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Posts posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. I really dont know who our kicker will be in 2005, but I pray its not Lindell.  The only time I feel safe with him kicking a FG is when we are up by 21 points and he's making it from our opponent's 5 yard line.  Even then, I'm still iffy about his chances.


    If we go into next season with Lindell as our kicker, he'll cost us 2 games.  I guarantee that.  Either on a missed FG or by forcing Mularkey to take an unnecessary risk in order to compensate for Lindell's terrible accuracy.


    I've got my fingers crossed that Lindell will be gone, very soon.



    I hear you there!


    Even when he does make it, I always have to hold my breath. His kicks ALWAYS look like they could go either way. I've never seen him hit a kick right in the middle.


    Mularkey obviously has no faith in him. He either went for it on 4th or punted the ball away when we were past yard 37.

  2. I hate Rian Lindell. I f-cking HATE Rian Lindell! The only people I hate more than Rian Lindell are the people who stand up for him and say he's a good kicker. Give me a break! But i'll calm my bitching down because it looks to me like we're finally going to remedy our problems at kicker.


    Right now, we're rocking out with 3 kickers on our roster. Usually, we only have 2. So that raises a red flag to me. On top of that is all the reports from credible sources that we were chasing Doug Brien, trying to trade up for Mike Nugent, and are close to signing Matt Payne. But if Matt Payne doesn't get signed and Joe Rheem is just fodder, then the Chicago Bears will answer our problem. Let me explain......


    The Bears recently signed Doug Brien to a fair deal. He will be their kicker in 2005. This made them release Paul Edinger. He's a good kicker and he would be an upgrade from Lindell. But not only was Edinger a casualty, famed Boise St. kicker Tyler Jones will be as well! The Bears signed him after the draft and now don't have a spot for him. They'll probably let him show his skills in the preseason and then cut him loose.


    So we have Edinger on the loose and Jones soon to follow in the coming months. But it doesn't stop there! The Bears also signed Nick Novak after the draft. Nick Novak was the kicker from Maryland who was rated higher than Payne and Rheem on draft boards.


    So the Bears are going to cut loose Edinger, Tyler Jones, and Nick Novak. One of them (Tyler Jones please!) should be our new kicker if Payne doesn't come into town.

  3. NFL | Crosby to Apply for Supplemental Draft - from www.KFFL.com

    Fri, 20 May 2005 09:01:28 -0700


    The Spartanburg Herald-Journal reports Clemson WR Roscoe Crosby is applying to enter the NFL through the supplemental draft. "It's been a difficult road for me, but I've always wanted to be a professional athlete," Crosby said. "I've been really happy with my progress, so that's what led to the decision." The supplemental draft is typically held a week before July training camps begin. Crosby is 6-foot-3, 208 pounds. If Crosby isn't selected, he will become a free agent and can sign with any team. Crosby has been playing minor league baseball and has not stepped on the football field since 2001. Crosby said he will hold a workout for pro scouts at an undetermined date close to the supplemental draft. Crosby did work out in front of scouts at Clemson's pro day March 17. He missed the deadline to declare early entry into April's draft because he was involved in an arbitration case with the Kansas City Royals.



    Wouldn't it be hilarious if Buffalo drafted him and we had the Roscoe twins? :blink:

  4. The signing of Lee has me perplexed.


    How is he any better than Shaud Williams? He's no veteran. He came from the same draft as Willis and went undrafted. In my opinion, Shaud is better.


    But i'd like to see what you guys think. I'm becoming known for my polls on this board (perhaps even hated for it) and I thought it was due time for another :)



    Also, I saw this on si.com. It turned my head a little when I read it. I'm not saying we should sign him as he seems to be shot to me. But tell me this doesn't sound like our resident, demonic GM:


    "Running back Eddie George, for one, isn't ready to conclude a nine-year career that began with the Tennessee Titans franchise before moving to Dallas for a season in 2004. He has discussed returning to the Titans and also is exploring opportunities with Tampa Bay and another team his agent declined to reveal."

