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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. I'd buy the book. I always wanted to do it, even looked at some land, but figured it was kinda outta my league right now b/c I'm working so much. Maybe later on in life, tho.
  2. I think he's a perfect fit for a backup. One question...can he catch the ball out of the backfield?
  3. Anyone want to help a brother get an auto'd copy? Send me your copy & I'll get it auto'd, then mail it to ya. Or, the fee for the book. PM me if serious, as I'll be there.
  4. Just bring back the ole standing Buffalo logo on the sleeve. Give a rod to the tradition while still keeping the charging Buffalo on the helmet.
  5. I second that nomination!!
  6. These are pretty cool jerseys, at least the bottom ones with the sleeve logo. The rest of the logos I could do with out. http://www.billszone.com/jjamezz/billsunissite/otherd.html
  7. BUMP...This thread is too funny to let get away.
  8. True, but modify it a bit and say a stranger and my dog are both caught in a strong riptide, one will be pulled under. My answer is my dog.
  9. Thanks guys, I appreciate the education. I have been following the story.
  10. No question, my dog. He'd do the same for me. The starnger may save his/her pet gerbil first.
  11. Forgive my ignorance, but if Jupiter had become a second star, and this Titan is very similar to early Earth, does that mean that a second Earth could have been created? Is Titan as far away from Jupiter as we are from the Sun? Also, why would a second star, that far away, have meant the end of us? Would it have had an effect?
  12. I do REALLY like your design. I think its very cool. I would however change the Buffalo on the uni to the standing red one, on a white sleeve, not a red one. Keep a bit o tradition from the past. I am, however, partial to the 73 unis as being the best Bills uni ever.
  13. You must be responsible when it comes to guns. I own a handgun. The gun is kept in a locked box under my bed, unloaded, although I have two fully loaded clips in the box. I have no children. Should there ever be a burglar, it would take less than 20 seconds to grab the gun out of the lockbox and load the clip into it. Since I have no children, I do not have a gun-lock on it. When I do have children, there is no question that I will have a gun-lock on it, burglars be damned. It just not worth the risk.
  14. I want Steinbrenner to buy it for 500 k and then blow it up the first time the Sox visit Yankee Stadium this year.
  15. I have tried it in Amsterdam. I am planning on trying to order it from here. If anyone knows any of the brands let me know. http://www.eabsinthe.com/
  16. Amen to that. I've been smoking since I was 15 (now 29). Within the next year or two I know I need to quit. My lungs will still regenerate if I quit now. I really don't want to, but know that day is coming. Oh well, I'll enjoy it for now and quit in the next year or two, I hope. Good luck to everyone in this thread who has quit or is trying right now, I wish you all the best.
  17. To those who want JP to start next year....have you seen the NY Giants this year with Eli Manning??? They are awful. JP starting means 8-8 at best and no playoffs. Drew starting means at least 10-6 and possibly 12-4 (have to see when we play everyone before predictions) and a playoff berth. Over the past 12 weeks Drew Bledsoe led his team to a 9-3 record. Not too bad. I want to keep the mojo going into next year. Mularkey said it best, Let's pick up where we left off.
  18. C'mon, a little optimism... 12-4 Losses at NE, Jest & Cinci with the 4th loss coming in the last game of the season, when we're resting people.
  19. Well, if we play them in the playoffs, I want it to be for the AFC Title. I want to go to Foxboro & play them. If you want to be the man, you gotta beat the man, and I think we will!!
  20. The Rams have won their last 12 December home games.
  21. Good Luck. Whats the ultimate goal? Ever hear two people try and cross examine each other at the same time about something nonsensical? It would probably make a pretty good comedy routine to an outside party listening.
  22. Good question. My personal experience was that law school was a blast. I went from college (UAlbany) right to law school (UBuffalo). Since they were very similar institutions, law school for me was an extension of college. I partied my ass off for 3 more years, got serious when I took the bar exam, then went to work. This, however, is not the rule. Both my wife and best friend went to different law schools (Brooklyn, New York) and hated the experience. The students were too competitive and cutthroat. The schools were a lot of work, whereas UB was not bad (I thought).Also, UB was MUCH more cost effective. As someone who writes the checks for law school loans now, my UB loan will be finished at the end of next year. My wife has 20+ years to go on hers. I, personally, like what I do and so does my wife. My money is good (not quite big firm $$, but not bad either), her benefits are better, so we're doing OK. I prosecute brokerage firms and unethical stockbrokers for NASD, she prosecutes child abuse and neglect for the City of NY. And yes, when two prosecutors have disagreements it gets heated and creative.
  23. So do I. The only team that scares me a bit is Indy. We can beat pukesburg, NE has it comin from us. The Jest and SD or Jax or whoever don't scare me. Indy could be a problem tho. It depends if we dust off the Giants 1990 SB game plan against us and give Willis 40 carries. Then we can win.
  24. I just season it with frshly ground sea salt & black pepper and put it on the rotissere. On occasion, I have marinaded the roast beef in sweet vermouth after seasoning. The vermouth really locks in the flavor and provides a nice glaze when on the rotissere. But usually, just a bit of salt & pepper. I found that good meat doesn't need a lot to make it nice. Although, LA's recipe sounds like its worth a try. I use the top round cut, b/c its a bit more forgiving.
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