Good question. My personal experience was that law school was a blast. I went from college (UAlbany) right to law school (UBuffalo). Since they were very similar institutions, law school for me was an extension of college. I partied my ass off for 3 more years, got serious when I took the bar exam, then went to work. This, however, is not the rule. Both my wife and best friend went to different law schools (Brooklyn, New York) and hated the experience. The students were too competitive and cutthroat. The schools were a lot of work, whereas UB was not bad (I thought).Also, UB was MUCH more cost effective. As someone who writes the checks for law school loans now, my UB loan will be finished at the end of next year. My wife has 20+ years to go on hers.
I, personally, like what I do and so does my wife. My money is good (not quite big firm $$, but not bad either), her benefits are better, so we're doing OK. I prosecute brokerage firms and unethical stockbrokers for NASD, she prosecutes child abuse and neglect for the City of NY.
And yes, when two prosecutors have disagreements it gets heated and creative.