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Posts posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Thanks for the quick reply. I am not calling for this persons head or anything. Just glad to know you guys and gals consider banning for making up rumors. It is nice to know


    You might not be, but I am!


    In all seriousness, i'm getting really tired of logging on to this site and getting excited over made up things. The media may be busy with NCAA, but a Joey Porter visit would get some priority.

  2. I think the argument of Joey Porter's skills v. our team's skills is irrelevant considering this is BS and will continue to be BS until, at the very least, more than just the original poster confirms that this is something Kilgore said.


    I mean, seriously, one person on a message board posted that this was said and not a single person anywhere else has anything and no one else heard it last night?


    Close this.

  3. If we go into next year with Dan Dan LeFevour, Ryan Fitzpatrick/Trent Edwards, and Brian Brohm as our QB's, the following will happen (not neccessarily in this order):


    1.) I will vomit.

    2.) I will cry.

    3.) I will drive to OBD and throw random objects at the office.

    4.) I'll buy a New Orleans Saints Jabari Greer jersey and call it a day.

  4. What's wrong with Brian Billick besides the fact that he's not Bill Cowher?


    With Tony Dungy staying retired, Jon Gruden staying in the booth, Mike Holmgren becoming Cleveland's GM, Mike Shanahan giving us the finger and most likely going to Washington, and now reports that Cowher's going back to the booth; I think Billick may very well be our best option.


    The man does have a Super Bowl ring after all.

  5. Brady?? No, no, no...he's not in the same league as Clausen. Never was, probably never will be.


    While this is probably true, Clausen is from .... *dramatic pause* .... California.


    Let me also say that this certainly is NOT my ideal situation. But if Charlie Weis is indeed someone on our list and we can't land Shanahan (or anyone "big"), I could certainly see this happening. And that's not to say if this happened that Quinn would definitely start.


    I'm just thinking of change in a "realistic" Bills sense.

  6. Ever since Jauron has been fired, a nauseating number of coach and QB possibilities has been thought of and thrown out there. I had an interesting thought that I figured i'd throw out there.


    When the "list" of who we were supposedly interested in first came out, Mike Shanahan was put at the top. But the remainder of the list was filled with people like the Alouettes coach and even Charlie Weis. In the (perhaps likely) scenario that no "top tier" head coach is interested in coming here, I thought "what if Charlie Weis ends up being our guy?"


    My immediate thought was we'd target Jimmy Clausen in the draft (as it's reported he plans on coming out). After all, he's Charlie's boy. But then I thought of Charlie's original "boy".


    Brady Quinn.


    His descent in Cleveland since coming out of Notre Dame is well documented. It's very likely (in my opinion) that Cleveland washes their hands of him after this atrocious season.


    Under Charlie Weis and Weis' offense, Quinn was a god. If Weiss came in and Quinn became available, I could see him wanting a reunion feeling that he was being coached wrong in Cleveland (on top of the fact that he had little to no help around him). I could even see a Weis/Quinn reunion in Buffalo working out.


    What would you think if we went into next season with Charlie Weis as our coach with Brady Quinn, Ryan Fitzpatrick, and Brian Brohm battling through the preseason for starting QB; if Fewell comes down to earth and we can't land a top guy?

  7. i expected suck, given the bills history in player evaluation......as usual, the bills front office has delivered!


    bottom line - this is not a guy we should be looking to retain.....he's roster fodder, nothing more


    The guy hasn't played in a single regular season game in a year and a half. We signed him on 11/24 and with a total of FIVE whole days on the roster, we gave him the start. What the f-ck did you expect?!


    I'd say given those facts, he did damn well. I don't think he was a liability and as a matter of fact, I saw him owning some guys in a couple plays. Paul Hamilton said that he spoke to Simmons and that he stated that he definitely felt rusty and that he knows he can play better as the season goes on.

  8. Get on the phone and get somebody, christ! Derrek Brooks is standing by. He's older but I'm sure he's better than this bunch of lightweights. Horrible management on depth for LB. Nice drafting too addressing all the wrong needs. MothrF$^#&ing SOB!!!!!


    Actually, he's not. From all reports, he's turned down multiple teams that have called needing help. Teams that are most definitely better than us and probably offering more money.


    That being said, the only possible moves i'd expect are:


    a.) Move Marcus Freeman from the practice squad to the active roster.

    b.) Sign Alvin Bowen back to the active roster from Washington's practice squad.

    c.) Sign Pat Thomas back from free agency.

  9. I'll tell you the different options I GUARANTEE we're looking at:


    1.) Bring Marcus Freeman up from the practice squad.

    2.) Sign Alvin Bowen back to the active roster from Washington's practice squad.

    3.) Sign John DiGiorgio off of free agency.


    Personally, i'd sign Derrick Brooks or Marcus Washington to play alongside Ellison and Palmer, but we know that's just crazy talk. Furthermore, i'd rather have Nic Harris in there then either Ellison or Palmer. And don't even get me started on Jon Fudgin' Corto! At the VERY least, it should be Ellison, Palmer, and Harris!

  10. This question is directed to those of you at the game yesterday. The protection wasn't very great yesterday but i've been sitting around baffled. How do you have TWO dynamic #1 playmaking WR's and have a hard time getting the ball?


    So if you were there, can anyone shed any light as to whether they weren't getting open or if Trent just didn't get the ball to them?

  11. Dear Mr. Sullivan -


    I have never really been a fan of yours. I, more or less, have always just taken everything you've written or said on the radio with a grain of salt; mostly just not listening and occasionally laughing. But last night, you actually managed to get under my skin.


    After a Bills loss, you went out of your way to goat T.O. into a meltdown. Is that what you wanted? Would you have felt better if you were able to get him to lose his composure (or lackthereof, given recent history)? What the hell would that have done except cause more problems for a Bills team that already has too many?!


    You groaned that he would have nothing to do with interviews for the past few weeks. Openly ripping him for "creating a little line for himself and walking out" when you guys waited in line at his locker. Then you get an interview and you bust out with questions like "Do you feel you and Lee are being wasted?" and "What do you think of the Quarterback's decisions?" after a ridciulously painful loss? What kind of !@#$ asks those kinds of things to ANY player, let alone Terrell?!


    Even ESPN, who showed the press conference and your questions, said that you were digging deep. ESPN! Who goes out of their way to look for things to talk negatively about regarding Owens. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else from you considering you have always come across as a miserable son of a B word. Seriously. I don't think i've ever heard you talk optimistically about.... anything!


    So what were you trying to do Mr. Sullivan? Maybe make a national name out of yourself at Terrell's expense? Do me a favor. Next time you have a question for a player, especially T.O., just don't ask it. You seem to be a bit burned out, Mr. Sullivan. Maybe it's time you do all of us fans a favor and retire.


    Go fly a kite,


  12. The Eagles, with whom he's like a legend, had their starting RT go down. Runyan, their most prolific RT, was brought in to talk to and work out.


    Even they didn't sign him.


    Why the hell would we? Furthermore, even if he was okay, he's ancient. I'd rather have a rookie that was drafted and considered one of the top 10 OT's in the draft than a guy whose got over 11 seasons in the NFL.


    ...... oh, I forgot. "I've heard of him!" :rolleyes:


    Go watch this video and bugger off:

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