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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. That's totally fine. I feel I should specify that I wasn't saying a trade for him is a total impossibility and shouldn't be talked about. Just that the Twitter nobody's being taken as credible was getting out of hand. But I'll leave this thread and others like it alone going forward. Thank you for the work you do.
  2. Here? Yes. And I was. Then you took a personal shot. But we can take that to the DM's if you'd like to continue going forward.
  3. This is less credible than the Ertz thread that just got locked. If you like believing in fiction, may I suggest Tolkien?
  4. This makes a lot of sense. I think Beane's moves will be mainly released players or trades.
  5. I was hoping so too. But when he didn't make any other cuts or restructures (outside of the Matakevitch deal that make have saved 1.5 or so) - I kinda saw this coming. I think we're probably sitting at 8 mil total under the cap. Can't do much with that when you have to sign draft picks. To be fair - he did tell everyone that we wouldn't be players in Free Agency and we'd be lucky to get our own back. He was able to pull that off, at least.
  6. Possibly. But if it is, it's just lucky timing. When someone posts something as a nobody and he's the only one saying it (especially if it's someone who covers the Giants from the UK) - 99.999% it's just something that makes sense to someone and he's hoping to be the one to "break" a story and be legitimized. You see it literally every year at this time. And it's always wrong. Literally the only time I've seen a nobody break a story was when Sal Capaccio found out about T.O. And it did legitimize him! Which is why there's so much fake news around this time.
  7. If it said the Eagles had given him permission to negotiate with teams. Maybe I'd buy it. If it were a verified account and not a NY Giants "beat reporter" from England with a third of the followers of the Buffalo Fanatics. Maybe. Keep in mind that EVERY year, people on Twitter hypothesize moves that make sense and post fake information hoping that they get lucky and can say they "broke" the story in hopes of being legitimized as a "source". Don't fall for it. Unless it comes from a verified reporter, it's meaningless.
  8. Vet minimum for the years he's accrued is just over a million. Would cost more than that but I doubt anyone's paying him 6 or 7 coming off of last season. Maybe a 2-yr deal with a bonus this year, a higher number next season, and an out.
  9. In response to him going to The Jets, yes. But the idea of us landing him went out the window after re-signing all 3 of our big FA's.
  10. Oh, don't get me wrong! I love this team. I think the roster is in incredible shape. But Beane did say at the end of the year presser that we won't be making much noise and most of his efforts will be spent bringing back our guys, which he's done in spades. This is why I'm kind of down on the idea of us doing much. Maybe we land some cheaper guys on prove it deals. But I just don't see us making any big moves. And in my eyes, Dunlap (especially as a pass rushing DE) would be a little too pricey.
  11. Have you seen Nelson Agholar's deal with the Patriots? Doesn't make this seem bad at all 😆
  12. Might not be popular - but my gut says a cheap, 1 year prove it deal with Richard Sherman to take Josh Norman's place.
  13. Like I said - Beane's done a lot of maneuvering the cap already. I'm not counting on all these other ideas to free up more until it happens. That being said - he did just do something with Matakevitch, to which I assume he freed up another 1.5-2 million. But Dunlap is a pass rusher. Hard to imagine he's going to come cheap. Sometimes realism can appear "doom and gloom" to some.
  14. Alright! There we go! Give me some of that sweet, sweet cap space!
  15. I think this is a move we could make with Bojorquez and Boettger. But I see somebody else paying Wallace at least the 2 million tender.
  16. That you'd have to take a discount because we're (at the moment) essentially broke? That's not even a debate - it's fact.
  17. I'm confused. My post refers strictly to our lack of cap space. We're at 6 mil with draft picks to sign and a GM who doesn't like to spend all the way to the cap. Could more money be freed up? Yeah, there's some moves that *could* be made. But he's done a number of cuts and restructures already and I'm not counting on more until it happens.
  18. We have 6 million and have to pay draft picks. Not to mention, Beane doesn't like spending all the way to 0. Is there more ways he could come up with space? Yes. But that doesn't mean it's going to happen and I don't count on it until it does. See: keeping Murphy last season and just skimming a couple mil off Addison and keeping him this season.
  19. We've got to be in double digits with the signings and close to 200 million in cap space spent in under 6 hours. Bill's desperate and it's showing. Between the signings and the players returning from COVID - that's a *lot* of moving parts. May pay off in the long run but I don't see it all coming together this season.
  20. Tight End market is insane today. Hunter Henry gonna bank.
  21. If Agholar is 26 over 2 - Diggs should be at least 75 😂
  22. If wanting to talk about credible information and shutting down obvious fake news on a place I go to for Bills news makes me no fun - I'm cool with that. If we're just running with whatever because "nothing's going on", why not go balls to the wall? I've got a couple hundred Twitter followers - should I start a "rumor" we're in the market for Christian McCaffery?
  23. Because it's ridiculous when you have a million people running around talking about it like it's a legitimate thing. Seeing comments about other RB's in separate threads saying "if the Hunt trade doesn't happen..." Makes no sense from a cap or "process" standpoint to begin with. And it's all based on a guy who had 200 followers to start the day. It's misinformation of the highest degree until you hear it from someone, anyone, that actually matters.
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