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Posts posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. About a month ago I posted my Top-15 draft board. Everyone seems to have their own with different players ranked at different places. Here's mine; tell me what you think and post yours:


    1.) Reggie Bush, RB USC

    2.) Vince Young, QB Texas

    3.) D'Brickashaw Ferguson, OT Virginia

    4.) Matt Leinart, QB USC

    5.) Mario Williams, DE N.C. State

    6.) A.J. Hawk, LB Ohio State

    7.) Vernon Davis, TE Maryland

    8.) DeAngelo Williams, RB Memphis

    9.) Jay Cutler, QB Vanderbilt

    10.) Michael Huff, S/CB Texas

    11.) Haloti Ngata, DT Oregon

    12.) Lendale White, RB USC

    13.) Tamba Hali, DE Penn State

    14.) Chad Greenway, OT Iowa

    15.) Santonio Holmes, WR Ohio State

  2. I know Kevin Mawae's getting up there in age, but I don't think we can just plug Duke Preston in there quite yet. Especially since he was used as a Guard all last season :)


    Kevin Mawae could be good for a year or two until we feel the Duke of Preston is ready. With how HORRENDOUS our line is, we can't afford to put in a 4th round (for all intensive purposes...) Rookie in there and hope he's ready to go.

  3. I'm guessing it's a non-issue, the prosecutor dropped the drug charges.





    Yeah, he's right VA.


    It was nowhere's near the amount that you're speculating. Not to mention, it was trafficking (sp?) and not useage.


    Whatever it was, the case was dropped. The speeding thing you're talking about is news to me. From all the sources I see, Wroten was supposed to be a 1st round pick. Then this happened and even though he was found innocent, it made him drop a round or two.


    To say that he's done is downright silly. The NFL frowns on drug users more than dealers (as said as that is). The fact that he got off and claims innocence combined with the fact that he was found to not be a user helps a lot.


    Antaaj Hawthorne was a 2nd rounder who failed a drug test at the combine and he was drafted in the 6th. There's NO WAY Wroten goes undrafted.

  4. I don't understand why everyone wants Ngata so badly.


    He may be the bes player at his position, but he's not that elite, "once in a great while" guy like Vernon Davis or Michael Huff.


    Honestly, i'd much rather see us go with one of them and then draft a Gabe Watson, Claude Wroten, or Orien Harris in the 2nd because I don't think they're that far off of Ngata. Then i'd make a V-Line (or is it B-Line?) for a guy like Rocky Bernard, Grady Jackson, or Brentson Buckner in FA.


    I think it's much easier to fill the need of DT then it is to fill SS or a good TE.

  5. Not surprisingly, such DT's aren't prevalent in the FA market. I remain amazed at folks that think that all it takes is for the Bills to snap their fingers, and they come on their knees begging to be a Bill, all their prayers answered... 


    See also, FA OL's. :lol:



    What are you talking about? Off the top of my head I can think of Rocky Bernard, Grady Jackson, and Larry Tripplett (Not to mention most likely Big Ted). And last year I can think of Pat Williams and Corey Simon just off the top of my head.


    Name me one STUD TE available this year or last. You can't argue that DT's are much easier to come by.



    Haloti Ngata= BPA at his position

    Vernon Davis= BPA at his position


    DT= huge need for the Bills

    TE= nice addition, not the biggest of need for the Bills


    Advantage Ngata-


    There's the "black and white" look I was referring to (Ignorrant may have been a strong word). While you're right, they are the best players at their position; Davis is a MUCH better TE (I.E. Quality of Player) than Ngata is a DT.


    Ngata might be the best DT available, but I argue that he is a stud at his position like Davis is.



    And I think everyone is downplaying the TE position pretty badly. It is a very important position and a lot of you are acting like it isn't. A TE is arguably more important to a QB (especially a youngin like Losman) than WR's.


    For the record, Kevin Everett was a 3rd round PROJECT to begin with. Then he blew out his knee. Behind him is an injury prone, average, young TE in Euhus and Mark Campbell who is declining worse than Jay Riemersma. How people can say Everett is going to be the guy is beyond me.

  6. Alright, here I go with another post that i'm sure people will become beligerent (sp?) over. But I feel it has to be said.


