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Posts posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Bills | Ngata may not fit team's defensive scheme; may look elsewhere

    Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:04:50 -0800


    Mark Gaughan, of the Buffalo News, reports the Buffalo Bills will not be able to address their needs on either the offensive or defensive line with the eighth overall pick in the NFL Draft in April. Oregon DT Haloti Ngata does not look like a good fit for the new defensive system being adopted by Bills head coach Dick Jauron. Several scouts and personnel directors from around the league say Ngata is not a fit for the "Tampa Cover 2" style, because he is a 345-pound lineman whose strength is occupying two gaps on the line. Other observers feel the No. 8 overall pick is too early to draft the second best offensive tackle in the draft, USC OT Winston Justice. The Bills may need to turn their attention to the secondary or linebacker. Bills general manager Marv Levy would not comment specifically on Ngata or other defensive line prospects, but he acknowledged the nose tackle can't be solely a hole-plugger.



    Hello Michael Huff.......


    (or Vince Young) *runs away from mob*

  2. I don't think the Bills have ignored the OL. They brought in Stephen Neal, Jason Fabini, signed Reggie Wells to a failed offer, signed Melvin Fowler, and reportedly talked with Kevin Mawae early on.


    They haven't ignored the line. They've just failed to sign people. Whether it was because they weren't willing to overpay or maybe they just didn't like what they saw; we'll never know. I predict our OL will look like this opening day:


    LT - Jason Peters

    LG - Mike Gandy

    C - Melvin Fowler

    RG - Chris Villarial

    RT - Eric Winston (2nd Rd)


    Which may not be bad.

  3. BillsFanForever19,


    you have me a bit confused. Are you suggesting that we trade moulds to a team other than GB, and then just send a 5th to GB for Walker? I would think that GB was asking for a 5th rounder on top of moulds to replace the receiver they would be losing, and if Eric goes to a different team (like the Texans), how does that work?



    Trade Moulds to another team (like the Texans) for a 4th. Then give GB a 5th for Walker. This way, we'd be getting Walker for much less than that crazy trade.


    I was simply showing what we'd be giving up to different teams (I.E. Texans and Packers, not just Packers) and what we'd be getting.

  4. Moulds' asking price is a 4th


    Walker's asking price is a 5th


    Rather than do that hairbrained trade that ESPN is reporting, why don't we simply make a trade for Moulds to a team (like the Texans) for a 4th.


    Then, we can send the Packers their asking price of a 5th. That way it would essentially be:


    Moulds and a 5th




    Walker and a 4th


    Or we could just trade Moulds and stick with the WR's we have. I'm pretty confident with Evans, Parrish, Reed, Davis, and Aiken.


    I think everyone has pretty much written off Parrish for some reason. Before he injured his arm, he looked AWESOME in camp. I'm expecting big things from him. Especially if we put him with Lee and a good blocking WR (Reed).

  5. honeslty..... that draft sucks


    -we drafted no gaurds

    -winston justice is a HUGE gamble

    - ko simpson has only had 2 years of college experience

    - we dont need brodie croyle with losman, holcomb, and nall



    Wow! That's a little harsh don't you think?


    - Drafting an OT means we can move Gandy to OG where he played the majority of his time in Chicago. OT's are harder to come by anyways.


    - Why is Winston Justice a HUGE gamble?! He's the next best OT after Ferguson and then there's a drop off. 50% of mocks have us taking Ngata. Then i'd say about 30% of them have us taking Justice (with the remaining 20% all over the board). Are you thinking of McNeill and his back problems?


    - Ko Simpson only has two years experience? Your point is? He's still one helluva player.


    - It's Craig frickin' Nall. Not Joe Montana. Currently we have a veteran who will get us nowhere, Brett Favre's 3rd stringer, and a 1st round QB who did nothing but disapoint us. It's not so far fetched that one of them gets cut in training camp and Buffalo expressed an interest in Croyle at the combine.

