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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. @MaryKayCabot: #Browns are still believed to be in the mix for QB Josh McCown even though .@viccarucci reporting #Bills are in contract talks w/ him. C'mon Browns! Pony up!
  2. God I hope he's also negotiating with Cleveland on the down low and they beat us out for him. In a downright putrid year for getting a QB, he was #4 on my UFA want list
  3. Well it WAS sounding positive that he'd return based on things he and Whaley said. But if he's posturing for a big money deal - see ya C.J.
  4. If true that this is coming from a source close to the Bills - it really reads to me like this: "We know he's a popular candidate that a lot of fans will get behind. We also know our chances of landing him are thin. So to temper enthusiasm - we'll lead on that it's probably not gonna happen"
  5. Ever since the Peerless Price trade - everyone and their mother thinks we should "tag and trade" whatever top free agents we have every year. It's 2015, people. When was the last time ANYONE in the league did that?
  6. EJ deserves to compete for the job in Training Camp. But if he plans on repeating last season by anointing Manuel starter and not bring in competition - then he needs to go too.
  7. I have a feeling Whaley isn't ready to sign up for another college coach that's used to having complete control after Saint Doug.
  8. One thing i'm fairly positive of is that regardless of who they hire; they're bound to have interviewed someone who will be later identified as a better coach for another team than the one they ultimately chose. It's pretty much an inevitability based on the sheer number of coaches they're interviewing.
  9. Jim Schwartz, Dan Quinn, and Rex Ryan are the only Defensive coaches we should be considering IMO
  10. Interesting. Does that mean that he can speak to another team like say, the Raiders, within those 3 days without them getting in trouble for tampering?
  11. Even bigger concern to me was how long they were playing Woods - not just that Hogan played in front of him. If EJ, CJ, Sammy, Big Mike etc. were only in for two series; Woods deserved the same injury insurance. Instead I found myself saying "he's still out there?!" on numerous occasions.
  12. To be honest - I would be both. As a Bills fan, anything that's successful and gets us wins will make me happy. But, yes, I will feel that whatever success Hogan has - Woods would have more.
  13. I like Chris Hogan and feel he definitely should be one of the 5 or 6 WR's we keep. However there is NO WAY IN HELL he should be consistently taking reps over Robert Woods! I was a little confused by the game but there's a million reasons they could have been trying what they tried. I was fine with it so long as it didn't continue. But hearing it was the same way in practice last night has me ripping my hair out. Hogan has had a good camp. But he doesn't have half of Woods talent or production over the last two training camps and last season. And he doesn't have close to the rapport with Manuel that Woody does. I have to assume it's disciplinary or just to have one of the solid 3 WR's working with the 2's - for the time being. But if it continues long term and especially if it continues into the season - than i'm going to start to have some serious concerns when it comes to Marrone's decision making.
  14. Something i've been wondering about is whether or not he's baiting us. To make us look like the bad guys. I mean he had to know the letter would go over like a turd in a punch bowl. I wonder if we make enough anti-Bon Jovi noise in response that he'll use it as an excuse to move it... Because now he can spin it and say that he "wanted" to keep it here, but that it became obvious he couldn't given the response to his letter. That he had good intentions but our response to him changed that.
  15. No way in hell they keep 6 RB's between Tailback and Fullback. The number will be 4 between Spiller, Jackson, Brown and Dixon (who will be used as a short yardage runner/blocker/special teamer making no need for a FB period).
  16. I'll be heading over to Record Archive here in Rochester soon. I'm hoping to land the Pink, Black, and White splatter re-issue of Velvet Underground's 'Loaded', the Zombies 'Odessey and Oracle', and perhaps the 30th Anniversary Glow-in-the-Dark Ray Parker Jr. 'Ghostbusters' picture disc
  17. So you feel that unless they draft both an offensive tackle AND an offensive guard within our first 3 picks everyone should be fired? I agree we need to draft a tackle by Round 3 at the latest. But two of our first three picks on lineman? No way! Like him or not - we signed Chris Williams to a decent sized contract to be our starting LG. Urbik's fine at RG (especially if we draft a stud RT) and Marrone's high on the youngsters they started to develop last year (Asper, McClain, and Unga). If a gem of a Guard falls in the later rounds - by all means. But we have too many other more important spots to fill to be insinuating everyone should be fired if we don't spend two of our first three picks on the O-Line.
  18. Nope. No one anywhere has ever made that connection >_>
  19. Robinson and Matthews - i'm willing to agree with. Lewan is overrated and another off the field incident waiting to happen. I'd rather have Eric Ebron, Anthony Barr, or C.J. Mosley at 9 than him.
  20. I REALLY don't want Taylor Lewan! And i'm really worried he's the pick. Robinson's a freak and Matthews is a stud with pedigree. If we have a shot at one of them, by all means. But Lewan's a hothead with a fresh misdemanor and if we're already taking the third best OT; i'd rather pick at another position and address Right Tackle in Round 2 or 3.
  21. I'll do you one better - CJ AND Fred are both in contract years. After this season, they don't have a starting caliber RB under contract. I expected them to take one in the draft to protect themselves in case CJ leaves and/or Fred starts to break down. So it's not all that surprising.
  22. If Stevie Johnson and Eric Decker are worth 7-8, Desean Jackson ABSOLUTELY is worth 9-10.
  23. I put the odds between extremely slim and none that a.) Philly would send him to us b.) Desean Jackson would be cool with it and c.) not only would he be cool with it - he'd renegotiate his HUGE deal.
  24. ILB Chris Borland - Wisconsin OT Antonio Richardson - Tennessee
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