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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. Two things... 1- Shane ain't that bad and I'd love to have him as the #2. He can manage a game and is a solid vet. 2- He don't cost much. That tells me TD is looking to spend some big cap $$$, hopefully on PW, JJ and LG.
  2. That really depends. lets see how the schedule shakes out. Maybe the league will schedule NE to come to Buffalo, following a Mon niter vs. Indy or something else to our benefit.
  3. Hey Big Easy, thanks for the 411 and welcome to the board. I keep hearing about JP's deep ball and his downfield throwing ability, but what about his accuracy on the short-medium routes? As ya know, we just released a guy who had a great downfield arm, but couldn't hit the side of a barn from within 15 feet. That caused a lot of problems when he was trying to beat the blitz. Just wondering how JP stacked up. Thanx.
  4. What a freakin joke. If you sort the rankings by "OWN" Buffalo ranks 15th. ESPN defines OWN as "OWN (Ownership): Honesty; loyalty to players and city" Guess who's ranked 9th in OWN...yep, Art Modell and the Ravens. There goes ESPN's credibility.
  5. As a Yankee fan, I think Arod is such an ass. I wish we still had Scott Brosius.
  6. I do agree with your post. I just wish I knew what was wrong with the D and how to fix it!!
  7. Way to go fuggggin Bettman. Assclown should never have been commish.
  8. Exactly, we really don't know how bad Bledsoe played. Only the coaches truly know how many assignments, open receivers etc. were missed.
  9. Did he mention Phat Pat??? Please?
  10. I hear you Tom, and I've made all the same arguments to myself. But, we don't really know how bad Bledsoe played. He must have been really bad. By that I mean, wrong receiver, wrong plays, the open man was there etc. Point is, we don't know what play was called, what the specific options were and what the film showed. By now, the coaches have reviewed the whole season of film, been around Drew all year and know what he is capable of. Apparently, they don't think much of him and would rather turn to JP, probably not because of what JP can do, but what Bledsoe can't do. I know, not very reassuring. The point is that if they take the 14 million they have in cap room, resign Jonas and Pat, a LG and a TE, draft a backup RB and sign a vet backup, we should be allright. Its too early for predictions b/c the schedule hasn't come out (Buffalo weather games etc.), but I think the plan isto make the rest of the team Super Bowl worthy and let JP grow into the role. A big accomplishment for us this year would be a playoff season.
  11. You're right, and thats completely ridiculous. I didn't say I was happy about it, but it IS realistic. There is no other way to evaluate a QB. Jim Kelly took almost 3 years to become big time. McNair & Pennington (over 2 years each). The very few immediate successes at QB can be counted on one hand. It took Favre almost 3 years before he was routinely making plays. Even Brady, for all his good play, took into year 3 before the coaches really trusted him and let him open things up. Granted, he won a SB in Year 1, but that was more because the coaches protected him and the superior talent surrounding him than anything else. It is a looong drawn out process and its not for the impatient. I don't like it any more than you, but thats reality unless we want to become one of the perenniel rebuilders in the NFL. We have to commit to JP and stick to him for a good 2.5-3 years.
  12. Thats big of you.. I will reserve judgement on JP until Week 8 also....of the 2007 season.
  13. How about the red standing Buffalo??? Green Bay and the COlts, worst logos in the league??? Sorry, but those are classic logos that have stood the test of time. Sometrhing ours will, but that stupid looking thing will not. Thats funny!!
  14. When I win the lottery!!
  15. I just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.
  16. You make very good points. I just wonder how much of that was starting 0-4, with new coaches, new system etc., and how much of that could have been alleviated with year-to-year consistency? I guess we'll never know. The one thing that will piss me right off tho, is if people expect JP to play like a 5 year vet. Its gonna take JP 2-3 years to really learn everything and have the experience to truly be a great QB. Its not gonna happen in Year 1 or maybe not in Year 2. It didn't happen for Kelly in 1986 and only at the end of 87 did it all really begin to click and this was a guy who had played a couple of years in the USFL and was one of the all time greats.
  17. KD, you may very well be correct and I really hope you are. But after 5 straight non-playoff seasons, I'm personally so friggin sick of rebuilding. I really don't want to take a step back, even if may be for the greater long-term good. I know that is short-sighted of me, but I'm sick of watching crappy football. Sick of waiting till next year. Outside of the first 8 games in 02, the first 2 games in 03, and 6 out the last 7 games in 04, our team has been sh-------. They are simply one big tease. Now I know that the O will be dumbed down for JP, to begin with, and I truly hope he avoids the ridiculous stuipd mistakes that rookies make. I know, at first, I will be holding my breath every time he drops back to pass (not too different from DB). I just hope this works because I am so sick of watching bull sh--.
  18. Does anyone know anyone who works there? I just ordered my new 05 Wrangler and was hoping to give them a call to see if I may be able to expedite the order (the dealer said CHrysler wouldn't begin building it till March 1). Reason is I have a road trip planned the weekend of March 17-19 and would love to be able to take it. Thanks a lot.
  19. If we're really gonna do this, we had better use the xtra cash to upgrade the line. Resign Jonas, sign a top-notch left guard and lets go. JP's gonna need all the help he can get here. Also, we're gonna be facing a ton of 8 man fronts , at least, in the beggining, so JP had better be able to throw the deep ball. Finally, resigning Phat Pat is a huge priority. The D can't slip at all. We have to be perfect in every area.
  20. 22nd in yards maybe, but he made a bunch of big 3rd down catches. Was it his best year...no. But from my #1, soon to be #2 WR, damn fine. We MUST resign PW. Hopefully JJ as well, but we HAVE to keep the run stuffing tandem together. With either DB or JP, our D's margin for error is razor thin and we can't slip at all.
  21. Or girls showing the top of their thong. And Virginia wants to legislate against that, shame on them. I couldn't agree more. There is very little difference in this law and in North Korea's crackdown on hair length (2 inches). I'm ssure that if the State Senate passes this and the gov signs it, it will be overturned on 1st Amendment grounds as soon as the Courts get to it. There is no compelling public reason for this law at all.
  22. Virginia has become a national laughingstock with this. If someone see your underwear, then its a $50 fine??? How ridiculous. Now, if I was a kid inclined to wear the baggy pants (or a chick who liked the low-rider jeans that show the top of a thong), I'd simply not wear any underwear and fug yuou lawmakers!! How truly and utterly ridiculous. NYS has many, many problems (as does NYC). I'm just glad that telling people how to dress is not one of them.
  23. All weee are saaaaaying, is give peace a chance!! :-)
  24. If I was 13 and doing her, I wouldn't feel taken advantage of. I'd feel like Superman!!
  25. She really could be one of the hottest things going right now.
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