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Everything posted by Repulsif

  1. Thank you all for your post and prayer, my girlfriend and i really appreciate and we thank you again.
  2. My girlfriend's cousin had a heart attack two days ago and is fighting for her life at this moment. My girlfriend and I just learned it last night. Her cousin is 27 and is pregnant. They don't know why she had a heart attack so early. There is too a blood clot running in his body and if it goes to the heart or brain, things might go very bad ; they can't locate or extract it, for this they have to perform a body scan and they can't do this because i would hurt the baby. The baby is expected to come in two weeks but they can't do a surgery now because the heart may not at this moment support the surgery. I personnaly don't believe in God, but for my girlfriend cousin, i did one prayer, that's the least i can do for her. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  3. There is a life on a field and a life outside. The man don't show numbers recently but he is a classy man. You can't insult someone because he just has bad numbers. Time to think at it.
  4. lol nervous guy EndZoneCrew, I am French , i suppose NervousGuy can easily prove it with my IP he should get (store?/keep?) when i write posts. And my server (robots-wars.com is located in France) (btw i don't really see the image i put on my previous post, but the board code seems ok, heeemmm i don't get it, it's different than a phpBB board... )
  5. .... or we are really [edit]d.o.o.m.e.d[/edit] please have a look at the Cards Defensive rankings on the gif (PS : i know it's a typo, i just found it fun ) sorry, i just saw the board changed the word i've edited right now
  6. honestly i wonder if i can post here cause this year i have never seen (even on TV) a Bills game, i only read the after game reviews, but, I support Bledsoe as far he is a member of the Bills team, and i always will support any player of my team. As a Bills fan, i can't boo nay Bills player, it's not my job. It's other (no gentleman) team fan job. My job is to support my team, all the players.
  7. i like the logo a lot as beautifull as the Broncos one.
  8. Not sure how i have to understand this... You mean that here in France we never take baths or showers, and we all have a béret, have bread under an arm, and travel with bicycle ? If it's ironic, please apologize me. Campy, thanks for your try, really, i'm happy to read something in my language here, but i hope my english is (slightly) better than your french
  9. Thank you for your answers. Thank you too lady(?) #89, who sent me a PM. I've done a little search and there is no direct fly from Paris to Buffalo. I guess i will take a regular fly from Paris to New York, and then a fly from New York to Buffalo with the BlueJet company who seems to have fair prices (BlueJet should save me about 100$). About the tickets (, and hotels (thanks for the hotwire.com info, i will put an close eye on it ), and possibly a car rent), lady #89 told me to try to contact the Bills Office by e-mail, perhaps they can do something for me. If they don't respond shortly, i will try to contact here someone who sells tickets, and i hope we can make a deal. For the game against the Rams, i guess it's dead ; it's too short in time to organize this. I would like to see the game against Pittsburg but it is on the beginning of the year and the travel prices (and hotels) are far more expensive (+300$ at least per person), so i guess my only option is to try for the Browns game. If you find anything new who could help me, please post here. I hope to be at Buffalo in December, i hope to enjoy seeing (sp?) my Bills win that game with a full crazy crowd, and may be if i am lucky i will find some of you guys and girls here and have a small party after the game in a bar Oh god, i already want to be here Ohh last question... what is a tailgating ???? Is it some small groups of people who organize a kind of small barbecue in the stadium parking ?? Can we join them ?
  10. Hi there, I am french and live in France. I started to see (american) football on tv since 1989 and i am a Bills fan since 1990. Sure i had a lot of emotion seeing them in the '90s. And even now, i support them as ever, i "watch" them on nfl.com live scoreboards, here in France we only see a very few football games and this is never a Bills game. I'm writing now because i need your help. I would like to see one Bills game at Buffalo at least once in my life, and i deeply want to see it this year. First i don't exactly know what is the best way to go to Buffalo from Paris,France. I'm confused about the airport. It seems there are in USA two Buffalo airports. there is one called " Greater Buffalo Int'l, USA (BUF)", and the other one is simply "(BYG)". Could you please tell me what is the good one ? I'm asking this because perhaps there are two towns named Buffalo in USA and the 'bad' one could be in oklahoma or else where Or maybe the easiest way to go to Buffalo is to make a fly from Paris to New York and then travel by bus or train to Buffalo. Could you help ? Second, where can i get informations about (cheap as much as possible) hotels at Buffalo ; what are their average price please ? I think i will stay there with possibly my girlfriend, from the friday evening or saturday afternoon to half the next week. I would like to visit the Buffalo area (could you please tell me what are the good place to visit here ?) and visit the Niagara Falls (it's not too far from Buffalo isn't it ? 35 miles away ?) About 10 months ago, a french friend, who is too a bills fan, is gone to live at buffalo with his american wife. He said he would lodge (?) me for the game weekend if i ever make a trip to Buffalo, but i guess i have lost his email That's why i'm asking for hotels. Third, i need tickets for game. If i go to Buffalo to see a bills game, i would be desapointed if i see it in a bar. I would like to see the game against St Louis (may be too short in time), or against the Browns, or against Pittsburg. On the official site ( Bills Official Site ), it seems you can buy tickets, but only in USA (???) ; and i wouldn't my tickets to be lost when they travel from buffalo to Paris by mailing service... Is it possible to buy 2 tickets 1 day before the game ? My idea is to be afraid to come here, and can't buy 2 because it's a sold out.... Could you provide me infos on this ? Fourth, once i will be at Buffalo, do you known some good shop with Bills Stuff ? I think i will surely buy an Authentic Riddell Bills Helmet, and some Bills T-Shirts. Thanks in advance.
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