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Everything posted by JarHeadJim

  1. http://www.news-press.com/apps/pbcs.dll/ar.../412230444/1075
  2. I will be in town hopeing to find some tickets.
  3. Nice moring Wood
  4. One More http://www.imdb.com/gallery/ss/0328589/Ss/...,%20Diane%20(I)
  5. You need to see the Movie "Unfaithful
  6. http://www.safesearching.com/2k/assets/pho..._c_couch002.jpg
  7. Daryl Gross from USC (The one in Cali) will be the new AD on Friday He is a football guy who brought Pete Carol to USC Hello Norm Chow
  8. I have 3 ex's can you narrow it down some?
  9. Subject: Mattel Christmas Toys > >Subject: Mattel Toy Company has announced the released of models of >limited editions Barbie Dolls made exclusively for the Rochester Market >just in time for Christmas. > >Pittsford Barbie: This spoiled Princess Barbie is sold exclusively at >Eastview Mall. She comes with 45 credit cards, an assortment of Kate >Spade handbags, a white BMW, a fluffy white lapdog, and a perfect cookie >cutter house. Options include tummy tuck, face lift and a workaholic Ken >to support her high maintenance habits. > >Mendon Barbie: This trendy homemaker Barbie is free with any new Locust >Hill Country Club Membership. Barbie comes equipped with a silver Lexus >SUV. She gets lost easily outside of $750,000 neighborhoods and has no >full time occupation besides gazing at the lawn & pool maintenance guys. >Traffic jamming video cell phone sold separately. > >Park Avenue Barbie: This annoying clueless NYC wannabe yuppie Barbie can >be purchased at Parkleigh or through City Newspaper. Barbie comes with a >souped up yellow Hummer 2, Starbucks Cup, library card and a homosexual >Ken. > >Greece Barbie: >This brassy, gum-chewing, jet black dyed puffy hair Barbie can be >purchased on Latta.....no, can't get there, make that Long Pond....no, >can't get there, make that English Road....no, can't get there, make >that Fetzner....no, can't get there, ...Just look up and down Route 104 >for the darn toy.....Barbie comes with a "2 sizes too small" leather >miniskirt, unpedicured feet, sandals with 5 inch heels, 12 pieces of >fake gold jewelry and a Chrysler 300 with a rosary looped around the >rear view mirror. > >Avenue D Barbie: >Available at Aldi's between 9:00 to Noon the first day of the month >only. This recently paroled Barbie comes with 8 children, a slightly >used 9 mm handgun, house arrest ankle bracelet, Ray Lewis knife, pager >number of her caseworker and Cadillac with tinted windows & working >methadone lab. Options include specialized gang colors and the 8 fathers >of the 8 children. > >Three One Five Barbie: >Ain't got no stores in Wayne County to buy it.....But, keep >trying....This Barbie's Father is also is her Uncle and her Uncle is >also her Cousin and her Cousin is also her Brother and her Brother has a >different father.....She comes in Wrangler blue jeans,and a NASCAR >T-Shirt. She can chug a six pack of Coors Light and spit tobacco. She >drives a pick up truck with a Confederate Flag in the cap window. > >Chili Barbie: >This culturally diverse Barbie can be purchased in Chili, Gates Chili, >Wheatland Chili, North Chili, or Churchville Chili. Pull Barbie's string >and she says, "It's CH-EYE-LYE, not CHILL-EE". Barbie comes dressed in >camouflage riding an ATV on railroad tracks. Pet pit bull included. > >Webster Barbie: >This Barbie is only sold door to door as an athletic fund raiser. Barbie >comes with 3 different Sport Booster Club gear. Barbie can easily be >turned into Soccer Mom, Football Mom or Hockey Mom. Webster Barbie shops >at Wegman's daily and knows what everyone else in Webster is doing, how >they do it, when they did it, where they did it, with whom they did it >with and how much everything cost!
  10. http://www.suathletics.com/News/Football/2...p?path=football
  11. I have the same two stevestojantty games
  12. wow huge news, Pace going off 10pts 8 rebs so far!
  13. If anyone cares http://www.suathletics.com/index.asp
  14. also aaa/aa batries disposable cameras
  15. Thank you for your support The things Marines need in the field the most are personal hygiene gear. Baby wipes Disposable razors shaving cream tooth paste tooth brushes foot powder The smaller the better. Nice to have items Cards Dominoes Magazines Semper Fi