  6. Bills trade the #8 pick overall, Eric Moulds, and a 2007 pick TBD for Denver's #15 and #29.


    1a.) Winston Justice, OT USC

    1b.) Ko Simpson, SS South Carolina

    2.) Gabe Watson, DT Michigan

    3a.) Brodie Croyle, QB Alabama

    3b.) Alan Zemaitis, CB Penn State


    Thus making our lines look like:


    LT - Jason Peters

    LG - Mike Gandy

    C - Melvin Fowler

    RG - Chris Villarial

    RT - Winston Justice


    Larry Tripplett

    Gabe Watson

    Tim Anderson

    Lauvale Sape


    It might be wishful thinking that Justice is available at 15 however :blush:

  7. You're right about us saving $5 mil in cap space for cutting him. Although, paying him a bonus is news to me.


    5 mil is a lot of money to be spending on an aging, skill declining WR who doesn't want to be here. Especially when we still haven't given Nate his payday and we need another DT and some OG's.


    Not to mention, after re-signing Josh Reed and bringing in Andre' Davis; I don't think there's room for Eric anymore. I'm fine with this lineup actually:


    Lee Evans

    Roscoe Parrish

    Josh Reed

    Andre' Davis

    Sam Aiken

    Jonathan Smith

  8. According to a lot of places, Vince Manuwai is the best OG available. tsn.ca's FA tracker even has him listed above Steve Neal. He'll be going into only his 5th season and is an absolute stud with lots of potential to get better.


    However, he's one of those gosh-darned Restricted FA's (so maybe Marv will make a run at him for that reason alone). Not only would our offer have to be enough money that they don't want to touch it, but the compensation for him would be a 3rd rounder.


    Given our current state on the OL and the market being pretty dry, I might think about it. Especially since we got an extra 3rd from Travis and we may possibly pick up a 4th for Moulds if someone wants to trade for him.



  9. NO WAY does Williams drop to #8. NO WAY do we draft Young. NO WAY to tell what we're doing until draft day.



    It cracks me up how much everyone KNOWS. That something's are impossible just because.


    The fact is, anything can happen. Who would have guessed when we had a Pro Bowl RB and a million needs that we would draft Willis McGahee? Who would have guessed that Aaron Rodgers who was projected to be the 1st pick overall, dropped to pick 20 last year?


    Anything can happen. Argue his style all you want, but the guy can flat out play and is a proven leader. If the pick is Young or Cutler vs. Huff, Justice, or Hali and Marv isn't high on J.P.; we may very well make that pick.

  10. Jets take Lienert(trading both their picks to the Texans)



    Why the hell would the Jets take Leinart?


    They resigned Chad Pennington and made a trade for Patrick Ramsay as an insurance policy if Chad can't be fixed.


    So they have two starting QB's on the team and no O-Line. But they're going to pass on drafting the best OL in the past 5 years or so and give up more picks to draft another QB?


    I don't think so.

  11. I didn't realize he had Williams available, I'd take Williams over Davis. No way he's there at number 8 though.



    New Orleans is reportedly drooling over Mario. He's expected to not last past pick 4. I don't know how anyone could think he's available at 8.

  12. 1.) Houston - Reggie Bush

    2.) New Orleans - Mario Williams

    3.) Tennessee - Matt Leinart

    4.) New York - D'Brickashaw Ferguson

    5.) Green Bay - A.J. Hawk

    6.) San Francisco - Vernon Davis

    7.) Oakland - Haloti Ngata

    8.) Buffalo - Vince Young


    Say whatever you wish, but that's how it's going down barring no trades. Especially now that Oakland has their QB in Brooks.


    With Ngata, Ferguson, Williams, and Davis off the board; Young is the pick if Marv doesn't like Losman. Which is obvious at this point.


    If it comes down to Vince Young vs. Michael Huff, Winston Justice, or Tamba Hali; there's no doubt. Unless it's Jay Cutler.

