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Everything posted by bills_fan

  1. Go with me on this one.... We all throw out ideas for TD's replacement, from Bill Polian to AJ Smith. What about something radically different, a candidate who has achieved the impossible, someone who can look at things in a proven, practical way. What about Theo Epstein? Yes, this avowed Yankee fan, would trust our franchise to the man who did the impossible, brought Boston a WS title. Maybe he can transition to the NFL and do the same for the Bills? Hmmmm....interesting.
  2. Actually, that is very true. I work across the street, One Liberty Plaza for those who know the area, and was speaking to our Director of Security shortly after 9/11. He told me that they found several bodies of folks still strapped into their airplane seats on top of our building. Our building is 54 stories high.
  3. I don't know what he did either, but that was the funniest penalty call I've ever heard.
  4. No its not, but when I played ball, and we needed to convert a 3rd and 6 or 4th and 7, we'd have a play called "Sticks" (which every team has, BTW). We'd line up 4 wides, send them each on curl routes 1 yard past the 1st down marker. Then they turned around. The QB would hit whoever wasn't doubled, letting the throw go as the WR turned around. They went 1 yard past, so they could come back for the ball and still have the 1st. This isn't rocket science.
  5. That was actually funny.
  6. That was funny!
  7. I agree with you. Although, NE didn't exactly come with the idea that they would run it down our throats like Atl/TB/NO/Oak did. I'd still like to see a beefier DL to stuff the run.
  8. I was just going to bring this up. WTF???? What happened there? Its not like the Bills stopped the run last nite. Dillon did what he wanted running the ball. Its pretty obvious the Pats miss Weis, I thought their play-calling was suspect. If they had Weis, I'll bet Dillon runs the ball 25 times, like last season's debacle. Nevertheless, not playing Adams?? I don't get it. He's the only bona-fide star on that DL and they may let him go???? Thats awful.
  9. I agree, its time to put JP back in and live with his mistakes.
  10. "Unique style and technique" is accurate. I've never seen anyone, get smacked aorund so much in so few plays and get injured so quickly.
  11. They're putrid. One orange sleeve? It looks ridiculous.
  12. We will probably get something for PW, maybe not JJ. We may see a 4th rounder.
  13. Outstanding. Now get Nate done.
  14. I always wonder why they put Art Modell on this list. He fugged over his city & some of the most loyal fans in football. And they want to honor him? I hope if he ever gets in, the people of Cleveland drive to Canton and utterly make a mockery of the induction. I know I would if I was in their shoes.
  15. Its not as bad as you think....the only ones on the list that really matter are Adams, Fletcher, the safeties and Villarial. I think those 5 have a few more good years in them, before they will need to be replaced. I could see the 06 draft being heavy on LBs and S's. The big one in the mix, both literally and figuratively, is Adams.
  16. I usually head over to McFaddens or Bonnies (Brooklyn Bills bar) but for this one I get to stay home & watch. It is fun when the Bills are getting smoked to just start boozin and talking to random people, but just hanging out for this one. Making the soon-to-be-but-not-yet-famous chili, pick up a case of Blue and have a few folks over.
  17. I'm just getting upset, because this team really could have done something this season if it had only re-signed PW. They really could have been going into this game at 5-2, and in the driver's seat in the AFC East. OK, we lost to TB & Oak, tho both games would have been more competitive. But, when the last time we could have said that we were in control of our own fate. Damn you Donahoe!!
  18. Good, then I'll join in as well. But I like to think big. If the Bills ever win a Super Bowl, then I will quit smoking.
  19. I with you on this John, I think a real run stuffer sets everything up. It would keep OL off the small fast LBs & S's, allowing them the freedom to make plays virtually unimpeded. I do think Milloy has lost a step, but nothing too drastic. A run stuffer would make everyone around them better.
  20. Don't we know that...*cough* Wide Right *cough*
  21. FFS - You're right, I should clarify, PW faced most of the doubles in 04, and yes many of them were chips, but it still allowed the LB/S to fill the hole quicker and PW actually succeeded in slowing down the blockers on several occassions. SA has been getting chipped on running plays in 05, tho not at the rate that PW was getting blocked. As for the actual plays, and remember I reviewed 3 games from 04... Versus Seattle, In the first half PW was on the field for all 1st down plays and any 2nd down plays where Sea had less than 6 yards to go for a first. He rarely played on 3rd down, 1 3rd and short play. PW rarely played the second half against Seattle (we were up 24-3) and only came in as part of a basic rotation on 1st down. When he did play with the limited snaps, he was effective, recovering a fumble and stopping Alexander once. Versus NYJ, PW played most first and second downs. Again, 6 yards was the cut. RE was brought in on 3rd downs and 2nd and short. Versus Baltimore, PW played more of the game than I have ever seen. Remember our D held Bal to 160 Total Yards, PW was in on 1,2,3 downs and rarely was spelled. He missed 2 1st down plays and 3 2nd down plays the entire game. This could be the reason Lewis got us by the 4th quarter, where he had most of his yards. Boller didn't complete a pass in the 2nd half and PW helped shut down the run till the bitter end. I did not have a chance to review the Miami game, where Edwards played in the base. Essentially RE was part of our nickel and dime D's last year. After the Miami game, PW was the guy who was sent to the bench so Sam could play on 3rd down. It worked out pretty well. Finally, Merlin, check out the link for Watson, a huge run-stuffing DT out of Michigan.
  22. Unfortunately, they were the ones I could get. I would love to review the Pitt game. As far as a possible solution goes, and I know that we need OL bad (and I am one of the biggest OL preachers around), but... http://football.about.com/od/nationalfootb.../gabewatson.htm THis guy would solve the problem. From the reviews...I'm thinking a young Ted Washington. Any Michigan guys want to shed some light on this guy?
  23. Scary thing is...if we had Phat Pat, we could realistically have beaten the Falcons and the Saints, being 5-2 and now be looking at a game in Foxboro.
  24. You guys could be right, tho I thought it was the Miami game, where Sam was benched for the 2nd half. Now, Sam may have had a point...he's a penetrator, he does that very well. Asking him to be a stay-at-home DT is not playing to his strength, which is what we always accuse the coaches of fugging up. I know that Fletcher has been banged up and Milloy is not 100%, but I can't imagine that these guys fell off so fast. Its more likely that the opposing OL are blocking them b/c RE/TA are being handled in one-on-one matchups. At least thats what the TB (also with Crowellwhen he replaced Fletcher) & AtL games showed. The solution is to find a run-plugger in the offseason. For now, maybe play more of a containment type D, where all 4 down lineman hold up the OL at the LOS and allow the LBs to fire thru the gaps, sort of a half run-blitz. But that leaves us vulnerable in many other areas...play action fakes in the flats, screens etc. that would go for big gains.
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