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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. I'm starting to really think it's McCarron and that it's always been McCarron. I find it very odd that most people thought he'd be getting paid after Cousins and that he hasn't been linked to anyone yet.
  2. Stop it. Bridgewater (if knee is okay), McCarron, McCown. In that order. Gtfo of here with Matt Moore.
  3. Franchise tag Preston Brown?! Delete your account.
  4. I just heard Rappaport say on NFLN that Arizona is on Bradford "as are the Buffalo Bills". So I don't think it's as close as this post implies.
  5. Albright was reposting that dude with 80 followers saying the Bills were bringing Matt Moore in for a visit yesterday (which was quickly debunked). He has about as much credibility to me as Buffalo Fanatics.
  6. In a vacuum - I agree. However... We didn't have Beane in place yet. We were running that Draft on a GM and scouts that were not going to be there the following year. As such, I can understand McDermott not wanting Whaley and company picking the next Franchise QB.
  7. Oh yeah? OH YEAH?! Well - you've got bust written all over you!
  8. 3rd overall is nice. But 2nd overall makes more sense to me. It's one thing to say (as the Eagles did) you're fine with one of two QBs. It's another thing entirely to say you're fine with one of THREE possible QBs. If going to 3 - i'd wait until Draft Day to see who went 1 and 2.
  9. Rosen Darnold Mayfield Allen Jackson Rudolph is such an afterthought in my mind. He doesn't belong in the convo.
  10. Isn't he a Free Agent? What should we re-sign him for? Probably should act fast. Don't want to do it after Cousins sets the market. Webb will probably ask for more.
  11. People need to stop piggybacking reports off of nobodies. Grant Gilchrest has less followers on Twitter than I do! I expect Buffalo Fanatics to report on any tweet they see. Expected better out of Albright.
  12. Ian Rappaport chimed in on it as well on his Twitter. If Bradford can get a clean bill of health (and that's a HUGE 'if') - he's the most naturally gifted QB available.
  13. I like McCarron for that very reason. He's last year's Mike Glennon. If we sign Josh McCown or Matt Moore (or nobody) - the league's going to know we're all in on one of the top guys in the Draft. But with McCarron, there's legitimate reason to believe he might be the guy (like people thought with Glennon). But I don't think signing him precludes us from moving up. And if our trading partners think it's possible we could back away from the table at any point, it makes negotiations easier. If they know we absolutely HAVE to get Darnold/Rosen/Mayfield/Allen - it puts us at a disadvantage.
  14. I just remember thinking - Jeff Posey? You have to make a point to strike right at 12:00 on the dot for Jeff Posey?
  15. And that's why it doesn't make sense to me. They aren't going to get him at a reasonable price. That's just a fact.
  16. The thing I like about McCarron is that he's like last years Glennon. If we sign McCown or Matt Moore or something - everyone knows we're going to be taking a QB and probably high. But with McCarron - there's that bit of unknown. Other teams will wonder - "Is he their guy or are they drafting someone?". Provides a fraction of leverage if teams think it's a possibility you could walk away from the table and stand pat with what you have.
  17. I'm not reading much into it. Him re-signing just doesn't make sense to me for any party involved. Neither he nor Vontae Davis would sign up to be the third outside Corner off the bench or the Nickel. And paying either guy what it would take to get them just to have depth is a waste of resources that should be allocated elsewhere IMO.
  18. I'm with it until the Ragnow part. Ryan Groy played really well at Center in 2016, when asked to fill in for Eric Wood. He played good enough that another team tried to sign him as an RFA and we matched the contract. In my opinion, we already have our Eric Wood replacement. I wouldn't draft another Center until Round 4 or 5. I'd spend that 2nd elsewhere.
  19. If they can get anything for him, yes, he's gone. The only question is whether anyone wants to trade an asset for his contract. I'd expect a 4th or a 5th based on injury history and the team picking up his expensive deal. Kinda like the Dareus deal.
  20. Another Andrew Luck post? There shouldn't even be one. He's reportedly ready to roll this season. Reich is not outing him for anything. Nor should he.
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