    I feel that everyone on this board is getting downright ignorrant when it comes to this team. By that I mean everyone seems to be saying, "YOU MUST DRAFT ON THE LINES FIRST!" period; end of statement. While I agree that the #1 person on the board is D'Brickashaw Ferguson and if he's there, you MUST take him; I disagree with anyone else at OL and maybe even DT there.


    There seem to be too many people here who are black and white. They see Haloti Ngata rated as the #1 DT in the draft and say that should be it. But think about this. What if we sign Rocky Bernard? What if we sign Larry Triplett or Grady Jackson?


    You see, every year there is a handful of talented DT's available. But what about a TE that runs a 4.3? Better yet, what about a talented TE period? While DT's are a dime a dozen in FA, you almost never see a franchise TE even hit the market; let alone be enticed to leave his team behind.


    Not to mention the fact that this draft is very DEEP at DT. Gabe Watson (who I think is just as good, or not to far off from Ngata) could probably be had in the 2nd. Claude Wroten could almost definitely be had in the 2nd, as will Rodrique Wright and Orien Harris.


    I predict that we'll get another DT in FA. I think with Adams, another big guy (I.E. Bernard, Washington, or a cheap alternative), and a 2nd; we should be solid. Both lines will be addressed, don't get me wrong. But I think we're far better off addressing the bulk of it with veterans instead of repeating Mike Williams. Over the years i've noticed the risk involved with drafting an interior guy that high seems to be greater than a lot of the skill positions.


    I think Vernon Davis is a RARE talent at a position of definite need for this team. TE is the security blanket that J.P. was missing all last year. With Eric gone, we'll need him.


    That's why in my opinion if it comes down to Ngata vs. Davis, you have to go with Davis.

  7. Did anyone catch the Combine today?


    Marcus Vick was interviewed today and I must say, he played the game for once. In that I mean he finally said all the right things. He said that he was downright emberassed about what he did at the VT bowl game. He said his family wouldn't talk to him for weeks and that he was ashamed of himself. He just got caught up in the heat of the moment and he's learned from that mistake.


    He was also asked what he thought his position could have been next year if he stayed in school. He said he's not concerned with it and that he knows he would have obviously went higher. He said he made some mistakes and he's learned from them and how to stay away from these situations in the future. He doesn't care what Round he's picked in or what an NFL team asks of him. He just wants someone to take a chance on him so he can play in the league.


    Vick will also entertain any team's request of anything. He promised to participate in all of the drills and interview with anyone.


    The only thing that was kinda funny was that he said the McDonald's incident was blown out of proportion. That he never pulled a gun on anyone stating that gun's are far too dangerous for his likeing and that if you look him up, you'll see he doesn't have one registered to him. He said that the only thing he was holding was a cell phone.


    Interestingly enough, two of the men who said that Vick pulled a gun on them; were arrested for armed robbery. So even if Vick did pull a gun on them, their character will be called into suspicion. Combine that with brother Michael's money and I guarantee you Marcus will walk.


    I wouldn't be surprised if Marv thinks he can help Marcus out if he says and does all the right things.

  8. Wow!


    I think that's pretty cool. I love Brodie Croyle. He has a bionic arm and is VERY accurate. His only knock has been he's thin as a rail and has about as much muscle as Napolean Dynamite.


    But I never understood why this was such a problem. You'd think that an NFL Strength & Conditioning coach could fix that in a few months.

  9. 14. Philadelphia- YOOOOOO- SANTONIO HOLMES, WR, OSU (A)


    46. Philadelphia- YOOOOOO-JOSEPH ADDAI, RB LSU (B)

    78. Philadelphia- YOOOOOO- VICTOR ADEYANJU, DE, IND (A)

    and picked up Samie Parker WR  KC

    traded away TO....

    How'd I do with the Eagles fellas??



    REAL well. Too good to be true well.


    By the way, it's pretty bunk that they moved this over here. But anyway, here's what I did:


    1.) Oakland - Vince Young, QB Texas

    2.) Oakland - Manny Lawson, DE/LB N.C. State

    2.) Oakland - Tye Hill, CB Clemson


    1.) San Francisco - Lendale White, RB USC

    2.) San Francisco - Anthony Fasano, TE Notre Dame

    3.) San Francisco - Brodie Croyle, QB Alabama

    3.) San Francisco - Demetrius Williams, WR Oregon


    1.) New York Giants - Antonio Cromartie, CB Florida State

    2.) New York Giants - Claude Wroten, DT LSU

    3.) New York Giants - Devin Hester, KR/CB/WR Miami


    I'd add the numbers they were picked at and the trades that I did; but i'm at work right now :D

  10. Too bad Milloy is as good as gone...



    If by as good as gone you mean: not so much.


