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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Damn, you trying for one of them fancy restricted accounts? 😆
  2. Of course, we pretty much have to. Though the levers we can pull are getting pretty slim. Pretty much a Taron extension and an Oliver re-structure are the ones i'm waiting on. Hopefully they can get an extension done soon. The only others I can really think of are a Martin release that saves about a million, a Milano re-structure, and/or a Diggs re-structure.
  3. We have to be under the cap by today. I'm sure we were. However, I don't think it's by much at all. After re-signing Daquan Jones, AJ Epenesa, Taylor Rapp, David Edwards, and Cam Lewis and signing Mitch Trubisky, Nicholas Morrow, Mack Hollins, and Matt Haack - in trying to keep track of the moves we made to get out from under 42+ over and factoring in those moves - I have us "right up on it", as Beane likes to say.
  4. White isn't a Safety. He's not a great tackler. You'd be taking him from a position that de-emphasizes tackling and focuses more on covering to a position that de-emphasizes covering and focuses more on tackling.
  5. I'd expect at least 6 this year. Every other year under McDermott, we kept 6 or 7 on the 53. Last year was a bit of an anomaly as we had 12 DL under contract that we wanted to keep. That number is usually closer to 10 and we won't have that problem this year.
  6. For now. His deal was always kind of looked at like a 1 year deal. They can get out of it and save cap space. Which, after this move, they probably need. I'd expect him to be released soon.
  7. Yowza! Well, now we see why the WR market was moving so slowly. Players like Gabe and Mooney have to be kicking themselves right now for not waiting for that top shoe to fall. Hollywood Brown's price tag just went up. Not great for us as even mid tier guys like Josh Reynolds will probably factor their deals a little bit higher than they were before. I have to imagine releasing DeAndre Hopkins, which I thought was always a possibility, is a much larger possibility now. Another downside of this is in expecting Jacksonville to retain him - it effectively removed them from WR at 17. If they were prepared to pay close to what Tennessee offered, which I have to imagine they were with the price tag being what it is, they're definitely still in play in Round 1.
  8. 49 followers citing insider sources? I wouldn't be surprised if that was correct. But this is most definitely a case of someone reading a rumor and then putting out a tweet "confirming" it.
  9. I'd expect that to be true with most Free Agents. But with guys who have a really big market like that, odds aren't great our offer is going to match or beat their best offer.
  10. I don't know how much, if any, edge work he's getting in this Defense at 290 lbs.
  11. I'd be very surprised. I mean, I know he's turning 31 and is coming off a torn meniscus. But I have to figure someone will offer him more than us for a bigger role than he'd have here. He'd have to be hardcore ring chasing, not caring if he starts or not, and willing to accept a lot in incentives. As for Wallace, i'd by lying if I said that after I saw Dane sign for what he did in Carolina, that this wasn't my first thought. McDermott, and in turn Beane, place a ridiculously high value on Defenders who have experience in McDermott's system under McDermott. That combined with where we're at financially and the amount of money we're probably willing to pay for the role of Outside CB4 - Wallace, unfortunately, makes a lot of sense.
  12. Is this a serious question or is this sarcasm?
  13. He also said in reply to that: He's been hanging on the fact that 7 years ago, Micah Hyde was announced on Day 1 and wasn't leaked. If you go through his tweets, you'd like him. He's like the WarriorSpikes51 of Cover 1.
  14. You still follow ECB after last year? 😆 I see they changed their name and deleted all of their tweets from last year. Smart. This way they can try again this year to have a "scoop" that coincidentally happens and claim they're a legit source again. If they don't lucky again this year, they'll change their name and delete their "scoops" all over again. I just checked it out. He's acting like something big is happening, coincidentally the night before the first official league date of the year - when things sometimes get announced that we didn't know happened. Hilarious that there's still all of these people that hang on what he says from the DeAndre Hopkins tweets.
  15. Unless you hear we've done some extensions or restructures that we don't know about, there's really nothing there until the 6/1 Tre money comes in. We've gone through what we came up with getting out from under 42m over, re-signing Daquan Jones, AJ Epenesa, Taylor Rapp, David Edwards, Cam Lewis, and signing Nicholas Morrow, Mitch Trubisky, and Matt Haack.
  16. Kennedy has about as much of a chance of winning the election as I do. Rodgers would have to have completely lost his mind on a psychedelic journey to give up his comeback (and quite possibly his career) on a futile bid to become Vice President.
  17. Outside of a Taron Johnson extension, which we're at the mercy of his agent and an unknown time clock for (if we can even get it done this year) and an Ed Oliver re-structure - there's really not much more we can do that we haven't done already. A Sam Martin release could free up a little over a million. Maybe a Milano re-structure? There's a Diggs restructure too - but I think that might be something we don't want to do.
  18. Ah, so some Cincy fans are just as delusional as some Bills fans. Good to know. People acting like since they couldn't re-sign Cousins, Minnesota's going into full on sell mode. They were always aware of this possibility. They placed a price on Cousins and were fine with going to the Draft for his replacement if it went out of their range. They aren't sitting their like "sh-t couldn't get Cousins, well time to trade the best young WR in the NFL". There's no legitimate reports of a Jefferson trade being a real thing. Just fans running away with their "wouldn't it be cool?" thoughts and wishing for something that isn't there. They have to re-up Chase soon. Higgins is one thing. But in no scenario can you carry Burrow, Jefferson, and Chase on the same billing book.
  19. Lack of opportunity. He had to wait his turn at South Carolina. You're out on Legette but still in on Franklin at 27? Yikes.
  20. Yeah, posters are constantly looking at starters and trying to place them on the team as depth or rotational players - as if they'd agree to sign with us for that role or we'd pay what it takes for said player for said role.
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