarre. Multiple billionaires getting busted over $50 handies? How did the cops get their names and birthdates? Were they paying with credit cards? How did the cops get video access? Unusual for the perps to be the main target of a massage parlor bust, they usually just shut the place down, arrest the owners, and send the johns home. But this was a full-on sting with the customers seemingly the main target - this is all just super weird.
  3. Daniel Young is not young - that dude is in his late eighties. Let him live his life!
  4. Why wouldn't the Eagles just swap Foles for Fournette straight up? Not sure how McCoy helps this get done.
  5. I am surprised a corpse can get $3.5M even in this day and age.
  6. Tom, should the tax laws amended to make it harder for corporations (and wealthy individuals) to employ creative tax strategies to significantly reduce their income tax obligations? That’s my question now - and that was my original question. Do you have an opinion? Or will you continue being your grouchy, partisan, hypocrital self? It’s funny - I didn’t call anyone here names in my OP, but have been called many names in response. I didn’t call anyone on this forum a racist (although a bunch of racists quickly outed themselves in this thread). I raised a question for discussion and, just as I expected, the masses who have ruined this forum would prefer to name-call, and would prefer (without reading my post or knowing my poltics) to paint me as the New Left. If you would like to know my politics, just ask me. I despise Trump, I was disgusted with Obama. I’d vote libertarian before I’d vote for Bernie Sanders. I hate progressive politics. I hate the modern incarnation of the GOP, which is more outcome-focused than rights-focused. For example.
  7. Hey pal - note that I specifically noted that Amazon likely didn’t break any laws. I raised the question as to whether the laws should be revised, and wondered whether this issue should be more of a focus than the hate-mongering that both sides would much prefer to engage in. Try actually reading. You remain king of the garbage heap, Tom. The 10k doesn’t reveal their tax strategy and in any event they’ve not broken any laws. The issue is whether the laws should be changed - I’m undecided on it actually.
  8. How about you answer the question Ryan? I know it’s not a Tyrod thread but still...
  9. They also had like a decade plus of unprofitability (despite huge revenue), so they may have engaged in a strategy designed to carry the losses forward? Curious to hear what you find.
  10. http://fortune.com/2019/02/14/amazon-doesnt-pay-federal-taxes-2019/ I know many of you would rather focus with bloodthirsty zeal on hoards of so-called rapists coming over the border to find white women, but I thought I'd post an actual, real problem that the demagogues don't want us to focus on. What do we think about it? Amazon's tax strategies most surely are fully legal - and is that a problem? I'm surprised (I guess, actually I'm not surprised) that the "drain the swamp" crowd isn't more focused on this kind of issue. I'm not sure where I fall on it - I cannot stand progressive politics that chase businesses out of communities that need them (see, e.g.., Amazon in Long Island City and Buffalo from 1980-2015), but it also seems galling that tax laws (and loopholes) allow the biggest earners (corporate and individual) to shirk the obligations the rest of us face. Thoughts?
  11. So by extension you'd view the Quentin Nelson pick as a mistake by the Colts?
  12. He has his work cut out for him - the pro personnel acquisitions under the Beane regime have been mediocre-to-terrible. They've done much better in college scouting. The next good offensive FA they sign will be the first.
  13. Huh? By your logic, a player who chooses to sign with a team in FA has less loyalty to that team than a player who is traded to that team against his will???
  14. Whatever. The Browns are actually trying to WIN GAMES. Beane should focus on adding football players who can help the team win games. I stand by my view that Beane will be out of a job come January 2020.
  15. Problem seems to be mental.
  16. Yeah it's Benoit not Breer - Benoit is pretty good at breaking down film. Breer is plugged into the league for news, etc. Brandt offers excellent salary cap and front office-related content due to his time in the Packers organization. MMQB is a great site.
  17. Social media is a curse.
  18. So the Chargers were forced to settle for Derwin James, who as a rookie was probably the best safety in football....
  19. You keep doing this - why?
  20. you're Also, Goff floated that first pass to Cooks in the endzone, giving McCourty time to cover ground and break up the play. Big miss. Just make the plays that are there to be made and you can win games against anyone, including the Pats.
  21. Gilmore was running the Rams' routes last night, which is a testament to his film study and preparation (an overlooked aspect of his game when he was in Buffalo).
  22. So weird. To me this game came down to the fact that the Rams are a new team with a fickle fanbase that didn't really travel for the game. The Patriots' fans were there in droves and they were loud - it felt like a Patriots home game. When the Rams were on offense it was loud, and it definitely impacted their ability to execute. Couple that with the fact that they're younger and perhaps less mentally tough (specifically, players like Goff and Gurley) and the result was not surprising.
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