  13. I agree. We might as well get something for #80. If we release him, NE will get EM for free.



    That's not neccessarily (sp?) true.


    There are a lot of teams (Eagles and Chiefs in particular) who need a WR a lot more than New England does.


    If the offer is anything below a 5th round pick (which it probably is), i'd rather not put him on a team we play twice a year every year. Call me crazy, stupid, and selfish; but seeing Eric in a Pats jersey would just make me cry.

  14. "Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8. "


    Those drugs have fried your brain. Maybe we'll take a kicker or a punter in the first round? A decent fullback to block for willis? Come on, pull your head out of the ground and come back to reality.



    Hey douchebag, you'll notice I said "whether it's the right thing to do or not".


    Not once did I say "I think we should draft a QB" or "it's a good idea to dump Losman". I said that I can see it happening.

  15. Marv is obviously looking at Free Agency and avoiding players who have recieved any sort of fame.


    He's looking for young guys who have shown lots of potential to break out, but haven't done it quite yet. He wants guys that he, er..... Jauron can mold. Guys that will buy into whatever they're selling. Guys that will be greatful for an opportunity rather than guys who will be greatful for a huge paycheck.


    Lawyer Milloy, Sam Adams, Eric Moulds, and Mike Williams were exceptions to this and for the most part, they're all gone. Marv's trying to put together a "hungry" team.


    He's trying to build this team ala the New England Patriots and the Buffalo Sabres. It's an interesting idea and i'm excited to see what we've got in some of these players. But the problem with his concept is, it rarely works. For every New England team there's two to three who fail with "potential" players.


    But we have something on our side that most other teams don't. And that something is Marv. Marv knows the difference between the real thing and a fake. If he's signing someone, he thinks he's the real thing. I trust Marv's judgement on players probably more than anyone else.


    So stop bashing Robert Royal, Andre' Davis, Reggie Wells, Israel Idonjie, Matt Bowen, Craig Nall and guys we're bringing in like Monsato Pope and Melvin Fowler. Hold your judgement until you've seen them in Bills blue. It's not like he's watching players in college and trying to judge them. He's watching NFL players. And in that right, he knows what he's doing.


    If you're looking for "big names", wait until the draft because Marv isn't going to pick established stars. He wants to establish his own in the NFL.


    My hunch is that J.P. is on his way out. Marv has zero ties to him and I don't think he impresses him enough to stake the franchise on him. I don't think Ralph is happy with him for that matter. I bet both of them look at Losman as TD's failed experiment.


    Whether it's the right thing to do or not, I see them taking "their" QB at 8.

  16. Listen up B!thces, its me, the C to the O to the Y and I am tired of all ya'll punks doggin' on me. You think Coy Wire is scared of some chump named Matt Bowen. I ain't havin it. Who do you think cut Lawyer Milloy? Wasn't Marv, it was me. I went right into his office and told him that I was sick of being known as a poor mans Steve Tasker. I am a star baby.


    Look for me in the Pro Bowl this year as the starting Free Safety fools. While the Buffalo Bills may not win a lot of games this year, the individual accolades are gonna be flowin on Coy Wire like the hos on Chippewa.


    Keep hatin cause Coy Wire is about to break out, and you can count on that!



    You know what's sad?


    If someone told me this was really Coy Wire, I wouldn't be shocked.

  17. According to most sites I see (tsn.ca is the one I use the most), the top DT available right now is none other than......


    Sam Adams


    And honestly, i'd much rather have him back than anyone else available right now. He had problems with Mularkey and ran his mouth off, but he got a raw deal last year. I can't believe they kept benching him.


    I wish we could bring him back :doh:

  18. You get what you pay for.  Bennie Anderson, redux, IMO.



    Not even close!


    Grady Jackson has been an absolute force for Green Bay. He is the epitome of what we're looking for. He's a freaking wall. The reason he wasn't re-signed was because he demanded huge amounts of money.


    At this point, he's the best option out there if you want a DT.

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