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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. I know certain downtown investments banks that love the fact that they are not the face of corporate evil anymore.
  2. Hate the BB Pearl flipphone. That was my personal phone for 6 months. Battery would not keep a charge for more than 12 hours. Called TMobile, battery was under warranty for only 3 months. Ended up getting a new phone from TMobile customer retention (yes, it went that far) for $25. Got the Nokia 3711 and love it. Only use BB for work..the Bold. Seems OK. I refuse to switch to AT&T so, no IPhone option.
  3. Videos of the Boss. Including the Visa commercial with Jeter! http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/touchingb...s-close-up.html
  4. If the day a man who I'd wager you never met passes away makes you happy, you must live a very sad and empty life.
  5. Your "FACTS" are anything but facts and are, in fact, conjecture. Wonderful command of logic there.
  6. And that cash goes into affording the best players. You can pay $26.74 and watch sh*tty teams, I'll pay $72.97 and watch a champion. And lets not forget Big George's contribution to the USOC...detailed here. Without him, Vancouver is not nearly the sucess it was for the USA.
  7. As an aside, since there is no estate tax right now in 2010, if there were no other vehicles (doubtful) the Yankees just passed tax free!
  8. RIP The best owner of a team ever.
  9. Yep...RIP Bob. http://www.contursi.freeyellow.com/basebal...tinglyintro.wav
  10. This sums up my feelings... http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news;_ylt=At_....ndecision070910 LeBum is a chump. Went to Miami because he can't handle being the man. He has no guts and no loyalty. Now, he has no brand. I didn't think anything could ever make me root for Kobe Bryant, but if the NBA finals are Miami-LA...Go LA! And I like Wade, but nothing would get me to root for LeBum.
  11. Much like white pants/shorts in the summer, they signal that "all is clear."
  12. The guy was also one of the best faceoff men in the NHL last year. We sucked at faceoffs. Problem solved.
  13. Anyone have any other experiences with DTV? I had the ticket for the past 10 years (excepting a 3 year period where I had no dish where I lived). I did not pay for SuperFan last year and am glad everything is offered in HD this year. I will still only watch the Bills. With 2 kids under 5, the days of me being in McFaddens for 6+ hours on Sunday are on hold for a while. I wish you could PPV order only the Bills games, as I usually go to 3-4 games per year, which ups my per game cost of watching the Bills to about $25 per game. Just wondering what everyone else was doing with respect to negotiating with DTV.
  14. If that happens, expect the Indians to close the portions of the NYS Thruway that runs through Indian land. Last time they closed the Thruway with burning tires, which they guarded with loaded AK-47s. Nothing NYS troopers could do,a s it was Indian land outside their jurisdiction. They threatened Pataki with erecting a toll on the Thruway if he tried to collect the tax, which they would be well within their right to do. NYS will not win this war.
  15. I've been reading the articles reprinted from the Oil Drum through this whole process. This one seems to put the pieces together on why BP can never stop the leak short of a miracle shot of a relief well. This link regarding how deepwater wells are drilled has also been helpful to me. I feel like this article was useful in understanding what happened and likely, what will happen. If correct, no way $20 bil is enough from BP. Not even close.
  16. OK, so I assume you have a coherent argument why Chipper should be ahead of Murray. Lets hear it. Mine for Murray over Chipper is that Murray has 3200+ hits and over 500 HR in 22 seasons. Yes, Murray did not have that one great year like Chipper (and I do tend to value peak years more than longevity), but Chipper's peak was not nearly good enough like Mantle's to overcome Murray's raw numbers and longevity.
  17. Ummmm...yeah, only 100 HR separate the two.... Look, I love Chipper and think he will be a HOFer, but he can't hold Mantle's jock, offensively or for that matter defensively. Best switch hitters would go 1- Mantle, 2- Murray (a close second, he had 3200+ hits and 500 HR) , 3- Chipper...not a bad list.
  18. It even gets better. The pension is now underfunded by $44.5 billion, or 60.9 percent Helluva position to be in when we are talking the stability of nations. State pensions are usually protected by the state constitution, so get ready to bend over Illinois taxpayers...your neighbor school administrator needs his $400k per year.
  19. You are right, the 457. I meant in lieu of.
  20. NYS has not made the changes necessary to fix itself in this respect. Once NYS offers a defined contribution plan (401k) vs. a defined benefit plan (pension) then NYS will have fixed itself. As far as dealing with crap...well, you signed up for it and could quit at any time. We all deal with crap in our jobs. For the most part, we knew what we signed up for and are willing to deal with the BS because the expected benefit outweighed the cost. So, forgive me if I break out the violin...
  21. Wow. Some of the number in this link are simply mind-blowing. This link estimates that the total pension liability for the top 100 school administrators in Illinois is $887 million. Yes, almost a billion dollars in pension costs for 100 people. Man, I am in the wrong field.
  22. And that is the problem I have with the whole trip. Its not that she tried it (or that the parents let her) but that it is insane to do the southern ocean in winter. Notice he criticizes the timing as foolhardy, not the doing.
  23. Theu did also have knives. That is evident in the photographs.
  24. Here is the link that reported the paintball guns. It also reported that the people on the ships had gas masks. http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/06/01/2915586.htm I do not disupte that the Israelis have taken more life than the Palestinians, but with respect to this incident, it seems the Israelis did not want to kill anyone.
  25. And that is my biggest problem with it. The winter season in the southern ocean? Really? With 60' rollers? Her brother did it at 17 and the family is obviously experienced sailors. I actually have less of a problem with the parents permitting it than the time of the year. She sucessfully rounded Cape Horn, so she obviously has the technical skill to make the trip.
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