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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. So you picked the guy up (with the owner) as soon as you could, kept the guy in town for two days, and you're "debating" whether you want to make him an offer? Riiighhhttttt. Sounds like damage control to me. I wonder if they have something else up their sleeve?
  2. Yeah - I don't like the way this smells. I can't imagine he'd leave to visit Cleveland without an offer in hand and I can't imagine Cleveland would bring him in if they couldn't match it.
  3. Not to mention - they also signed Brandon Gibson on Tuesday. Here's hoping they were recommitting to Amendola and not clearing up space for Harvin.
  4. Tomorrow? Ugh. Yesterday everyone was saying it would come and if not it would happen today. Anybody know if he flew home? Dude's been here since Tuesday. If they don't get an offer sheet done until tomorrow that's one helluva long visit!
  5. I hope you're right. I also hope he gets over being asked to do jet sweeps, bubble screens, and kick returns.
  6. What a waste of time and a disappointment if that's the case.
  7. Ugh. If you want to just be a standard receiver without the gadgetry playing with an established franchise QB - why even take the visit?
  8. Thanks for the heads up! Hopefully this falls in line with Carucci's piece from last night. Wherein they present Clay with an offer sheet today with enough wiggle room to get Harvin signed. I hope he didn't show up wearing purple... Whaley: He's just BEGGING to be graped!
  9. @MMehtaNYDN: Percy Harvin's first visit: Buffalo.... Had a great relationship with Rex Ryan and former Jets WRs coach Sanjay Lal last season. #nyj HE IS NOT TO LEAVE THE BUILDING!
  10. He would be a perfect fit in Roman's offense. Combine that with his unbelievable talent and you'd be stupid to take a moral high horse.
  11. @RapSheet: Big priority RT @viccarucci: The #Bills are looking to structure strongest possible offer sheet for #Dolphins TE Charles Clay. I want Clay. But I hope we only overpay (because let's face it - he's going to be overpaid by either Buffalo or Miami) and don't RIDICULOUSLY overpay. I just have a sinking feeling we're going to end up thinking "that's Gronk money!"
  12. Dammit! Being linked to Mike Iupati and Bryan Bulaga and coming up with neither while the secondary market dries up upsets me. Hopefully DW's got some surprises up his sleeve.
  13. THIS. The featured .gif was from the 1st game of the season. By the 15th game all he had going for him was his shiftiness and vision. There was nothing in his legs.
  14. The Jets have NOT signed Mike Iupati. At least not yet. I don't see it anywhere save for a fake report from a fake twitter that fooled a couple of reporters and was retracted. I'm guessing Murphy was fooled too.
  15. I loved Fred from 2006-2014. But to hell with the warm fuzzies. Rex and Doug have my complete support. If they feel it's best for the team - so be it. He was the "heart and soul" of the team. But he was so during the worst playoff drought in the NFL. He's a 34 year old RB. It's coming to an end fairly soon either way.
  16. @JoeBuscaglia: From what I've gathered, it's pretty shaky RT @Jeepin2012 what your opinion on Fred jacksons future?
  17. The Steelers are moving on from Troy Polamalu. The Colts have already moved on from Reggie Wayne. Both are every bit the leader/vet Fred is to their organizations - if not more. It's a young man's game and it's a new regime. No room for warm fuzzies. If it happens - it happens. And even if he is on the roster this year; his days are seriously numbered either way.
  18. I love Fred Jackson. But anyone who says he wasn't showing his age down the stretch last season is kidding themselves. Near the end of the season - he was still shifty. But there didn't seem to be the same power in his legs after contact.
  19. I don't know that we get another trade today but i'm expecting either news on Jerry Hughes from their meeting today and/or they announce the Shady trade with a re-structured contract. In which they convert a good portion of his cap hit into a bonus.
  20. I don't get the Joe B. hate. He's usually dead on with his information and puts in a lot of work on his website pieces. As a Rochesterian, i'll miss his Bills coverage.
  21. Jake Locker I think they sign him and it will be Manuel v. Locker v. Cassel. And between his natural ability, him fitting perfect for Roman's style offense, more weapons than he ever had in Tennessee, and his career being on the line - he wins. However, if Locker can't be brought in i'd say they should draft Garrett Grayson as the 3rd QB. In that scenario - I give the edge to Matt Cassel.
  22. Honestly, save for Matt Moore - I consider every name on that list an upgrade over Josh McCown. I'm so glad the Browns "won" McCown.
  23. I just ran around the house with my hands in the air gleefully yelling: WE LOST! WE LOST!
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