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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. I'm with you 100% there. People can be concerned over him being 10 months older than McConkey and staying in College for Year 5 before getting his opportunity and blowing up when he did. But he checks EVERY single box, and by a large margin in some, literally everywhere else. You don't get that kind of freak athletic traits with versatility and tape where we're picking every year.
  2. I'd be very disappointed if we went with Franklin in Round 1, without a trade down, and especially over Mitchell or Legette. I don't think McConkey is a fit for what we're looking for, but I'd be much happier if they chose him there than Franklin. I worry about Keon Coleman's 40 time and separation ability, but I think i'd even like Coleman slightly more than Franklin. I liked Franklin before the Combine after just watching highlights, thinking he was 6'3" like he was listed, and that he had all world speed close to Worthy. Then I watched more than just the highlights. He's got some real lowlights, if you will. Some of the guys I trust at Cover 1 agree that he was over hyped to begin with. Then the Combine happened. And it was as bad as bad can get for a prospect. Everything that made him appeal to me as a 1st Round Prospect was dispelled. Everything that gave me concern watching him on tape was highlighted. Measuring 2 inches shorter than expected. Weighing in 15 lbs. less than expected. His hands being less than 9". Clocking in on the 40 way less than Worthy and being beat out by a number of WR's he was expected to smoke. His 10 yard split was LAST among all WR's tested. Highlighting his trouble getting off the line on tape with his speed being long gaining speed, lacking burst at the point of attack. And his drills on field were laughably bad, leading to Daniel Jeremiah calling him out on the telecast. It seems now everyone who's a fan based on his YouTube highlight videos feel that should all be ignored bc he was reportedly sick. Okay. But that doesn't explain away his body measurements. And if his illness made him slower - why did he stand on his Combine times at his Pro Day? Troy Franklin is my WR10 at this point. Outside of the top 3 that are long gone, I have 5 other WR's with a 1st Round grade. Troy Franklin isn't one of them. If we went elsewhere in Round 1 and got him in Round 2 - that's fine. At 28 and above Mitchell, Legette, or even McConkey? No way.
  3. He stayed an extra year in College because he never got an opportunity before Year 5 at South Carolina. When he was given his opportunity, he more than flourished. As such, he just turned 23 - instead of the standard Senior Age of 22. He won't turn 24 until 2025. This is massively overblown. If this is such a big issue, wouldn't Ladd McConkey being only 10 months younger be a problem?
  4. This is fundamentally incorrect. Legette had 141 snaps out of the Slot last season and is also used in motion. Versatility doesn't mean we're specifically looking for a tweener. In versatility, he's discussing the ability, if they so choose, to be able to be lined up wherever they choose on any given play. Further speaking to the comment of versatility, he also said it can't be something that creates "offset". With Curtis Samuel, Khalil Shakir, and Dalton Kincaid - we are LOADED at the Slot/Tweener role. A primarily Outside WR can still have versatility. And Xavier Legette does have that.
  5. I think it's possible, if not likely that Defensive End is addressed the same way it was last year. Looking over the list of Defensive Ends still available (and possibly who's let go after the Draft) - I think there's a good chance someone will be available when Tre's money comes in. Considering the lack of depth in the Draft and where we're picking, DE seems like a sound place to allocate some of Tre's money when it comes in. It wouldn't surprise me if RB is also handled the same way. I think this time around they will Draft a guy and it wouldn't shock me if it were something that they took higher than expected. But if it doesn't fall the way they'd like, I could see him calling up a RB on Draft Day to play the same "let us know if you're in or we'll take a RB here" game we played with Murray last season. All in all, I think he's done a good job and will have everything covered when it's all said and done. But to say we're the same or improved in certain spots already is putting the carriage before the horse a bit.
  6. That's fair. I just think reading it to clearly mean guys who lean Slot like Wilson for example are now *specifically* the target is just as narrow of a way of looking at things and I personally don't agree with that assertion. As for the D-Line at 28 idea - I think it's very possible. If someone like Byron Murphy and Johnny Newton at DT or Laiatu Latu at DE are available, they're very likely the pick. The thing is, odds are that like Thomas, none of them are likely to be available at 28. And outside of them, there isn't an option worth taking at 28. If they do manage to get one of those 3, I wouldn't hate it. They had better make sure though that they can get up from 60 if they do for a WR. As we'd be very lucky to even get Ja'Lynn Polk at that point. The position is deep, but there's going to be a big time drop between 28 and 60. If we went DL at 28 and then didn't move up from 60 and missed out on the Top 11 WR's - that I WOULD hate.
