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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. They didn't have to cut/trade as many players as they did. They didn't have to rid themselves of everyone inherited by Doug Whaley. They chose to. They didn't have to make some of the moves they've made that haven't worked out to contribute to the number.
  2. I know this comes off as ignorant - but I honestly don't think it could be worse than it is right now.
  3. I'm at this point too. I said no matter what, McDermott has to get 3-5 seasons. Just from a turnover standpoint - it has to stop. But when you KEEP selecting the wrong coaches - you can't just stick with it for continuity's sake. Offensively, this regime is the most clueless i've seen from a Bills team in my 34 years. I expected a step back. But they are putting together a HISTORICALLY bad season together. And they consistently make the wrong decisions on that side of the ball. I hate to say it - but Sean McDermott is looking like just another coordinator who is very good at his job. But is just not a Head Coach.
  4. I don't know about that. But the second Derek Anderson gets out of concussion protocol - Nathan Peterman should be released.
  5. I'm fully convinced that now that we're in tank mode mentality - McDermott's going to squeeze out a handful of wins down the stretch. Isn't that how it always works? We'll end up picking like 9-12 and miss out on the top tier guys. Probably right where we need to be to take the top WR.
  6. I'm not gonna lie. I liked Matt Barkley over EJ Manuel, Geno Smith, and Ryan Nassib in the "we HAVE to pick one" 2013 Draft. Kind of funny to see him suit up here 5 years after the fact. Couldn't be much worse than Derek Anderson and an upgrade over watching Nathan Peterman. I'm fine with Barkley steering the tank until they're ready to put Josh Allen back in.
  7. Ian Rappaport just said on NFL Network that he knows the Bills did not make any trades today. So no KB like surprise after the deadline.
  8. Everybody's different. Some people get upset. Others refuse to let a bad team ruin their night out. One that they paid a lot of money for. ... and alcohol.
  9. Everyone screamimg for WR help when the market's fairly dry and then complaining at what we get. Beggars can't be choosers, people.
  10. This is incredibly dumb. The very first thing I noticed on the play was that he landed head first. I didn't even notice the ankle until they came back from commercial and showed the slow motion. Even if you are blind and didn't see him landing on his head - he torqued the hell out of that ankle. I don't know how anyone could look at that play and claim he's faking. Just utterly ridiculous.
  11. I just can't wrap my head around the team either winning or getting completely blown out. There's no in between. It's astounding.
  12. When we face young playcallers - the D looks good. When we face cerebral wizards like Flacco, Rivers, Rodgers, and Luck - our youth is easily exposed.
  13. This is a very fair point. I just worry that this is how they like their WR core. No big names and no ego. Just guys who are "work hard" overachiever types. Look at what Cam has had at WR in Carolina since he came into the league.
  14. DT and Amari Cooper available via trade. Terrelle Pryor and Kamar Aiken both recently released. Dez Bryant and Jeremy Maclin on the Free Agent market. But we'll sit on our hands because WR is not important to McBeane.
  15. You're on an internet message board preaching positivity and patience to a Buffalo Bills fanbase that has dealt with decades of futility. And you're doing it following the THIRD helping of Nate Petetman's unprecedented garbage. When every man, woman, child, or otherwise in the football world said he should have gone after the first or second dumpster fire. And now it's possible that against all odds, Peterman may have another go. And you don't think people have a right to be upset? I'd say if anyone's misguided here - it's you.
  16. Impatience has nothing to do with the Peterman situation. We all (at least, should have) signed up for a tough rebuilding year while we get our Rookie QB experience. But we did NOT sign up for Parts 2, 3, and possibly (MADDENINGLY) 4 of the Nate Peterman tragedy. And when a simpleton can see mistakes consistetly happen that could be avoided - the coach deserves what you're seeing. Plain and simple. I'm so tired of seeing fans calling other fans less than because they don't shovel sh-t in their mouth with a smile. Things were expected to be bad. But he's made them worse than they need to be. Fans have more than the right to gripe about failures. Especially when it comes to Peterman.
  17. I usually listen to the coach interview on the ride home every week. This one was different. There are others that noticed on Twitter and they even quickly mentioned that it felt like they were hung up on before going to break. The interview will be made available in the vault. It's worth a listen. Maybe i'm blowing it out of proportion. But it seemed a very out of character interview with an abrupt end.
  18. A disconnect? Please. They end the same way every single time. And McDermott is always courteous and makes sure to have a respectful end to the interview. He clearly heard the goodbye and just hung up. Also, of note, Schopp has been off the air since it happened and Bulldog just keeps taking phone calls awkwardly moving along.
  19. He always says bye. It's been the same closing every week. It was clearly *pause* *click* and he was salty the whole time.
  20. Just happened so I don't have any links. But I found it very out of character for him. He didn't seem to appreciate questions about Peterman and how an offense should operate. EDIT: I should state it wasn't mid interview. At the end where they do their regular closing - he hung up on them during the goodbyes. It was clearly intentional. Listen in the audio vault when available.
  21. Nowhere has it been said that Peterman is likely the starter. As one of two available QBs - it's possible he plays. But I think the probability of Derek Anderson starting after only being here for a week is much higher.
  22. I do not care what the original plan was. The only thing that matters is that they made the decision to go with Allen. Once they made that decision - it became absolutely imperative that the team was his and remained his. Start pulling him in and out and we really have EJ 2.0 on our hands. You just don't do that to a Top 10 Rookie "Franchise" guy.
  23. Right - but we can still get our rookie QB experience (or determine if he'll ever develop). Putting Anderson in accomplishes nothing and gets us nowhere.
  24. If Josh Allen is physically able, he should start next week. Fixed it for you.
  25. I'm glad that you don't have a say in that. This year is all about him getting experience. Otherwise, we're treading water and heading nowhere. Derek Anderson? Might as well just mail in the whole season.
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