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Everything posted by Repulsif

  1. I read some posts in the topic "lost hearts in chicago" and i wanted to do this topic. Because it made me think : 4 months ago, i lived in paris in a 22 squared meters apartment outside paris i paid 620 euros per month, too much people in the streets, way too much in the subway, you can't drive in there, you can't park your car -- not possible in a span of 30 minutes --, everything is too much expensive, people are agressive, no classy, and sad, it rains about 300 days a year, pollution... it took me at least 45 minutes to make a home/job travel in bad conditions via the subway (don't even think of it by car), travel of 4 kilometers. 1 year ago i lived in another street in paris, in the 18eme arrondissement, in an apartment of 60 squared meters in a very ugly street, for the price of 920 euros / month (rent). no need to say i was'nt happy there. i think the only 'positive' thing of this town is that you can have sex easily with a lot of different people. i decided in june to quit this life, i had enough with this life, the major problem here in france is that the major job place is paris and there is no where else. I got lucky i found a new job in the french riviera, between monaco/monte carlo and st tropez and nice for those who know a little france. It was hard, but i found a house (une villa) of 95 squared meters to rent for the price of 1050 euros, it takes me 15 minutes to go to my job, no traffic, sun is here, way less people, the see is near, the mountains are near, no pollution, life is cheaper, life is better... i can live a real life here. so i just don't understand people who says me "i prefer paris, i don't want to leave paris"... what's their motivation, what's the plus there ??? i just don't get it, it just doesn't make sense for me. so, generally, do you live in a big city?, are you happy there? what's your motivations to stay there ?
  2. Since it may be quite difficult for the Bills to win the SuperBowl this season, i wish the Colts a perfect season, and win it all. I think they will get a ring at least once, and if it's not this year it will next year ; and next year we might be a real contender. If they win this year, their envy should be quite less important.
  3. bookmarked.
  4. and actually it is more like this :
  5. the Scientology.... = the "Do you feel my finger ?" cure science/medecine ....
  6. Zelda. I remember the 1st day i had it. I couldn't stop the 1st night. My parents forced me to go to bed (it was midnight and i had 11) ; i remember "how can i sleep 8 hours ??? i can't wait 8 hours to play the game, it's just impossible" Kung Fu my 1st game ; great game. After the 5th home run, it's hard. Myke Tyson punch out. Super Macho man was sometimes a pain, but it was ok with some concentration. I only managed to beat Myke once. I couldn't believe it i've won.
  7. So, what about Jim Kelly ?
  8. i just thought about this 2 days ago... could be fun to watch. i won't root for anyone especially, maybe the challengers like sandiego, but if i had to make a choice i would go with the Colts, so Peyton Manning won't be too much thirsty next year, if hopefully the Bills go into playoffs and we have to play this guy.
  9. the jets have lost.... i'm gonna kill myself right now....
  10. boy it's hard to wait the outcome of the next weekend....
  11. hi country friend, a matter of counter measures ? http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8038673 and another interesting article by this guy : http://cbs.sportsline.com/nfl/story/8044101
  12. thanks for the link
  13. this is the link : http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=snap/week16 oh btw, i just saw a topic about the scariest team at the moment, on the espn forum, it may be good to read : http://forums.espn.go.com/espn/thread?foru...tPostID=4891838 if we get into the playoffs, i guess the Bills will be seen from the other teams like 'the wolf enters the sheep-hold'
  14. It fells always like this the very first time....
  15. Nate Odomes, CB, who has made a pick against Dallas in late 2nd quarter in our last SB
  16. exactly the same feeling here.
  17. My case may be worse than Nick. Every time i heard about the word "superbowl", I remember the Bills Superbowls, and that makes me sad, it makes a glitch (? sp?) in my heart. Espescially the last Bills Superbowl where we were 13-6 at halftime... very dishearting for this one. I became almost mad too for the 3 lasts playoffs we had, which is lost every time for nearly something and for the last one i'm pretty sure we would have been to the SB (music city drama, 2 fews losts against Miami and Jacksonville) Something sure now, i don't want to go to playoffs or SB to miserabily loose, i want a team that dominate and win it all, and for this i somewhere join ICE for his search of the Perfect(ion) Bills Team (but i still believe in Drew Bledsoe ).
  18. and crushed at the superbowl by the AFC team ? not in hell i would.
  19. I completely agree with this. The only thing i'm not sure of, is that we may have failed against the Rams in the Superbowl (who knows in fact ?) But the music thingy year and the year where we lost to the dolphins in playoffs (the year before music city thing if iu remember well) because of Andre Reed getting mad, those 2 years, we were so close of getting it... I don't know how to say it in English so i'm going in my natural language : "Il suffit de si peu de choses pour changer le résultat d'un match... une action, une faute, et une belle victoire se transforme en défaite amère... Ca se joue à rien parfois..." "So few things can change the outcome of a game... one action, one miss can change a great victory into an acid defeat... even 'a nothing' can change the issue of a game"
  20. I'm happy to say that my girlfriend's cousin and his baby are doing better now. Christine's baby is born 3 days ago, i don't have many details about the surgery but both are doing well. The only stressing fact is that doctors don't and can't know for the moment if the baby will have mental issues for his mother's heart attack. At least they are both safe. Thank you all for your prayers.
  21. "What a wonderfull world, Ray Charles" and the old Russian Anthem (the CCCP Anthem)
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