    -- USA Today


    With Chris Brown injured, i'd see Tennessee wanting TH more than George IMO

  5. Because god knows we need more Guards:


    Chris Villarial

    Bennie Anderson (2005 Addition)

    Ross Tucker

    Lawrence Smith

    Ben Sobieski

    Justin Geisinger (2005 Addition)

    Justin Bannan


    Not to mention the countless other camp fodder OG's we're bringing in. I feel like TD is trying the Patriots approach. Bring in cheap unknowns, plug them in, and watch them take off. The only problem is the Patriots have a super bowl squad around them. We don't.


    We've had enough Guards come through. When are we going to see some Tackles? Shelton gets cut and we're focusing on Jerman? Whatever.

  6. In case you haven't noticed, Jerry Rice (as good as he has been) is about one thing....Jerry Rice.


    He has stated he wants to be a #1 or #2 receiver wherever he goes.  He can't be that here. 


    I know everyone likes a good opportunity to slam Josh Reed but using Jerry Rice as an excuse is a reach.


    Reed had one prominent drop that I remember.  The flea flicker in what turned out to be a 31-0 win.  It hardly changed the complexion of the game.  He (like every other receiver in the game) has dropped others, some of which probably should have been caught.  Big deal.  Outside of a few miracle grabs by Campbell, how many completions did the Bills have in the middle of the field the last few years?  Not many.  A very high % of the completions were to the outside.  We have a new  QB now.  Maybe we'll be able to use that part of the field again.  Whether it's Reed, Parrish or even Aiken, I'll take my chances versus Rice at this point in his career.



    You've made a believer out of me.


    Scratch Rice; it seemed like a good idea at the time. But I do believe that with Moulds, Evans, and Parrish; Reed must go.

  7. Not flaming but I think Moulds and the decent coaches we now have can provide the necessary leadership. Other than that I can not really see him being any real improvement either in the short or longer term (lack of production from Reed and Aiken not withstanding).



    I'd have to disagree with you there.


    Even in his 40's, Jerry Rice is just as fast as Josh Reed and Sam Aiken. The difference is, Jerry Rice can actually catch a ball.


    He'd be cheaper and could help out Evans, Parrish, Losman, and who ever wins the last WR spot on the roster.

  8. I just read about the Jerry Rice fax fiasco. You know? The fax that was sent out to all 32 teams of the NFL by Rice's agent pleading anyone to sign him.


    It got me thinking. Obviously, Jerry Rice isn't going to be a #1 or a #2 anywhere. He just wants to play. I think Buffalo would be the perfect situation for him. Before you all go insane, call me stupid, and flame me in every way possible; hear me out.


    Jerry Rice will be signed by a team for his leadership and what he can teach. He's going to be signed by a team that has young WR's. With the exception of Moulds, all of our guys (Evans, Parrish, Smith, and Aiken) are VERY young. It would be GOLDEN for them to learn from the best in the game. Not to mention, he's Eric Moulds' mentor. He trained Moulds prior to his drafting and may still be working out with him. J.P. Losman could learn a lot from Jerry Rice as well. A young QB still learning his craft? Who better to show him the in's and out's of a QB/WR relationship?


    Not to mention, if called upon in that #4 WR role; Jerry Rice will not drop a ball. It's not like he's Eddie George and completely shot. He may be ancient, but he can still ball.


    So what harm could come of signing him to be mentor to the young WR's, play no higher than #4 on the depth chart, and play for little money? If the guy just wants to play, Buffalo is the perfect place for Jerry to land!

  9. I remember watching the draft tracker that year. I love it when it is about 5 picks before your team picks and you start thinking about who will be there. I kept thinking someone would take Kelsay but he fell to the Bills. It did not take me long to fall in love with the Mcgahee pick, as my friends kept ribbing me about the pick, but we all know who got the last laugh there. I still run that in my friend's nose. I also should add that part of me wanted Eric Steinbach as I thought he was the best player on the board.



    I know exactly what you mean!


    I've always loved the "sexy pick". That year there wasn't any sexier pick than Willis. He made all this Matt Jones hoopla look like nothing. With what was available at that time, I didn't think there was a better choice to be made. If Michael Haynes or another DE would have fallen, then I would have been upset if we went with Willis. But I couldn't have been happier when we picked him and my family wanted to crucify me.

