Thank you. Bledsoe only really cost us the Baltimore game. However, the Oak and Jax games were there for the taking. Same with the Jets.
I was the biggest Bledsoe supporter. I defended Bledsoe against Spiked and others all year. Even my hero , the great Jim Kelly had 4 int games. Hey "Interceptions are part of football," he used to say. Then he'd go out and throw 4 TDs the next week and we'd forget all about the 4 INT game. The problem here is that Bledsoe has not made a game winning play for the Bills since 2002. Have we won games since then....sure. But the team either won because Bledsoe didn't screw up or in spite of him. The Oakland game this year...C'mon Drew make a play, lead your team to victory. No way, meekly going down and offering up excuses. Get some passion, some fire in the belly. The Dallas and Houston games in 2003, are perfect examples of games that were there for the taking if only the leader of the team could step up and make a play. It never happened.
But it was after the Baltimore game and even his "angry" defense of his play that really burned me up. If he would have walked into the Baltimore press conference and flipped over the table, said I can't take this anymore, I promise all the fans we're gonna win next week and I'm going to play the friggin game of my life, I would have believed in him. But he plays like he did and apologizes to the Bills fans because he's still the QB???? Then he deflects blame to others around him. Give me a friggin break. You're the leader, STEP THE FUG UP!!!!