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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. Seems there's a lot of folks around here who feel that both our 1st and our 2nd will provide nothing in Year 1 and are essentially red shirts 🙄 Baffles me that everyone is counting out both our top picks, are closed off to the idea that Epenesa could improve, AND feel both Hughes and Addison provide nothing.
  2. First off, as mentioned above, he's on a 15 mil 1 year deal right now and holding out on it. How does it make any sense that he'd accept a 50% pay cut on a deal he's already not happy with? Secondly, Addison isn't going anywhere. He took a paycut to stay here. And Beane has never in his tenure told a player "if you want to stay here, we need you to take a cut" and then come back to say "thanks for working with us, but you're still out of here". Not even with guys he won't use like Tyler Kroft. It's a bad look to the locker room team building and trust in their "process" Even after the Draft when people speculated he might do it this time, he doubled down in the post-Draft press conference saying Addison won't be going anywhere and that his mentoring and leadership of the young guys will be important in their growth. Was even commenting on how he planned to use Addison and his snap counts going forward to maximize his impact. Long story short - the Defensive End position has been addressed this offseason. In multiple moves. As it is, we may have to move on from Efe Obada from a pure numbers standpoint. You may question how Beane has addressed the position and how much impact Rousseau and Basham will make in Year One. But that's how he went about it. Rousseau, Basham, perhaps Obada, and the growth of Epenesa in his second year is what he's hanging his hat on. We cannot and should not even do due diligence into a move for Chandler Jones.
  3. Yep - and since both will happen, we're going to lose players off this roster to make the cap work. Players that will have to be replaced in the coming Drafts. So we can't afford to give those assets away. Especially for a position that we've already heavily invested in. And I'm not convinced that Chandler Jones, coming off a season ending injury in which it'll be close to a full calendar year since he last played, switching teams, and learning a new system is going to be that much of an upgrade over Jerry for this season anyways. And beyond that - how many more solid years does he have left in the tank at this point?
  4. He's 31 and coming off a season ending torn bicep where he missed most of the year. Not worth a 1st Rounder at this point in his career and we'll need that 1st for other positions following the Josh and Tremaine deals. We've already allocated a 1st and 2 2nd's in the past two years. Spending another 1st on the same position is crazy talk at this point.
  5. We just drafted a 1st Round Defensive End and a 2nd Round Defensive End in conjunction with a 2nd Rounder spent on a Defensive End last year. Now you want to send a future 1st for ANOTHER Defensive End, who's also 31 years old? Hard pass. We're closed for business on Defensive End moves for 2021.
  6. The JJ Watt thread had validity to it. Mack being traded this season does not. And even if they were to - we're not in a position to do it right now.
  7. David Johnson, Philip Lindsay, Mark Ingram, and now Rex Burkhead. Somebody's not making the final 53.
  8. If there's concern from the team over Star, then I think you'll see them pursuing Kawann Short soon. If they don't, then I don't think they're as concerned as everyone else.
  9. You're all missing my main point. And cherry picking the multiple "removes" without reading the context. And that's that his good plays last season - the ones that swing his average - came on plays that didn't matter. 50 yard TD runs when the game was well over. 10+ yard draw plays when the D was more than willing to give him that cushion to prevent the ball going down field on 3rd and 12+
  10. Remove the first year and remove the occasional 50+ yard scamper in garbage time when the opposing D has turtled (like against the Broncos) and remove the 10 yards or so the D would give him in 3rd and 15+ situations and the like - I'd bet that stellar looking average don't look so stellar. When we needed the tough yards, they consistently didn't come last season. Are some of us maybe a little too harsh on him? Perhaps. But let's not overcorrect and point to his inflated ypc to say he's solid. Tell me what the O-Line did wrong on this drive killer in the championship game?
  11. Summed up my thoughts nicely: And more importantly than lack of more Primetime games than anyone else:
  12. It's a village... in the suburbs of Rochester. "The Village of Pittsford is the oldest village in New York incorporated in 1827. The village, an Erie Canal community, is in the Town of Pittsford. Pittsford is a suburb of Rochester, NY." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsford_(village),_New_York Also funny how their urgent care is the University of Rochester https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/urgent-care/ And what exactly does these "upscale bedroom community" and "higher end clientele" comments have to do with anything in regards to the pandemic and whether or not Training Camp will be held? Do you live in Rochester? Or excuse me, one of the many towns and villages that comprise it? Because I do. Actually, I live in Irondequoit. But you know what it says on my mail? Rochester, NY. No one around here says Irondequoit, Greece, Pittsford, Gates, Fairport, etc are not Rochester. Rochester is not just some 10 mile stretch downtown.
  13. This post is extremely confusing. You list all the precautions SJF has done for their paying students. What about that list makes you think they'd be comfortable busing in crowds of the general public to spectate a football team? Btw Pittsford is a township of the city of Rochester. "Higher clientele" (which is pretty offensive) or not.
  14. Exactly. And other things compounding the issue is - a.) There's no on site parking. Fans have to stand in line and pile on to busses to be shuttled to and from Camp. No real way of controlling social distancing and the large public transportation increases risk of exposure. b.) Rochester has cancelled a number of Summer Festivals like Park Ave Fest and moved the Jazz Fest out of the city this year. Things like the Lilac Festival is being spread out over weeks with attendance capped tightly. Opening Bills Training Camp to the public doesn't really jive with how the city has been operating as of late.
  15. I doubt it. As a Rochesterian, I love having them here. But the writing was already kind of on the wall that they were basically riding out the contract and that they preferred their new fancy digs they had built in Buffalo. So why would they go out of their way to come up with a plan and expose themselves to unnecessary risk when it's not required and they probably don't even want to in the first place? Even *if* they did - I'd expect it to be a very limited engagement. One in which it's ticketed, basically invite only for sponsors, and the type that would be in the VIP tents in previous years.
  16. That's what bad teams do. They take big things that happen in a single game and hang their hat on it. It's like the couple times we beat the Patriots during the drought. It'd make the cover of SI and we'd all revel in it for an entire season. Because otherwise, all you've (in this case, the Cardinals) got to focus on is failure.
  17. Star wasn't bad with the Bills. His role is an unsexy one that won't show up on the stats sheet. Did you notice how big of a drop off our D-Line had last season without him? It wasn't a coincidence. He makes the rest of the line better by eating blockers.
  18. Small, slow, MAC back in a time when the RB position has never been more undervalued. Good numbers but no elite traits. Doesn't shock me at all. I didn't see anyone who thought he was going in the 3rd or 4th Round.
  19. So 2 OT's with both our Tackles signed long term, following 2 DE's? Now we've traded down to pick up extra picks when most felt we'd trade up because it'd be hard for 7 to make the roster? I don't get this Draft, at all.
  20. So 2 OT's with both our Tackles signed long term, following 2 DE's? Now we've traded down to pick up extra picks when most felt we'd trade up because it'd be hard for 7 to make the roster? I don't get this Draft, at all.
  21. Thing that gets me is - who's getting cut? In my time as a Bills fan, we've only ever kept 4 or 5 DE's on the active roster. Hughes, Addison, Epenesa, and Rousseau are locks. Leaves one roster spot for Obada or Bam Bam. I don't see SIX DE's being kept.
  22. He's a player that the Bills have met with at a position many feel they will go with in the First Round.
  23. Good thing we wouldn't be using a "high" draft pick. Our 1st is a glorified 2nd Rounder. Big difference between taking ETN at 30 when the team doesn't really have any holes and taking Spiller at 10 or Watkins at 4 when the team has huge needs.
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