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Coach Tuesday

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Posts posted by Coach Tuesday

  1. 8 hours ago, BillsPride12 said:

    I would take Allen over Lamar anyday of the week, he is the better QB for sure.  Allen at his best this season is better than Lamar at his best this season.....BUT...the thing that killed Allen's chances at winning MVP this year was having more bad games/moments as well.  Particularly the Jets game which was really a loss squarely on Josh's shoulders.  I mean Dorsey might have played a role in this problem too but the voters won't look at it like that.  I still think Allen wins an MVP or two before his career is over but this season just wasn't meant to be with some of the turnovers and poor performances mixed in with the brilliance.  

    Ironically, that makes Allen more deserving of the honor.  As he goes his team goes, usually.

  2. 4 minutes ago, HappyDays said:

    So yeah they played for 3 with all 3 TOs... Not a fan of that clock management at all, not with this squad of superstars.

    What a bad message he sent to his offense there.  Just a total lack of confidence.  I thought his clock management skills had rebounded from that epic Super Bowl meltdown but perhaps not.  Shanny might be a Tuesday coach.

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