  7. "Does their skillet offset what is already on the roster?" is what's most important here in what they view in terms of versatility, in my opinion. In Diggs, you have a primarily Outside WR that you can move around. In Kincaid, you have a guy that you primarily use as a Big Slot that you also put on the line as a TE a good percentage of the time. In Shakir, you have a pure Slot. People like to try and project him on the Outside. But when we lined him up there at times last season when Davis went down, it didn't yield the results he got in the Slot. In Samuel, you have a guy who works mainly from the Slot, but is a tweener. 53.3% from the Slot under Brady in 2020, 68.7% from the Slot last season. In wanting versatility, I think it still sways more towards an Outside WR that has versatility like Diggs rather than a versatile player that is viewed as a 50% or more from the Slot in the NFL type of guy. We're absolutely loaded with those type of guys right now and it "offsets" them. Guys like McConkey, Corley, Wilson, and Pearsall sway more (and with some WAY more) towards the Slot than Outside, in terms of their versatility.
  8. I don't remember seeing it happening commonly or in recent memory. But good to know. I do think it's not something we have plans on. If it were, I feel we would have brought him back on a new contract fairly soon after cutting him. As you said, I see it more of a situation where if he has no options and is willing to take a largely incentive deal for a non-guaranteed role - we'd revisit it. But I don't know how likely that is and would hope he has a better opportunity both financially and playing time wise, as much as I'd like him to remain a Bill.
  9. I don't see Tre as much of a possibility this year. I could be wrong as I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think you can release a player as a June 1st cut for 10m in savings and then get him back in the same offseason and still keep the savings for not having him on the roster and have him on the roster at the same time. And if that is the case, I don't think we're going to negate 10m in savings. I feel as though it was more of a "possibly someday" discussion. I think we view him as a if he has no options and we can get him as a depth and reclamation project on an incentive deal, we'd revisit it. But if we had plans for him, we wouldn't have cut him and he wouldn't be taking visits elsewhere.
  10. Wild to hear Beane and Lynch hopped on a zoom call together with the league to confront officials on a unified front about the both of them being screwed in the Comp formula. Sounds as though they're now counting in void years and funny money into the equation and not just the standard cap figure. Kind of BS that they just decided to do that on a whim retroactively instead of implementing it going forward. Glad to hear he did everything he could to fight it, rough to hear that it didn't matter.
  11. There's a lot of projection going on here and a lot I disagree with: RB: At best, it's a work in progress. In it's current form, to go from Cook, Harris, and Murray to Cook, Murray, and Ty, to Cook, Ty, Evans - that's a downgrade. I liked what Ty brought late in the season going from the Practice Squad to RB3. But I'm not ready to say Cook and Johnson is all we need there and we're good. I would prefer that we either Draft or sign another solid RB rather than just declaring Ty unquestioned RB2. He's earned a promotion to RB3 over the Practice Squad from last season. But RB2? Idk that he's earned that yet. TE: It's literally the same group as last year. We hope Kincaid gets even better in Year 2 - but he was plenty good in Year 1. It's not a given that he's going to be better just bc he's entering Year 2. And I don't think he needs more muscle. He's not a standard TE and you don't want to play him as such. Keep him in the form that he's been successful. Added mass could be a detriment to him just as easily as it could be a plus. OL: Again, that's a projection. While I do believe the things that make McGovern good are a better fit for Center and that, on paper, Edwards next to McGovern should benefit the run blocking game better than Morse next to McGovern - there's no saying this new combination is going to immediately gel as a unit. And when it comes to the depth we had last season vs. the depth we have right now - it's a clear downgrade. OC: Brady in a vacuum should def be better than a guy that was fired. But who knows if given free reign that wherever he implements is going to be 100% compatible with Josh and the players we have? We won't know for sure until we see it in action. DL: It's a definite downgrade right now on paper. DE is the same minus Leonard Floyd and replacing Shaq Lawson with Casey Toohill. At DT - we're missing 2 bodies. Johnson is an upgrade at 1T2 over Settle. But we don't have a 3T2 behind Oliver yet and nothing beyond the 3 we have. There's still additions that need to be made at DL before you can say we're even in the same shape. CB: It's a downgrade right now. To call it in an improvement is another projection. We're currently going from Douglas, Benford, Dane, and Elam on the Boundary to Douglas, Benford, Elam, and... I don't know - Ingram? You hope Elam takes a step forward this year. But if he doesn't, we no longer have a steady hand like Dane to bail us out if Douglas and/or Benford go down. S: Poyer and Hyde weren't Poyer and Hyde last season. I'm higher than most on Edwards ability to start and be successful for us. But in Rapp and Edwards - you've got two guys who have some flaws and are considered to be marginal starters. They've also never played with each other and will take some time to get comfortable with each other. Poyer and Hyde themselves didn't start off being the absolute unit they came to be. And much like CB - our depth has taken a hit. Rapp was a solid 3rd option last season. This year, so far, we have Lewis and Hamlin behind Rapp and Edwards. Long story short, while I agree that the media is overblowing how badly the cap hit us and what we'll be next year bc of it - there's a lot of moving parts where there's no guarantee that things are just going to immediately work out. Positions like OL and Safety may or may not see immediate compatibility. The depth at some positions has taken a definitive hit. And banking that players are going to take a step up in Year 2, players in bigger roles are going to flourish, and that talented Rookies are going to be studs right out of the gate are not guarantees.
