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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Deshaun, DeShone, Mitch - whichever tests out the best with the coaches and what we want to do in the pre-draft process. Hoping for Deshaun.
  2. If it isn't a sure thing right now, it will be if Denver offers. The fact that he's flying to Denver tomorrow to interview with them, full well knowing McDermott is HC here says Denver is where he wants to be. And it should be. Amongst the available coaching gigs, it was pretty much unanimously Denver and everyone else amongst the national media. Only shot I see us having is if Denver decides to go with Musgrave.
  3. Norv Turner doesn't quite fit the mold I had in mind. He just left Minnesota because he refused to change his Offense to better suit his players.
  4. Uh huh... Send me some more stats that make you think he'd spurn Denver for Buffalo. By the by, have you seen who Denver's interviewing for OC? Mike freakin' McCoy! Your blind homerism may pay off though. The Broncos could choose Musgrave instead. Then we might have a shot.
  5. It's the Denver Broncos. They won a Super Bowl just last season. They're an elite organization. If you think it isn't a no brainer between us and them - you're delusional.
  6. Because they're the Denver Broncos and we're the Buffalo Bills? No brainer. Especially when you consider that McCoy was the OC of the Broncos before going to San Diego. He can go home again.
  7. If Vance Joseph does get hired by the Broncos (and it's looking like he will be), say goodbye to Mike McCoy
  8. Yeah, them hiring Joseph at the same time we hire McDermott is not good. I thought we'd get McCoy as long as Joseph wasn't hired by Denver. Now i'd bet he goes to the Broncos.
  9. I'm not saying the narrative is correct. I'm simply saying that's what the perception has been in the national media. And that A. Lynn was done dirty and hung out to dry. By putting out there that they're "remorseful" for what they had done - they're essentially saying "we get it and all these concerns are unfounded going forward". Even if nothing really changes. It's all PR.
  10. I don't necessarily disagree. But the way it played out in the press painted the Pegula's as meddling owners and Whaley as a GM making on field decisions.
  11. My feeling is this is less about Tyrod Taylor's future with the organization and more to do with them wanting to publicly acknowledge that benching him should have been Lynn's call. That it was wrong for them and that going forward with whoever the coach is - such a thing won't happen again.
  12. Deshaun Watson, DeShone Kizer, Corey Davis, Malik Hooker, Jabrill Peppers - I really like this class.
  13. Yeah - we're not even lining up the hottest coordinator names. You think Whaley's bringing in Jim freakin' Harbaugh?
  14. I realized we weren't going to get a Superstar again. But really? We can't even go for Kyle Shanahan or Josh McDaniels?
  15. And don't you think if they wanted him back they wouldn't be bubble wrapping the guy to ensure the contract doesn't get picked up?
  16. @viccarucci: This is as it appears: Tyrod Taylor has entered exit-strategy mode from moment the #Bills informed him he would be benched for Sunday. Anyone who thinks Tyrod coming back is likely is kidding themselves. Neither side seems very high on the idea.
  17. If they're just going to promote in house, what's the point of all the "Whaley will finally choose" rhetoric?
  18. Yep. Because when you do it ONCE in two seasons - that's good enough.
  19. Kelvin Sheppard for Jerry Hughes Kiko Alonso for LeSean McCoy That equals a large line of credit for me.
  20. Totally agree. It's the dumbest risk i've seen the team make. I've always been behind Rex. But this is the tipping point for me. After seeing the injury clause - hearing Rex say they're staying with him made me say "he has to go" for the first time.
  21. I've supported Rex from Day 1. But if he's going to put the future of this team at risk by playing Tyrod for 3 meaningless games - he deserves to be fired. And now.
  22. So what? You tell me another way to entice players to pay New York taxes, play for an average team, and live in Buffalo when they could go to places like Miami and Los Angeles.
  23. Don't I feel dumb now lol I know the story but still didn't make the connection that that was Alexander. I can't believe that's the same guy!
  24. Has anyone else noticed all the ridiculous mistakes the Bills app makes? There's an article up right now on Lorenzo Alexander's mentor London Fletcher. But the picture they used is of a Redskins Offensive Lineman. And i've seen them call Colton Schmidt 'Colton Smith' numerous times this week. Edit - I'm an idiot. I thought they'd be using a picture of London Fletcher. Not a picture of Lorax as an unrecognizable Offensive Lineman. ... they still make a lot of mistakes on the app though.
  25. "Gimme two claps and a Ric Flair... WOO!!" https://youtu.be/hwYmcd8gZQU
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