  16. http://www.dribbleglass.com/boobs/index.htm
  17. That's odd usually the french surrender before any gun is fired.
  18. A young Marine and his cover man cautiously enter a room just recently > filled with insurgents armed with Ak-47's and RPG's. There are three > dead, another wailing in pain. The insurgent can be heard saying, > "Mister, mister! Diktoor, diktoor(doctor)!" He is badly wounded, lying > in a pool of his own blood. The Marine and his cover man slowly walk > toward the injured man, scanning to make sure no enemies come from > behind. In a split second, the pressure in the room greatly exceeds > that of the outside, and the concussion seems to be felt before the > blast is heard. Marines outside rush to the room, and look in horror > as the dust gradually settles. The result is a room filled with the > barely recognizable remains of the deceased, caused by an insurgent > setting off several pounds of explosives. > The Marines' remains are gathered by teary eyed > comrades, brothers in arms, and shipped home in a box. The families > can only > mourn over a casket and a picture of their loved one, a life cut short > by someone who hid behind a white flag. But no one hears these > stories, except > those who have lived to carry remains of a friend, and the families > who loved the dead. No one hears this, so no one cares. > > This is the story everyone hears: > > A young Marine and his fire team cautiously enter a room just recently > filled with insurgents armed with AK-47's and RPG's. There are three > dead, another wailing in pain. The insugent can be heard saying, > "Mister,mister! Diktoor, diktoor(doctor)!" He is badly > wounded.Suddenly, he pulls from under > his bloody clothes a grenade, without the pin. The explosion rocks the room, > killing one Marine, wounding the others. The young Marine catches > shrapnel in the face. The next day, same Marine, same type of > situation, a different story. The young Marine and his cover man enter > a room with two wounded insurgents. One > lies on the floor in puddle of blood, another against the > wall. A reporter and his camera survey the wreckage inside, and in the > background can be heard the voice of a Marine, "He's moving, he's moving!" > The pop of a rifle is heard, and the insurgent against the wall is now dead. > > Minutes, hours later, the scene is aired on national television, and > the Marine is being held for commiting a war crime. Unlawful killing. > > And now, another Marine has the possibility of being burned at the > stake for > protecting the life of his > brethren. His family now wrings their hands in grief, tears streaming > down their face. Brother, should I have been in your boots, i too > would have done the same. > > For those of you who don't know, we Marines, Band of Brothers, > Jarheads, Leathernecks, etc., do not fight because we think it is > right, or think it is wrong. We are here for the man to our left, and > the man to our right. We choose to give our lives so that the man or > woman next to us can go home and see their husbands, wives, children, > friends and families. > > For those of you who sit on your couches in front of your television, > and choose to condemn this man's actions, I have but one thing to say > to you. Get out of you recliner, lace up my boots, pick up a rifle, > leave your family behind and join me. See what I've seen, walk where I > have walked. To those of you who support us, my sincerest gratitude. > You keep us > alive. > > I am a Marine currently doing his second tour in Iraq. These are my opinions > and mine alone. They do not represent those of the Marine Corps or of > the US > military, or any other. > > Sincerely, > > LCPL Schmidt > USMC
  19. Yes I will (kidding)
  20. My bad this was meant for the Political board
  21. From todays wall st Some 40 Marines have just lost their lives cleaning out one of the world's worst terror dens, in Fallujah, yet all the world wants to talk about is the NBC videotape of a Marine shooting a prostrate Iraqi inside a mosque. Have we lost all sense of moral proportion? The al-Zarqawi TV network, also known as Al-Jazeera, has broadcast the tape to the Arab world, and U.S. media have also played it up. The point seems to be to conjure up images again of Abu Ghraib, further maligning the American purpose in Iraq . Never mind that the pictures don't come close to telling us about the context of the incident, much less what was on the mind of the soldier after days of combat. Put yourself in that Marine's boots. He and his mates have had to endure some of the toughest infantry duty imaginable, house-to-house urban fighting against an enemy that neither wears a uniform nor obeys any normal rules of war. Here is how that enemy fights, according to an account in the Times of London: "In the south of Fallujah yesterday, U.S. Marines found the armless, legless body of a blonde woman, her throat slashed and her entrails cut out. Benjamin Finnell, a hospital apprentice with the U.S. Navy Corps, said that she had been dead for a while, but at that location for only a day or two. The woman was wearing a blue dress; her face had been disfigured. It was unclear if the remains were the body of the Irish-born aid worker Margaret Hassan, 59, or of Teresa Borcz, 54, a Pole abducted two weeks ago. Both were married to Iraqis and held Iraqi citizenship; both were kidnapped in Baghdad last month." When not disemboweling Iraqi women, these killers hide in mosques and hospitals, booby-trap dead bodies, and open fire as they pretend to surrender. Their snipers kill U.S. soldiers out of nowhere. According to one account, the Marine in the videotape had seen a member of his unit killed by another insurgent pretending to be dead. Who from the safety of his Manhattan sofa has standing to judge what that Marine did in that mosque? Beyond the one incident, think of what the Marine and Army units just accomplished in Fallujah. In a single week, they killed as many as 1,200 of the enemy and captured 1,000 more. They did this despite forfeiting the element of surprise, so civilians could escape, and while taking precautions to protect Iraqis that no doubt made their own mission more difficult and hazardous. And they did all of this not for personal advantage, and certainly not to get rich, but only out of a sense of duty to their comrades, their mission and their country. In a more grateful age, this would be hailed as one of the great battles in Marine history -- with Guadalcanal, Peleliu, Hue City and the Chosin Reservoir. We'd know the names of these military units, and of many of the soldiers too. Instead, the name we know belongs to the NBC correspondent, Kevin Sites. We suppose he was only doing his job, too. But that doesn't mean the rest of us have to indulge in the moral abdication that would equate deliberate televised beheadings of civilians with a Marine shooting a terrorist, who may or may not have been armed, amid the ferocity of battle.
  22. After lastnight game atleast we have this sight to look forward too
  23. If you haven't already, try entering wet, top, or kiss. But whatever you do, don't ask her to change
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