    Then yeah, I guess you're right. :doh:


    But to answer your question, I would love it! My ideal situation would be if Nate refused to sign that we "tagged n' traded" him for a late-1st and then took the money we were going to give to him and gave it to Ty Law.


    There will be people who will say, "oh yeah, like we need another aging DB". But the fact of the matter is, he's still one of the top DB's in the league. I like the idea of reuniting him with Milloy. It could spark them both.

  11. I was just kind of wondering what the deal was with LaVar Arrington in Washington this past season? I know that he wasn't getting along with Gibbs and that he wasn't being used often but I don't really know why.


    It seems to be a forgone (sp?) conclusion that LaVar will be released by Washington. If that is the case, what do you think the odds would be of him coming to Buffalo?


    With Spikes' future up in the air, Fletcher being a FA next year (and not getting any younger), and Posey being a joke; we should probably get another STUD LB. Angelo Crowell played well and I think he can be a powerhouse in the very near future. But we'll need a replacement for Posey, probably Fletcher after this season, and if Spikes loses a step (for the love of god, no!); the addition of Arrington could help tremendously.


    Now i'll hang up and listen to all the "I've heard of 'em!" posts :devil:

  12. I think Lee Evans was the unofficial #1 last season.


    He wasn't picked #13 overall to be 2nd fiddle his entire career. He is without a doubt the best WR we have on this team right now. I haven't heard anyone say that he can't be the team's #1 WR.


    What I have heard is that we need someone to replace Moulds, which doesn't mean that Evans isn't capable. It just means that Evans needs a partner and who knows if Roscoe Parrish is that guy.

  13. Ignorant?  Tarzan?  Look tough guy, it is simple, O-line or D-line, maybe Huff if he lingers.  No TE's, no RB's, no skill players period.  We haven't seen our 3rd round TE from last year play yet, but I guess he is no good so we should just move on and sign another?  If Davis was a devastating blocker the Bills might look at him, but that is not what I am hearing his strength is.



    Again, who the hell are we talking about here hammer?


    Ngata? Justice? Either way, i'm not down. I called you "tarzan" because you're just sitting there saying, "MUST BE O-LINE OR D-LINE" with no rhyme or reason. Ignorrant because you just seem to think there is top-10 talent at every position just sitting there.

  14. Are you people new to the Bills?  New to football?  Here we are with another draft approaching, we have sucked for years because we can't block and you are pineing for the shiney new skill position toy.  Draft a TE, are you flippin high?  We just took one in the 3rd round last year.  I know, I know, "but he is the next great TE, he is a beast, he could help us".  It would also help us if we could let our QB stand in the pocket for 3 seconds to find a receiver downfield.  Get a clue, seriously, you win the game at the LOS, where we currently suck.  O-line or D-line, nothing else!



    Ah, ignorrance is truly bliss isn't it?


    It's so easy to say, "We need lineman! Me Tarzan, ooh ohh!". But whom?


    All you have to do is look at my avatar to see that i'd LOVE to have a lineman. But the bottom line is, Ferguson and Williams won't be there.


    So who then all knowing "HAMMER07"? Haloti Ngata? Winston Justice?


    Do you know what the drop-off between Ngata and Gabe Watson or Claude Wroten is? Not much. And the latter can be had in the 2nd. And how about the drop off between Winston Justice and Marcus McNeil, Jon Scott, or Max-Jean Gilles? Not much. Same applies here.


    And for all you Haloti Ngata fans out there, how many of you have seen him play? I'd say 30% of you at best. You're all just enamored with the fact that we can take the "top-rated DT" in the draft. But i've seen him play when he's healthy (and he's not right now) and let me tell you, he's GREATLY overrated. Geesh, all you had to do was watch Oregon's bowl game to figure that out.


    Don't get me wrong, he's good. Maybe better than anything we have right now. But he's not that good.