  10. I was just thinking of this board the day of the 2003 draft. I'll never forget the guy who posted:


    "I want to be the first to welcome Kelley Washington to the Buffalo Bills." :doh:


    And i'll never forget the COUNTLESS people screaming:


    "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" and "We're Doomed!" When we drafted McGahee.


    I especially enjoyed the people who posted before round 2 began:


    "Why the hell would we draft an injured RB over Chris Kelsay?!" :doh:



    I don't know why I thought of it today, but that was some funny stuff. I'd say Willis turned out alright :D

  11. I appreciate the thought that went into this, but the Bills won't cut Shaud Williams.  If they do, it will be a mistake.


    Doubtful about them cutting Lindell even though i don't really like him.  I think you're probably right about standing pat on o-line and tight end.


    Reed or Aiken makes the squad.  Probably Reed, maybe both.



    I strongly disagree with almost everything. I only mildly disagree with others.


    The Bills were unhappy with their RB's behind Willis. They drafted Lionel Gates and signed ReShard Lee. That alone makes Shaud expendable. But I see them signing another RB as well because ReShard Lee is no veteran. He came from the same draft as Willis and is no real upgrade from Gates or Lee. Anthony Thomas was the veteran they wanted. But something didn't work out during or after the visit. Now I see them waiting until someone gets cut. I liked Shaud last year and obviously so did you. But the way I see it, we'll have Willis, Lee, Gates, Another veteran, and Williams. I don't see us keeping more than 3 on the active roster.


    Maybe Aiken stays on. But why in the blue hell would we keep Reed on the roster? The best he'd be is a #4 behind Moulds, Evans, and Parrish. His performance has proven only that he deserves his walking papers. The drafting of Parrish secured that fate.


    If Rian Lindell isn't going to be cut, then why do we have two other kickers on the roster and are most likely adding a third? Why else would we have been pursuing Doug Brien? Why were we (allegedly) trying to trade up for Mike Nugent?

  12. I like Kevin Thompson a lot. i saw him play the other day and it seems as though he has all the tools, i mean he is 6'5'' and can run, has a strong arm, the interception i saw was a tipped ball, so i think he'll make it as our  #3 behind Losman and Holcomb. I see no reason why we would absolutely need Shane Matthews on our team. He'll never see the field, and even if he would, it woul mean the season is over anyway so why not give Kevin a shot.


    William Green..... i dont think the Bills organization would go for a guy like that


    The reason everybody is saying that Jonathan Smith could be cut is because his only role is returning punts. Yes, he was good, i dont know if he was better than average, but Parrish now fills that roll and he can actually play on offense. Roscoe fills 2 positions. He can take away jonathan smith on punt returns, and take away josh reed for the 3rd receiver spot.


    I dont think they will cut bannan, i mean why would you take the time to convert him to different posistions and then cut him before the season even started. You wouldnt even get to see if he could do anything.....


    I lived in philadelphia last year and watched corey simon play. He is a lard ass that has to come off the field every other play because he is tired. In every important situation they took him out and put Sam Rayburn in. I like Ron Edwards more than Simon at this point.



    I don't know much about Kevin Thompson. I HATE Shane Matthews though! I put him as #3 only because TD loves the guy for some reason. The dude didn't even show up for mini-camp and even though we re-signed him, he's still "unsure" as to whether or not he wants to play. I'd love to see almost anyone in here over him but like I said, TD loves the guy.


    As for William Green, the guy had issues a couple years back. He stayed out of trouble last year. I think if we signed him and let him know he's out the door if he pulls any crap, he should be fine. I met him last year and the guy finally seemed to have his head on straight and was very nice. I think he deserves a shot on another team.


    Justin Bannan is going to be switched back to DT. This was commented on by TD during the draft day press conferences. Honestly, he has always done a whole lot of nothing on that line. I think that's why they tried him on the OL. He's expendable at both spots IMO


    Thanks for the info on Simon. I'll have to look through some video tapes of Phili games last year.



    Sorry, it was nothing personal. smile.gif I am just very sure that people overestimate the "value" of Henry, and perhaps ALL of our players (with the exception of an ex-Bill, Drew).


    It's all good man. Sorry I blew up like that.


