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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. Define "need." I have an 05 Wrangler that I absoluetly love and will likely never sell or trade. Never had a problem. Change the oil every 3-4k (even though its synthetic) and rotate the tires every 5k. Do I need a Wrangler...tough question. I don't drive to work, I take a train. However, my non-work activities include a heavy dose of skiing, beachgoing (meaning driving on the sand dunes) and the occasional off-road adventure...perfect activities for a Wrangler.
  2. I always thought Roscoe would be devastating on the bubble screens that Steve Smith uses so often with Carolina. Problem is we need an OL that knows how to block it.
  3. I didn't even have to haggle, threaten to quit etc. I just asked what the price was, 299.94, and if there were any discounts available to me. Immediately it went to the $179.94. Took 5 minutes to save the $120. Thanks TBD!
  4. Depends...are they protesting the gay bar (the Bobbin Turban) across the street? How about the BBQ pork place on the corner? The strip club a block away? The street sketch artist selling Mohammad pictures ($7 each, 2 for $10) down the street? If the Muslims can live with that, we can live with the Mosque.
  5. It already is out of the "9/11 footprint," meaning the WTC site. It is a couple of blocks away.
  6. Define too much money...because the owners will just keep it if they don't pay the players. NFL is entertainment, just like the movies. The more people spend on it, the higher the take for the owners and players. Don't like it...don't spend your money on the NFL.
  7. Lovin it! If you are going to argue that the mosque has a right to exist in that spot (which I personally have no issue with), then so does the gay bar, the BBQ pork place, the strip club and the rub 'n' tug that will also be on the block. Private property and land use right for everyone. Can't argue freedom and property rights without applying that same freedom to everyone.
  8. And I'm sick of owners cutting players without guaranteed contracts. The guarantee is all you got as a player. Leon Washington figured he'd come back on the one year deal instead of holding out, busted up his leg and will likely never get the contract. In football, I have no reservations about a player (especially a proven vet) holding out for as much guaranteed money as he can get. Most only have one shot at this. Get it while you can, cause you're likely to need it later in life to payy for medical expenses.
  9. But unemployment is a lagging indicator. We were already screwed by serial bubble-blowing (of which both parties bear responsibilities) well before the Dems took Congress.
  10. Thats my thought as well. Some coach could really make a lifetime reputation out of getting Tiger back to being Tiger.
  11. I want to go back to this....Lana....story (or stories) please.
  12. Truth be told, I'd give the NYR a bag of pucks for Drury. And they would take it too. Yes, he's overpaid, but he would immediately make our team MUCH better. And he's only signed for 2 years. Better than signing or trading for some overpaid idiot who can't play. At least we know Drury would bring it.
  13. At Darcy's press conference today, he referred to the team having a greater need at another position and being over budget. Does this mean we will not spend to the cap? We have, I think, about $8 million left.
  14. As an aside, although related to the OP's topic, the Walking with Dinosaurs arena show is very well done. I took my family to see it at MSG last Friday night. Highly recommended. http://www.dinosaurlive.com/
  15. Pilot was only a few feet away from having a "Goose" incident. Lucky him.
  16. One thing about CB's reports...they may not always be first, but they are ALWAYS right. He is the mouth of the Bills. I'll believe Brown over NBC anyday.
  17. My dream car Someday!
  18. I'd never defend him, but this is one of the most messed up sports stories I ever heard, in a Roger Dorn/Stifler's Mom kind of way. !
  19. Interesting that even some in the Obama administration have recently written that tax hikes hurt business. here is the article and here is a link to her actual paper. Pretty interesting, if dense, read.
  20. I have the white Eric Wood jersey. I figured he would be the best I could get. Of course, even though he was a 1st round pick, I had to special order the jersey.
  21. Yep. That Finnish company, Nokia, had a CEO make $3.39 million here. And that was a 30% raise in a year when his company's share price declined 20%. Sounds downright American to me.
  22. Our firm's client memo on it is over 300 pages long. We had a 6 hour presentation to clients on it earlier this week. An unbelievable cluster!@#$.
  23. You mean decent paying jobs that could be done by the masses without a lot of specialization or education. Because Wal-Mart greeter jobs are out there, they just pay peanuts.
  24. Its pretty cool. I took my then GF, now wife for a long weekend. Did the whole mansion tours, harbor area, sail in the harbor thing. You can sail on America's Cup yachts and get outstanding seafood at almost any of the good restaurants. Couple of decent bars down by the harbor where we watched Mussina almost no-hit the Red Sox. Bar was 75% Red Sox fans, 25% Yankees fans. Really good place to take a chick for a couple days.
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