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Everything posted by BillsFanForever19

  1. How has he not been being evaluated and treated regularly? This isn't the first or even the second time he's shown schizophrenic behavior. I understand he's very good at Football. But this is going to be a very bad look for the League if something terrible happens or happened. If you were going to bring him back to the stresses of being an NFL star after you determined he needed a mental health evaluation and then after he showed up at the team hotel threatening to shoot someone - he should have had to have been forced to see a team psychiatrist or psychologist on a weekly basis that stayed on top of medication and evaluating whether he was a danger to himself or others for the length of his contract. Maybe they did do this and this incident still happened. But if not, again it's going to be a real bad look.
  2. Down Star and Zimmer - we're nowhere opposite Oliver. Vernon Butler and Harrison Phillips are bad. Just plain bad, no way around it.
  3. It's more than that. When he's in, we get solid play out of the RT position. When he's in, Daryl plays RG and handles it pretty well. When he's NOT in, Daryl handles the RT position poorly and Cody Ford at RG is a complete turnstile. I'm not here saying we definitely would have won if the O-Line was correct and we had Star and Edmunds instead of Klein and Butler. But to look at how we've performed at full strength and how we performed today and say it doesn't matter is foolish.
  4. A player here or there is greatly underestimating the importance of having Brown at RT and Williams at RG instead of Ford at RG and Williams at RT - as well as Star at 1-Tech instead of Vernon Butler/Harrison Phillips and Tremaine Edmunds instead of AJ Klein. These are MASSIVE dropoffs that change the way both sides of the team play entirely.
  5. The Good News: - When we have Daryl Williams at RG and Spencer Brown at RT - the Offensive Line is solid. Not amazing, but solid. The offense performs at a much higher level with that stability on the Line. Getting them back and in the right spots will help immensely on that side of the ball. - When we have Star Lotulelei on the D-Line, the entire Defense performs better. This has been obvious in practically every game he's been on the field this season. His ability to eat up Lineman consistently makes everyone play a little more free. - We were down Tremaine Edmunds. And outside of a handful of plays here and there or a game here or there when everything is working around him, AJ Klein is a huge dropoff. Getting back Star and Edmunds will help immensely on that side of the ball. The Bad News: - With both Star and Brown's personal decisions, there's no telling when we'll get either back. Brown will be out for at least the Saints game. Star could theoretically come back for New Orleans, but it will be less than 14 days and who's to say he'll be up to it. - Both could easily be put back on the list again for at least 10 days for a simple exposure. - Tremaine Edmunds seems like he's on the right path. But with a Hammy, he could go back down at any time. - McDermott's decision to insist on banging a square peg into a round hole by consistently putting out Cody Ford at RG and Daryl Williams at RT with Spencer Brown out doesn't seem like it's going to change. All logic pointed to not doing that again today and he did it. Sure enough, it looked like garbage, just as it has in the past. So I'm not convinced he's going to change this way of thinking if he didn't after seeing it a couple times already. But for the love of God - put Williams at Guard and try something else at Tackle. Please! - We have ZERO depth on this team. Apparently, Ryan Bates, Tommy Doyle, and Jamil Douglas are so bad that McDermott refuses to give them a chance at RT - even though Daryl Williams is a turnstile there while being a decent Guard. AJ Klein is not good. Period. Asking him to fill in at LB outside of in a pinch is always going to bite us. We're also nowhere with Harrison Phillips and Vernon Butler if something happens to Star or Oliver. All in all, when we have our best guys out there - we're at least competitive with good teams at full strength like the Titans and Chiefs. Today we were just too short handed and made terrible personnel decisions on top of it. We may have still lost had we had all 3 guys we were missing and had McDermott not continue to make boneheaded O-Line personnel decisions. But it wouldn't have looked like it looked today otherwise.
  6. We could very well be out Star, Edmunds, and Brown on Thursday as well. We'll definitely be without Brown. With Star being unvaxxed and being positive, there's no telling he'll be okay even if we're past the 10 day mark, and Edmunds has a hammy and you never know with those things.
  7. This all boils down to an issue that we can't discuss on this board. We operate as a different team when we have Spencer Brown on our O-Line and Star Lotulelei on our D-Line. Their choice is derailing our season.
  8. Moving Daryl Williams back to RT is just as big of a concern to me. After looking pretty decent there last year, he COMPLETELY fell off a cliff. Moving him inside, he's been fine. Especially with Brown in the lineup. Moving him back outside in Brown's absence, he's been even worse than he was at the start of the year.