    I know what you mean about people overestimating his worth. I've seen a lot of RIDICULOUS trade ideas being thrown around. I just didn't think mine was that bad.


    Teague at LT? That's an interesting scenario. I could see it by season's end if Preston really shows something and Gandy doesn't.

  13. His wife stabbed him because of the whole incident with Kevin Johnson that resulted in KJ being released.


    For those that don't know...KJ came home from practice one day while Green was suspended and found Green's car in the driveway, when he went in the house he found WF in bed with his fiance and chased him out of the house still undressed. This is when Green got pulled over half dressed and drunk in the middle of the afternoon. Once WG's wife found this out she stabbed him.


    Do we really need this crap in Buffalo??





    I never heard that story before. That's some crazy stuff!

  14. >>>>I think we should give them Travis and a 4th or 5th rounder next year for him.<<<<


    Does Carolina need a back? Perhaps we can send them Henry for Julius Peppers?



    Why does that sound unrealistic? The Eagles are in the same boat we are in with Travis. Travis is worth a whole helluva lot more than a 5th rounder (Tennessee's offer).


    The Eagles expressed interest in Henry. The Eagles have Simon on the trading block and ARE looking to deal him. He's going to go for less than he's worth on a trade just like Henry.


    I hate people who look down on others with sarcastic comments Bill. Especially when the comment doesn't make sense.

  15. Did you cut Shaud Williams?  Or put him on the practice squad?



    Oh, I cut him :blink:


    Sorry about that, I didn't put him down. I liked Shaud Williams. But with Buffalo drafting Gates, signing Lee, and openly stating that they want a veteran backup; I just figured he'd be shown the door.

  16. Here goes:



    J.P. Losman

    Kelly Holcomb

    Shane Matthews



    Willis McGahee

    William Green

    ReShard Lee


    Daimon Shelton

    Joe Burns



    Eric Moulds

    Lee Evans

    Roscoe Parrish

    Jonathan "Fast Freddie" Smith

    Tony Brown



    (Kevin Everett)

    Mark Campbell

    Tim Euhus

    Jason Peters (HB)



    Mike Gandy (LT)

    Bennie Anderson (LG)

    Trey Teague (Center)

    Chris Villarial (RG)

    Mike Williams (RT)


    Raymond Preston

    Justin Geisinger

    Ross Tucker

    Dylan McFarland

    Lawrence Smith





    Aaron Schobel

    Chris Kelsay

    Ryan Denney

    George Gause



    Sam Adams

    Corey Simon

    Tim Anderson

    Ron Edwards

    Lauvale Sape



    Takeo Spikes

    London Fletcher

    Jeff Posey

    Angelo Crowell

    Mario Haggan

    Josh Stamer



    Nate Clements

    Terrence McGee

    Eric King

    Kevin Thomas

    Jabari Greer



    Lawyer Milloy

    Troy Vincent

    Coy Wire

    Rashad Baker



    Matt Payne (K)

    Brian Moorman (P)

    Jon Dorenbas (LS)



    Surprising Camp Cuts:

    Josh Reed

    Sam Aiken

    Ryan Neufeld

    Ben Sobieski

    Justin Bannan

    Rian Lindell

    Shaud Williams





    William Green? - Cleveland does not like him. He has done little for them in the starting role. He is a talented back who would do well surrounded by quality players that do not exist there. With newly signed Reuben Droughns and Lee Suggs on the roster, William Green will be released. ReShard Lee will do well on special teams and as a reserve RB, but Green would flourish as Willis' "change of pace" compliment. Rookie Lionel Gates will be a project and will sit a year on the taxi squad.


    WR's - Moulds and Evans are amazing WR's. Jonathan Smith did nothing but produce in his rookie year and I don't understand why everyone thinks he will be released after one year. The argument of "Parrish and Evans our are speed recievers, thus making "Fast Freddie" obsolete" is ridiculous! So what he's fast too? I didn't realize this was bad; as a matter of fact I was under the assumption that it was a good thing! Josh Reed and Sam Aiken were the WR's who were not performing. Aiken has little speed and has only proven is that he can drop a ball. They will both be shown the door in favor of Roscoe Parrish and undrafted free agent, Tony Brown; with whom Tyke Tolbert seems to be high on.


