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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. Make that 31-0-0. Outstanding game by Miller!
  2. I sold three NYC apartments on craigslist. No fee. craigslist rocks. You could also try a small community paper with a targeted circulation, those ads are likely to be very real.
  3. If one of the top 5 QBs who has already won two Super Bowls is available and the price is 2 1st rounders...you pay and run, before they think twice. Its hard finding franchise QBs...we've been looking since 1996. I would gladly take Big Ben on my team. Kelly was a big partier in the era pre-internet and cell-phone cameras. Who knows what may have come out about him?
  4. I'd only be on board with passing on Bulagua if we get Gaither.
  5. You really don't get it? I work 10-12 hours a day, more if my clients need me. If my clients need the answer to a question on a Saturday night, I do it. If I have to be in the office till 3 AM, I'm here. I am not paid xtra on a per hour basis. If all is well, I will get a nice year end bonus. Its not just recordkeeping, its an entirely different mentality.
  6. He did. Secret Service protection is provided to all Presidential candidates. No other candidates for other offices get that protection to my knowledge.
  7. Ummm, Carl is not a government official. He is a private citizen who is a real estate developer. He also happens to be running for governor.
  8. Check this out, friggin' awesome. I'll bet there is a good story behind how the team decided to come up with these. http://cgi.ebay.com/Rare-1970-Buffalo-Sabr...8QQcmdZViewItem
  9. I've never seen them in the off-road spots I have hit. But I did have to use my winch to pull one out of a ditch after a particularly nasty snowstorm a couple years back.
  10. Of course he forwarded those messages. C'mon Carl, don't use the "hack excuse," just say you sent them and so what? Some of them are damn funny!
  11. I own a 2005 Wrangler 4x4. Awesome Jeep. I absolutely love it. I may never sell it. You'd be suprised at the uses for the 4x4, snow, beach, mountains etc. You will look for places to go and test your Wrangler. Mine has climbed in the Adirondacks, bounced on the sandy dunes of eastern Long Island and handled all manner of Vermont snow and ice. My model is the Sport, but with lots of add-ons! Gas mileage is not great, although it is better with the soft top. But its not awful on the highway either. Took mine down to North Carolina from NYC on 2 tanks of gas. I really don't like the redesign they did after 06 and am happy that I bought mine in 05. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have.
  12. Enjoy the wine, HB-D!
  13. Or a brewmaster at EBC or Pearl St?
  14. Its not the believe in God that irks me at all, but that God would somehow care whether Newt ran for Pres. And the Republicans brought the scorn on themselves with the whole concept of a "moral majority" and focusing far more on social issues than on fiscal ones. And to bring the thread full circle, the hypocritical nature of Gingrich, such as leading the charge against Clinton while having his own on-the-side amongst other things, would IMHO ensure a Republican defeat in 2012.
  15. Please. No. Man's a hypocrite and a snake. The ultimate Washington insider to bring "change"? I'd rather throw my support behind a Romney (who I'm not a big fan of either). EDIT: And after reading the article I want to vomit even more. Asked whether he is running for Pres, he says its up to God? Are you friggin' kidding me? That crap is why the Republicans were marginalized and mocked in the first place. Stick with the small gov't, less spending platform and they will do well. Bring religion into it and they are toast. Again.
  16. Yes. They do. Many of them.
  17. Lets think about the wisdom of ever taking on debt that must be repaid in another currency. Holy f*cking stupid Batman! If you ever see any country issue debt that must be repaid in a currency that is not issued in that country, short the hell out of it.
  18. I could live with that!
  19. Bulaga will be a beast in the run game and due to his technical ability will be serviceable in the pass game. Guess what, we should be a mauling, run-first offense anyway. So that will play nicely.
  20. I flew them to Myrtle as well. BTW - KD, flying into Wilmington direct on USAir and renting a car for the drive to MB worked out very nicely. Wilimington is a very easy airport to fly in/out of and the drive took about 1.5 hours. Not too bad.
  21. You mean like the Ellicott Square Building? Or the Guaranty Building? Or even the historic gas station on Delaware and Allen? C'mon...Carl has owned and maintained many historic buildings in the city. The above statement doesn't match the facts.
  22. I love Carl, he's great guy. I worked for him for a year during my 3rd year of law school. He could not have been a nicer guy to work for. He also loves going out. I'd see him out on Chippewa Street till 3 or 4 AM, partying with all the 22 year olds. It was awesome. He has my unequivocal support. He may be nuts, but he won't take any sh*t from anyone.
  23. I think it would be hysterical if the final 4 was Butler, Cornell, St. Mary's and Northern Iowa.
  24. Because they have done such a good job with their own state pensions...wow the truly brass balls of these people...November cannot come fast enough! And this... So, again, punish the responsible and reward the irresponsible.....un-f*cking-believable! http://www.seiu.org/2009/03/seiu-coalition...-initiative.php http://moneynews.com/StreetTalk/unions-401...03/17/id/328862
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