  12. Hey, I didn't say it's a 0% chance or that I wouldn't be happy to have him. I was just saying that simply meeting the value chart in this situation won't be enough. In the Top 5, especially when QB's are in play with heavy competition, and an all world talent like MHJ at play - that chart goes out the window. To get them to go from 4 to 28, beat out other teams trying to get up there, and get them to give up a talent like MHJ - the buy in for us is probably 3 1st's just to have a seat at the table.
  13. There's 3 teams needing QB's and 2 QB's worth taking high after the first 3 QB picks are gone. So there's heavy competition that will be paying substantially and driving up prices to get into the area we'd need to take Harrison. And then there's the issue of convincing Arizona (or LA for that matter) to hand us an all time talent level prospect at a position of need for them. As well as the fact that Arizona knows that we've consistently been picking late in Round 1, so they have to assume that next year's first will be a late one. There's also a big difference between Cleveland moving from 6 to 21 (15 picks) in the Julio Trade or us moving from 10 to 27 in the Mahomes trade (17 picks) and Arizona moving from 4 to 28 (24 picks). Simply meeting the Trade Chart Value isn't going to cut it. Discounts aren't going to happen. It would have to be an overpay and probably a substantial overpay to get them to consider it.
  14. 28, 60, our 1st and 2nd next year is not near enough.
  15. I mean, is he a Superstar? No. Bottom of the roster though? He started all 17 games for the Chargers last season, all 17 games for the Giants in 2021, and started every single game he's played over the past 3 seasons. Starters are the very opposite of "bottom of the roster guys".
  16. Classic Spikes post. "Love the signing! .... wait, that covers a spot that would be designated for someone I'm drooling over? We'll why can't we just have them BOTH?!"
  17. My mama said That your life is a gift And my mama said There's much weight you will lift And my mama said Leave those bad boys alone And my mama said Be home before the dawn And my mama said You can be rich or poor But my mama said You can be big or small But I'm always on the run (always on the run) But I'm always on the run
  18. You'd suspect wrong. At 317, he's a 3T like Curtis Samuel is an Outside WR. You can put him there from time to time, but 1T is his natural spot. Watch any discussion of him and his fit here by places like Cover 1 and he's always discussed as primarily rotation for Daquan. Does he have some versatility? Yes. But he's not going to be primarily a 3T behind Oliver.
  19. Yeah and I'd expect us to take one later as insurance. But when you have a number of positions where you need players that will start, compete to start, or be used often in rotation and you pick 28 and 60 and then don't pick again until 128 - you can't afford to use a premium pick on a BPA that's simply FA insurance for next year and depth. Like I said, unless you're pretty sure you're moving on from Brown, you're using a premium pick on someone who's ceiling is Swing Tackle if Dawkins and Brown are locked up long term. You use the first two Rounds for "gaping holes". Insurance, depth, and development is for the mid Rounds. Beane's done a good job filling holes but we're not at a point where we can just go BPA and ignore the holes left in Round 1 and Round 2, especially since we don't have another pick until the end of Round 4.
  20. Us going WR in Round 1 and 3T in Round 2 is my hope. But the idea that something like Murphy or Newton is out because we signed Johnson simply isn't true.
  21. I've seen people like Jeremy White celebrating the signing of Austin Johnson as meaning it makes WR in Round 1 more likely and DT less likely. While I'd like that to be true, it really doesn't do anything to change the situation. If anything Johnson removes the potential of something like Sweat in Round 2. Jones and Johnson are 1T's. Sweat is a 1T. With the signing of Johnson behind Jones, I don't see us taking a 3rd 1T in the first 2 Rounds when we still only have one 3T (and other holes). Byron Murphy and Johnny Newton are the two DT's that would be in consideration for us in Round 1. And their position? 3T - which is still a big hole for us. Maybe even bigger now as money is getting tighter and the options in FA are getting thin. I still have my fingers crossed WR is our first pick. But the idea that Johnson does anything to the potential of DT in Round 1 is incorrect.
  22. Johnson is a 1T. Sweat is a 1T. I don't see us going with a 3rd 1T as high as 60 when we have nothing behind Oliver at 3T.
  23. Agreed. I have no problem with a Trade Down or T'Vondre Sweat. It's practically everything else.
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