Ain't that the truth. Down here its like the new Disneyland, with the memorabilia & tour buses etc. I've been working righjt across the street (in the building with Brooks Brothers) since pre-9/11. It has gotten ridiculous.
As to the toy...its ridiculous, but are any of you suprised? We live in a pretty sick !@#$ed up world.
Thats terrible!! Now Shaq, Kobe, Garnett, McGrady and all those other "stars" that had better things to do this summer than represent their country ought to friggin be embarassed. Now I know why I don't watch the NBA anymore.
I have never HATED a person. I truly HATE Killdrive. I hope that piece of stevestojan jumps off a bridge somewhere. I had higher hopes for last season than any season since 1992. Killdrive killed those hopes. !@#$ YOU KILLDRIVE!!
The Giants are stupid for letting Killdrive anywhere near their franchise QB.