    Staying put with our OL - We couldn't re-sign Jonas. Even if TD actively pursued it, there's no way we'd pay him the amount San Fran paid for him. I don't think there's a member on this board that would agree with what they paid. Mike Gandy is the tackle we signed. He's a pretty big downgrade from Jonas. I agree with everyone who is freaking out; stating that "We MUST sign a LT!". Unfortunately, there isn't anybody out there who is any better than what we already have. The argument of "wait until someone get's cut" is pretty naive. Who is going to get cut? Kenyatta Walker? He's a good Right Tackle, but I don't see him as much of an upgrade from Gandy at Left. What team is going to cut loose a good LT? No one. McNally is high on Gandy and seems to think if he's healthy, he's a damn good tackle. Bennie Anderson is a big upgrade from Lawrence Smith. So you take the upgrade at LG, combine it with a mobile QB, and Gandy should do just fine. Especially with McNally coaching.


    Staying put with our TE's - From what i've been reading, Everett's tear wasn't bad. A clean tear on one ligament and we could have him back by mid-season. When Campbell's on top of his game, he's a very good TE. Tim Euhus has shown moments of glory as well. I see no reason why they won't be ready by the start of the season. Take those two and set Peters up as the H-Back at times and we'll have no need to get another TE. Especially if there's a possibility that Kevin will be back.


    Corey Simon? - This is probably the biggest reach of the whole thing. But it's been rumored by a few people and sites, and I don't see why it's so far fetched. Especially if you figure that TD's sitting on around $6 mil in cap figures and there's no LT available worth breaking the bank on or a 1st round pick to sign. Tim Anderson may be ready very soon. But I don't see him being able to step in and fill Pat Williams shoes in one year with little playing time. Not to mention, Sam Adams won't be here for very long. He's entering his 12th season in the league and his contract will be up in 2007. The Eagles have already replaced Corey Simon by drafting Mike Patterson in the first round. They've made it no secret that they are looking to ship their franchise player. They've also made it no secret that they want Travis. Simon isn't getting many bites from suitors. Teams aren't willing to give up much of anything for him. Especially since he won't come cheap and everyone knows that Phili MUST get rid of him. I think we should give them Travis and a 4th or 5th rounder next year for him. This way we'll have our "upgrades" on offense and not miss a beat on defense.


    Matt Payne? - It's been reported pretty much everywhere that Matt Payne will be signing with Buffalo very soon. Can he do much worse than Lindell? I think not. With us pursuing Doug Brien last week, pursuing Payne, and already having 3 kickers on the roster; Lindell is as good as gone. And I couldn't be happier!



    So what does everyone think? I don't think anything's really that unrealistic. I'd be happy with this team going into the opener. Give me feedback!

  17. They are still probably feeling sorry for us-ala the Rob Johnson trade. Those two pefect bombs he threw that day when Brunell went down made that jackass millions. I still have dry heaves thinking back to the day we gave up the #9 pick over all.... and we were all happy as kangaroo's! Rot in hell clutching your Super Bowl ring that you might as well have bought on e-bay.



    Um..... i'm a little confused as to how this post about Travis Henry transformed into an RJ rant.


    Anyways, where did you hear this?

  18. Come on, somebody reply :o


    After looking at the entire NFL roster and what's left of free agents, I compiled this list of possibilities:


    Quentin Griffin/Ron Dayne (One of them will be cut with Bell and Clarett on roster)

    William Green/Lee Suggs (One of them will be cut with Reuben Droughns on roster)

    Onterrio Smith (Should be cut, but has problems)

    Dorsey Levens (UFA)

    Amos Zeroue (UFA)

    Eddie George (UFA)

    Garrison Hearst (UFA)

    Brian Westbrook (RFA)

  19. It has been reported that the team may sign undrafted free agent kicker Matt Payne from BYU in the next few weeks.


    Many of you had Payne as one of the top 3 kickers in the draft.



    It's already been reported on here.


    I think if we sign Payne on top of having Joe Rheem and Owen Pochman on the roster, Rian Lindell is as good as gone.

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