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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. Guess we can stop comparing the Blow Sox to the '27 Yankees.......LOL! http://www.nesn.com/2011/01/2011-red-sox-will-challenge-1927-yankees-for-title-of-greatest-team-in-major-league-history.html
  2. Guess those Red Sox won't be considered better than the 27 Yankees now! LOL! MWAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! http://www.nesn.com/2011/01/2011-red-sox-will-challenge-1927-yankees-for-title-of-greatest-team-in-major-league-history.html
  3. Reading your posts in this thread and I feel gut-punched. I agree that they are most likely true...but since the Evans trade, I have had no desire to buy a ticket to a game, a jersey or even read the news about the Bills. I pop in sporadically now.
  4. LOL! Yep. Looking at the streets below my building and they are full of people. Foolish. If I have to leave, I'm headed to Battery Park. Nothing above you that can fall on you.
  5. Just felt it on the 31st floor of an office building in lower Manhattan. If I was out last night, I'd have sworn I was drinking. Wow..if thats a 5.8 I really have no desire to feel anything more.
  6. Damn...talking about living the life! I'm sure it happens everywhere, but its just better in a city like Miami.
  7. This sucks. Evans was decent and to be dealt for only a 4th...which we will waste on a crappy S is just awful.
  8. $150 credit ($25/per mo for 6 months). $10 free HD credit for 12 mo. Not bad if I do say so myself!
  9. As someone who actually had the courtesy to leave his seats and walk to the designated area (not the bathroom), this really sucks. Nobody in that area was not a smoker. Nobody was in that area except for between quarters or halftime. People who smoked in the stands or bathroom should be tossed, but I always appreciated that certain places (Rich Stadium, the Tampa airport etc.) still catered to all fans...smokers and non-smokers alike without causing the two to mix. The fact that they now need to ban it will make people smoke elsewhere in the stadium (rather than the open air designated areas) and cause more conflict. Bad idea.
  10. True. But it is at least plausible that he did not know they were SWAT or even police. Could be armed intruders as suggested by the article.
  11. I feel the same way you do, so we can both take the crap together. I had a poster on my wall as a kid of Macho Man with Miss Elizabeth, who was wearing a white bikini, lookin real fine.
  12. It is alluded to.... Yeah....they "held" him. Sure. LOL!
  13. RIP Macho Man Decent guy from everything I heard over the years. He got real huge when I was 10,11,12 in the mid-late 80s...perfect age for me to be a fan! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Dymq_vgIMg&feature=related
  14. This is pretty good... Orville Smith, a store manager for Best Buy in Augusta, Georgia, told police he observed a male customer, later identified as Tyrone Jackson of Augusta, on surveillance cameras putting a laptop computer under his jacket. When confronted the man became irate, knocked down an employee, drew a knife and ran for the door. Outside on the sidewalk were four Marines collecting toys for the "Toys for Tots" program. Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of the Marines, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back; the injury did not appear to be severe. After Police and an ambulance arrived at the scene Cpl. Duggan was transported for treatment. "The subject was also transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, several missing teeth, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions, assorted lacerations, a broken nose and a broken jaw...injuries he sustained when he slipped and fell off of the curb after stabbing the Marine," according to a police report. http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/227721_10150189670889681_738479680_6991603_7524340_n.jpg
  15. Don't know of anything, but I'd be interested in making a puchase if you find something.
  16. Yes, Osama bin Wankin' Courtesy of the NY Post
  17. Enjoy...its a nice stadium. I've only been a few times as compared with hundreds at the old stadium. I miss the old stadium. It had soul.
  18. They took DE and RT early, little guys later. Exactly what we should be doing....we got half of it right with our 1st round pick. Let me ask you...when we can't run to the right or need to keep the TE in to pass block rather than run a route, will you wish we took a RT and solidifed our OL? Gilbert was a good one...many had him rated as the best RT in the draft.
  19. Lets see Donte Whitner...McKelvin, Byrd and now Aaron Williams. Thats a lot of DBs in the first and second rounds....how many offensive tackles?
  20. I'm sorry...I would have taken Marcus Gilbert, the big RT from Florida. You know who took him...Pittsburgh. You know who never has a problem running the ball or stopping the run...Pittsburgh. You know who makes the playoffs every damn year...Pittsburgh. What do we do...draft DBs with 1st and 2nd round picks when we should be drafting big linemen.
  21. Just real sick of seeing them take little guys early, then watch our run D suck for the year, then take another DB early, watch our run D suck again....wash, rinse, repeat.
  22. Nature is pretty powerful. Damn
  23. LOL...yep. My 5 year old will be in kindergarten next year. Giving him an IPad would be ridiculous. It would end up soaked in apple juice. Smart boards...yeah, I could get behind that. Have the kids learn to stand up in front of class and use them...sure, perfect skill to teach. But an Ipad...sorry.
  24. Treating their chronically ill employees very well per this article. The players even voted him a full WS share. Good for the SF Giants!
  25. I thought this article was just a fantastic read. We need more Thabiti Boones in the world.
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