    The bottom line is this: there are only 2 lineman worth taking at 8. The problem being, the rest of the league knows this and D'Brickashaw Ferguson and Mario Williams will be LONG gone (as much as I want them both). So you take Vernon Davis or you take Michael Huff. You still have 3 picks left on Day 1 to load up on lineman. Hell, maybe you trade back into round 1 from round 2 or round 2 from 3. But i'd much rather have Davis and Watson then Ngata.

  15. Everyone pretty much knows who is going in the top 6 picks. There's a couple of variables (I.E. trades and positioning) but for the most part, these guys are off the board by #7 (San Francisco could go a number of different ways):


    Reggie Bush

    Matt Leinart

    Vince Young

    D'Brickashaw Ferguson

    Mario Williams

    A.J. Hawk


    So given them being gone, who do we pick at #8? Well, here's my top-10 board after them:


    1.) DeAngelo Williams, RB Memphis

    2.) Vernon Davis, TE Maryland

    3.) Michael Huff, DB Texas

    4.) Haloti Ngata, DT Oregon

    5.) Tamba Hali, DE Penn State

    6.) Jimmy Williams, CB Virginia Tech

    7.) Jay Cutler, QB Vanderbilt

    8.) Winston Justice, OT USC

    9.) Santonio Holmes, WR Ohio State

    10.) Lendale White, RB USC


    Close calls: Chad Greenway, LB Iowa (Doesn't have that "Elite" LB play of Hawk); Mathias Kiwanuka, DE Boston College (REALLY regressed in his Senior year and was useless in the Senior Bowl)



    Mind you, i'm basing this list on talent and not need. This is a value board.


    So of course we're not going to pick DeAngelo Williams. I have a feeling he will go at 7 to San Fran anyways (maybe even earlier if the Jets pass on the Brick). But this guy is AMAZING. He doesn't get near the hype that Bush got, but I think Williams is a better back. He ripped up the record book playing at tiny Memphis. He also did all that he did behind a TERRIBLE offensive line. That's saying something.


    So if i'm Buffalo at 8, I would take Vernon Davis if he's there over Haloti Ngata. I feel that we can get a DT (or two) in FA. But you don't get a chance at a PREMIER TE often. You have to be picking high to take a guy like him and if you're a beast TE, your team doesn't let you go like they would a DT. I know Davis hasn't played a down in the NFL, but he is just explosive! He's being compared to Antonio Gates and he's the best TE prospect in years.


    J.P. Losman needs a TE. Everyone knows that a TE is a QB's best friend. It's his comfort blanket and last year, he didn't have one. Buffalo hasn't had a decent TE in years. Mark Campbell just isn't cutting it anymore. We have a shot at bringing in a very valuable key to our offense. Kevin Everett might be good, but he was a 3rd round prospect before he shredded his knee. I'm not expecting much.


    On the other hand, Michael Huff is that rare type of difference maker in the secondary. The 2005 Jim Thorpe award winner is very versatile. You can put him at CB or S and he's just all over the field. He was the heart and soul of the National Championship defense in Texas.


    Ngata is the premier DT of the draft, but I think he's not the way to go. I say we keep Sam, try to get Grady Jackson or Ted Washington (after 6/1), and draft Gabe Watson in the 2nd (or Wroten in the 3rd).


    As for OL, we're screwed unless we trade down. There is no one worth taking at 8. Winston Justice is the next best O-Lineman after the Brick, but he's a RT with baggage coming from a team where he had ALL sorts of help. He's good, but i'm not convinced that he's the guy at 8. If we were able to trade down a few slots and pick up another 2nd, then i'd take him.


    After Justice, you're looking at Marcus McNeil. He has some sort of back problem that could debilitate him later in his career. But he's good enough to take the gamble on at the bottom of Round 1.


    Max-Jean Gilles is the top OG in the draft. He had a tremendous Senior Bowl. Grabbing him at the bottom of Round 1 would be GREAT as well. But again, after the Brick; you can't take an OL at 8.



    So flip out on me if you will. Say, "NO!! We need Line Help!!!". It's the truth, we do. Everyone knows it. But at 8 we need to look elsewhere. Say no to Ngata and say no to Justice. If you want them or someone like them, trade down. They're jusy not worth it from where we're standing.

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