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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. KD, I have a Roth question for you. Isn't a regular 401k, simply deferring your tax liability, thereby allowing your $$ to work for you over 30+ years. Then why do the Roth, because then you are paying taxes now and your money never works for you compounding multiple interest over years. Sure its tax free at the end, but that ignores the off-chance that legislation will be passed by the baby boomer generation allowing for lower tax rates on 401 k withdrawals (wait till they see what they have to pay, and they have the voting power to get it done). Maybe that doesn't happen but at least with my 401k, I'm still in the game if it does happen, the Roth guys have already paid taxes and are out of it.
  2. I've been looking for one of those for a while. That is a pretty sweet jacket. Is there anything on the back?
  3. Who is Captain Ego?? Under my scenarios TD is fired and Pioli takes over.
  4. I have a very simple solution to a very big problem..... Fire Tom Donohoe and hire Scott Pioli as President and GM of the Bills. It accomplishes two very important things, hire a top notch talent evaluator and weakens a division opponent. Pretty good huh!!
  5. I couldn't disagree more. The difference between Marv and those guys is that those guys are/were strategists, Marv was more of an inspirational leader. The things that Marv excelled at were building team chemistry, backing up your players, and inspiring a team. Marv was more motivator than X's and O's coach. He'd have to be backed with strong coordinators, but Marv would be the type of coach who could come back and be successful.
  6. She was absolutely wasted...slurring words, glazed eyes, I'd say drunk.
  7. Alll we are saying....is give Marv a chance!!
  8. Maybe first ballot Hall of Shame.
  9. 1/2 dozen beers in the first half, switched to Crown Royal at halftime. 1/2 bottle later the game was over and I was loaded.
  10. If he's gonna get the 15 yards anyway, the rough the m*&therf&cker and get him out of the game.
  11. Take the Texans +9 vs. the Colts. I found the best sports book to be in the Mirage, classy and comfortable. Leather chairs and countless TVs. If you'll be out late Sat nite, might as well just stay up all nite, remember NFL games start at 10 AM Vegas time. If you're looking for a cool casino to hang at with hot chix everywhere, go to the Hard Rock, lots of fun. Have fun & go bills.
  12. These posts are the reason to keep coming back to TBD day after day. Thanks for making me laugh!!
  13. This guy is even more negative than ICE... Wow, Fug Off jerky!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  14. 7-1, Bah!!! Thats like coming back from a 35-3 deficit in the 2nd half of a playoff game!! Baaa....hmmmmm.....ummmmm.....Go Bills!!!
  15. Yeah, the priests at ND got concerned because of the fight that happened in the tunnel befor ethe game. The Miami folks concurred, said lets cool it off, and that was that. No big scandal, at least not that I can remember. If you know differently, enlighten me.
  16. Actually I think that one was mutual. Yeah and the fans wanting to see the game are the losers.
  17. This isn't about Miami - ND. Its about wanting to see Miami - ND where it counts, on the field.
  18. You guys are fuggin nuts. This chick is smokin hot!
  19. Let me tell ya, as an avid Cane fan, I wish that series was never cancelled. It was good for both teams and good for college football. Too bad the school pres wussed out. I'm not comparing schedules, and yeah, Miami isn't as good this year as they have been, but 18 NFL picks in 3 years will do that to you. I say hire Spurrier because his system WILL work in college. He'd have ND playing dominant football within 3 years. They'd be back competing for the national title. As a Cane fan, I do root for ND, I want to see the rematch of ND-Miami with the national title on the line. What a friggin game that would be. Every year I hope for that game, or at least a Miami-ND bowl matchup. I'm hoping it could happen this year.
  20. I think MM is already a better coach than Gregggggo ever will be. I had my doubts about MM, but with each flare up, and make no mistake about it there have been many this year for a rookie coach to deal with, he has handled himself with class, dignity and consistency. He seems to really have the respect of the players, something Greggggo never had, and admits when he is wrong. I really like him.
  21. I stand by my preseason prediction, Eagles over Pats.
  22. They should hire Spurrier, reschedule the Miami rivalry and make themselves relevant again.
  23. Oh, put it on the Underhill's bill.
  24. Well then how about.... 1- 51-3 2- The Greatest Comeback in History 3- Carlton Baily recoving Elway's fumble in the end zone to seal a 10-7 AFC title game win in 1992. 4- Jim Kelly running the ball in from the Miami 2 in 1992 to win the game on the last play. 5- Buffalo scoring 3 touchdowns in 1:45 against Denver in 1990. 6 - Buffalo scoring 17 points in less than 2:00 against the Raiders in 1990. 7- Smoking both Pittsburgh and Miami on the road in the 93 playoffs. 8- Flutie takes over in 98 and proceeds to go 10-3 as a starter to make the playoffs. 9- The 1988 AFC East championship after years of waiting. 10- Smoking Miami in the 90 playoffs as both Thurman and Kenny Davis gashed the Fin D for over 100 yards on the ground. So... point is.....fug off troll!! 5-
  25. Or, THIS is your uni... HOME http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nfl/buffa...uf1_185x250.jpg ROAD http://www.sportsecyclopedia.com/nfl/buffalo/OJ2000Buf.jpg I'd be the first in line to buy the new uni.
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