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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Don't I feel dumb now lol I know the story but still didn't make the connection that that was Alexander. I can't believe that's the same guy!
  2. Has anyone else noticed all the ridiculous mistakes the Bills app makes? There's an article up right now on Lorenzo Alexander's mentor London Fletcher. But the picture they used is of a Redskins Offensive Lineman. And i've seen them call Colton Schmidt 'Colton Smith' numerous times this week. Edit - I'm an idiot. I thought they'd be using a picture of London Fletcher. Not a picture of Lorax as an unrecognizable Offensive Lineman. ... they still make a lot of mistakes on the app though.
  3. "Gimme two claps and a Ric Flair... WOO!!" https://youtu.be/hwYmcd8gZQU
  4. The 400 some odd yards were given up by our defense. But 75% of those yards were given up with Gilmore and Darby right there. The scheme was fine. The execution was not. How is it Rex's fault when a guy just flat out loses his battle?
  5. It doesn't matter who our Head Coach is if we have a "Take what they give you" game manager at QB. Honestly, I didn't have an issue with Rex or the defense yesterday. Just Roman and Tyrod.
  6. Is Karlos Williams PS eligible? I've turned the page on the guy, personally. But it looks to me like everyone's set their 53 without him in their plans. I wouldn't have a problem bringing him back on the PS to see if he can turn his life around from there (if he is eligible).
  7. I haven't been to a game in a few years but $5 for a Water sounds about right for venue pricing. Take a look at Jerry Jones prices - you'll feel a lot better.
  8. It should go without saying that #3 overall draft picks with multiple Pro Bowls under their belt will have longer leashes than 5th Round RB's...
  9. @viccarucci: Told RB Karlos Williams apparently was beginning to gain weight he had lost, demonstrating to #Bills he was not serious about football.
  10. When Le'Veon Bell's suspension got reduced for "missing a test" - I had a feeling we'd find out Marcell was massaging the truth when he said his suspension was for the same.
  11. Anyone catch his press conference a few days back? I was really struck by his comment that he hadn't changed his eating habits, just stopped eating at night. And anyone who follows him (and/or his fiancee) on social media shouldn't be surprised. Very immature and both say a lot of dumb things.
  12. Calvin Pace is going to turn 36 in a couple months. He'd better be some kind of Benjamin Button type Edge Rusher.
  13. Look - Fred was a decent player. But he was never a Pro Bowler and we never went anywhere with him as our RB. So I don't know how some of you think his number is untouchable.
  14. So we have Shady, Bush, and Karlos as locks. First RB's up Gillislee followed by Jonathan Williams. I think James Wilder Jr. fans are setting themselves up for disappointment if they're hoping for a roster spot. Practice Squad maybe.
  15. Part of what makes a Bosa deal so unlikely is that no one in the league has any money left in their allocated "Rookie Pool". I think the only way it would be possible is if Shaq Lawson was part of the deal. So in this crazy "what if" scenario - what would the deal be? Injured Shaq and a 1st next year? Because I can't imagine injured Shaq and a 2nd would be enough.
  16. The Fred Jackson ship has SAILED. Let it go! As for #22 - he's not Thurman Thomas. I respect Fred and he gave us some good years. But in no way was he a "retire the number" player. I'm not even sure he's 'Wall of Fame' material. He made something out of nothing. But he never had the quickness and shiftiness that Reggie Bush has. Even at the age Reggie is now. If he went to Seattle last year and managed to play well, i'd understand. But he proved Whaley's point. Marshawn was hurt and Fred still slid down the depth chart. He's done. The team was done with him well over a year ago. Move on. Are you a fan of the Buffalo Bills or just a fan of Fred Jackson?
  17. Yeah, Dwight Freeney's at the top of my list too. He showed he still has some gas left in the tank last season. He may be getting long in the tooth, but we just need 6 games out of him. He'd be a great mentor to Shaq and Jerry. And last I heard - he said on ESPN he just wants a chance anywhere. I imagine he'd be someone that wouldn't want a whole training camp. So maybe he's someone we look at down the road.
  18. Not doing their homework? They claimed him on Waivers! Are you suggesting they should call the player up and ask if they'd like to play for us? I don't even think that's legal.
  19. This is the second time they've drafted a player with injury concerns that their staff "signed off on". What the hell is wrong with our medical staff? Or is Whaley just gambling and losing too often?
  20. I'd love to see Vernon Adams Jr. or Trevone Boykin for a 4th camp arm.
  21. Damn - Tennessee must have REALLY been sure about Mariota. I don't know what's worse: offering that deal or turning it down.
  22. Jim Dray, Robert Blanton, and Deonte Thompson is not what I had in mind when DW said "dust settles" secondary market guys. I know we have very little spending money. And I don't require "i've heard of him!" for everyone we bring in. But these seem like "Futures" contract guys.
  23. Lol DeSean Jackson seems more annoyed about the incident question than Shady does.
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