  9. I'd imagine someone like Bates or Doyle will start over him. But as much as he's hated, I think it's a better idea than moving Williams back to RT. He's played horribly there this season and it messes up the continuity of our line switching guys around all over the line.
  10. He's Just a Guy. People have been screaming for the past two years it's all on the Offensive Line and that he's got a good average. But the average is skewed by garbage time runs. When it counts, it seems like he's always being stuffed. And even with a "bad line" - with as pass heavy as we are, there should be runs to be made with most defenders playing the pass. The fact is defenses don't fear him. They don't respect him. They play him with 4 Lineman, almost never loading the box, and he still can't get the job done. Beane went into the offseason not blaming him and not blaming the Line. Bringing back the same personnel on the Line and the Backfield. And nothing's changed. We're nowhere in the running game.
  11. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
  12. Were you watching the games we played with Brown out of the lineup? It was God awful line play. The game plan had no effect on Josh having no protection in front of him every single time he stepped back to pass. Daryl was given an extension for his play at RT last season. This season? He's been so utterly terrible at RT, that they moved him to Guard and started Spencer Brown instead. And when we shifted him back there following Brown's injury - he was even worse! Ford was benched for terrible play, Feliciano was playing terrible and is now on IR. I don't know what Offensive Line you've been watching or what depth chart you're looking at - but I couldn't possibly disagree with your assessment that we have a ton of depth and are capable without Brown any more if I tried.
  13. You call it bedwetting - I call it realism. Did you see the OL without Brown? Now we're walking into a game with Indy without Brown, Lotulelei, Edmunds, and possibly Milano. Optimism is great. But you'd be kidding yourself to not be concerned.
  14. This doesn't give me a lot of hope that he'll be back in time for either The Colts or The Saints 😔
  15. Pretty simple reasoning - he gets paid a lot more being on a 53 man roster than he does on the Practice Squad. And Barkley doesn't have a whole lot of opportunities left to see playing time in the NFL. If you're him, you're going to jump at the chance to play. Even if it's with a bad team.
  16. Earlier I said OBJ to Buffalo made no sense. Now? We can't run block or run the ball. Teams aren't afraid of or respect our RB's. And for good reason. No way to fix either of those issues in FA now. Teams know all we can do is pass. So F it. Yeah, we're gonna pass and you know we're gonna pass. But when we're sending Diggs, Beckham, Beasley, and Sanders or combinations thereof - good luck either way.
  17. You can say it's the O-Line. But the fact remains, if you have a stud back there - they're still going to respect the guy. Even with bad run blocking, as one dimensional as we are, there should still be plays to be made with teams keying in on our passing game. And there aren't. Ever. You can put the focus on the O-Line. But no one is scared of Devin Singletary or Zack Moss and it shows.
  18. How? You expect us to say they're performing well? Or maybe you expect us to stay positive after dropping two of our last three and just losing to the f'n Jacksonville Jaguars. Get real.
  19. Can't pass block. Can't run the ball, even though we're entirely one dimensional so even with bad run blocking - there should be plays to be made. We've got serious problems right now. This offseason I questioned Beane's decision to keep everything the same with the Offensive Line and the Backfield and expect improvement. Said often "he better be right about this or it's going to look real bad on him". Right now? It's looking REAL bad on him.
  20. I don't see him being claimed on waivers. Taking on that contract for a guy who would most likely pull a Dri Archer if it's some place he doesn't want to to go seems unlikely. Also I'd bet that his agent is letting it known behind the scenes that Odell wants to pick his destination and that he may not show up if you claim him.
  21. Considering Brandon Beane's emphasis on character, our cap space, and our depth chart at WR - I don't get how we're so high on this list....
  22. I doubt anyone puts a claim in for him on Waivers. They'd have to pick up his hefty contract and unless it's a team he wants to go to - good chance he pulls a Dri Archer and doesn't report. I'd bet his agent is putting that out there. My guess is he goes to New Orleans or Las Vegas. New Orleans was trying to swing a trade for him at the deadline (boy does Cleveland look dumb for not pulling the trigger on that now), they have a big hole since Michael Thomas is out for the year, and is New Orleans, LA. Las Vegas didn't have a great WR core before the Henry Ruggs tragedy happened, is a contender this year, and is Las Vegas, NV.
  23. Looking at the cars, it's a legit miracle he survived. Terrible he allegedly took a life under the influence. If they can prove it, his career is over.
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