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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Remember when people were hoping for Christian Kirksey to start over Bernard, coming off injury and not knowing the playbook?
  2. It's also more prevalent with good teams. Vets who are on the fence to begin with think "I'll stick it out another year because I have a chance at a Lombardi". Then they come in and realize they really don't want to put that work in. I think Kirksey was probably thinking about it already but saw an opportunity here with Bernard being a big question mark. Now that it seems he's got the MLB position on lock and Kirksey would probably be sitting on the PS making peanuts and would only being called upon if Bernard got hurt - he decided he'd rather be with his family, my guess.
  3. If Williams gets tried at MLB, it won't be this season. McDermott isn't going to put a Rookie out there on the fly that's been exclusively playing another position all year. And Williams was put at OLB in large part because outside of Matt Milano, we have absolutely no one who can play the position - if he were to get hurt and when he needs a breather.
  4. Someone go check on @Warriorspikes51 😜 Joking aside, this is something that happens frequently in the NFL. An aging vet sees an opening on a squad for playing time and signs. Then the player they thought they'd hop steps up and they decide at their age they'd rather be with their family then put in the work and sit on the bench. It's what I imagined happened with Brandon Shell too. It's also possible he was having a harder time than he imagined getting the playbook and the role here down. Like I said when he was signed and people wanted to start him Week 1 - McDermott brings new players (even at easier positions to get down) a lot slower than other coaches. Being the MLB in his complicated Defense was going to take some serious time. And it was always extremely unlikely that he'd both a.) Get it down quickly and b.) McDermott would play him quickly. It's sad that this is the route he chose because even though Terrel Bernard has exceeded expectations, we're now just an injury away from Tyrel Dodson or AJ Klein. Though perhaps Kirskey just felt he didn't have it in him to hold it down here, even in that event. Here's hoping Bernard stays healthy.
  5. Everyone around here was begging for an injured vet switching teams and learning the playbook on the fly to be hoisted above him immediately without Bernard even given a shot. It was ridiculous. Here's hoping Bernard keeps Kirksey in the "break glass in case of emergency" role he was signed for.
  6. It is if Stefon Diggs is bothered by it and doesn't accept her apology, which it seems he is and he doesn't. Had Diggs not said anything about it, I could see a chance she kept the job. But when you're a reporter employed by the team and you publicly (knowingly or unknowingly) disparage one of the biggest stars on the team and it causes a problem - that's a hard one to come back from. Unfortunately, she's too far down the totem pole to be causing issues with someone who is much more important in that building and get away with it. I don't think anyone's rooting for someone to lose their job here. But this is a "it is what it is" type of situation. Diggs may not technically be her boss - but the idea's the same. If you get caught on a recording talking down someone above you and they don't just laugh it off, you're probably going to get fired.
  7. Really doesn't matter. They chose Ifedi and it'll be he or Van Demark if Brown gets hurt or needs to be benched. We made a move at OT just last week. Really no use in fans bringing up every OT that gets released going forward. We're not going to stockpile released OT's and swap out guys midseason. At most, they'd sign someone like Collins to the Practice Squad. Even then, it would probably be at the cost of Richard Gouraige, who showed some things worthy of developing.
  8. I think a lot of it is trying to make everyone happy. I also feel like he's feeling the pressure a little bit this season after being the Madden cover boy and being approached to do all sorts of commercials. He wants to prove he's "that guy". He's also feeling the pressure of the lofty expectations of the team and having come up short the past couple seasons. He has to play a little smarter. And I'm not talking about taking hits. I'm talking about these 70 yard bombs he's throwing with people in his face when he doesn't have his legs planted or is on the run. Both of those picks I could tell had no shot of being a completion as soon as he let it go and he should too. He's got to get out of his head and just focus on playing his game. Damn what everyone else is saying. Damn what everyone else is expecting. If a lane is open, take off and run. If someone's open and you aren't under extreme duress and can really lead into your throw with your feet underneath you, take a shot. Other than that, take what's there to whoever is open or in a good matchup. Diggs or otherwise.
  9. Either a.) He didn't want to come back to Buffalo or b.) Kromer, Beane, and/or McDermott weren't interested in a 41 year old player. He was available and we chose to sign Germain Ifedi instead. If he signed to a Practice Squad deal, it obviously wasn't a money issue.
  10. Right now, I'm just of the mind that it was just Week 1. It was gross, for sure. But good teams sometimes take a few weeks to put things together. We're far from the only good team to have lost in Week 1. I find it hard to believe that after the past few years that Josh just can't play anymore. He's got to put it together quickly, but he's still a top QB in this league. So I'm just taking coach speak to heart. "We're on to the Raiders". Last night happened, but don't dwell on it too much. I'm not going to start panicking after 1 bad game.
  11. We're far from the only good team that lost Week 1. And historically, Week 1 has been a bit of a Wild Card in the NFL. Some teams have it all together out of the gate, just to come back down to Earth midseason. Some good teams don't start cooking for a couple weeks. It was a gross loss. No two ways about it. Josh looked TERRIBLE. But it's just Week 1. Let's wait until at least Week 3 before we self destruct.
  12. Josh needs to stop throwing missiles that deep downfield when he's under duress and without his feet underneath him. Both picks he's just wildly launching it without his feet under him or locked in.
  13. Did not know you could step on the line of scrimmage, launch in the air, throw the ball beyond the line midair and it's legal because your feet were last at the line. You learn something new every day.
  14. He's entering just Year 2 of a complicated Defense in which he got a total of 43 snaps on Defense as a Rookie. Wayyyyy too early to assume he's a "wasted pick".
  15. Interesting nothing came of this on the Bills side. From the sounds of his agents tweets, it seemed like for a time we were going to let him go. But that never happened. Wonder if he's still being paid and what the plan is going forward.
  16. Very good post. This is the kind of thing I'm constantly talking about that gets me into hot water with some posters. On one hand, this is a place to talk about our opinions and views on players and what should or shouldn't be done. On the other, if it doesn't line up with Beane and McDermott's motus operandi, which is pretty clear entering their 7th season here, it doesn't really matter. Ultimately, it's more about how they view players, their investments and plans in them, and their track record of how they handle situations. I tend to weigh that over a personal opinion, my own or someone else's.
  17. Well, you handled it better than I expected 😆 Bernard is the starter and will be the starter until if/when he proves he can't handle the job. The plan was always to see if he could handle the job after spending a 3rd on him last season. Kirksey is going to be brought along slowly and eased in. He's not going to start unless Bernard flames out. And honestly, we shouldn't be hoping for that.
  18. I expect him to play. But if he doesn't, Edwards started in the last Pre-Season game while he was out. Fairly positive it would be him.
  19. I don't think it's going to happen that quickly or that cheaply. Shaq and Jordan got decent contracts from other teams, but nothing like what Edmunds got in Chicago. If it doesn't work out in Chicago, another team will still pay a good amount for him based on his attributes, thinking they can make it work there. Maybe that team will be us. But it's not going to be a Phillips or Lawson situation where he comes back for pennies without competition from other teams.
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