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Everything posted by Repulsif

  1. imaginary holding that cancel good run, then int. Classic
  2. officiating is a FRAUD in this game. that's what ? the 3rd time ? refused legit intercetion refused legit catch on chandler refused legit TD now ... just give it to them ?
  3. http://www.nfl.com/photoessays/09000d5d828db295#photo=21 http://www.nfl.com/photoessays/09000d5d828db295#photo=23
  4. Le strainer
  5. from 21-7 to 21-42. At Home. Worst thing for me is time managment. I have no !@#$ING clue how to coach, but i would do better by simple 12years old kid logic. Followed this team sincie 1991. 21 years of pain to sum it up. Nobody cares but I'm done with this RETARDED team. Since i'm a foreigner, no more football for me. May be Superbowl, if i can find a channel here which shows it.
  6. i seriously begin to be TIRED of this team. How in the world can you be ahead by 14, and so much momentum, and failing so hard right now.... Almost every game i see is another Bills FAILURE. Thats sick.
  7. Salut Olivier, vous jouez à quelle date à Nice ? dans quel stade ? J'irai peut-être vous faire un coucou.
  8. On my channel, they review the reception by Lee and say that he had possession (2 foot with ball) before breaking/loosing it The Patriots always find a way to win it at the end That's the thing that upset me the most
  9. From Hero to Zero.... in a span of 2 plays.
  10. the last 2 drops by SJ just sealed the game. On the last one in the end zone, i'm not even sure he tried to catch it What a desilusational game...
  11. I just got it. This is Chan's plan to not have Luck in this division.
  12. simply embarassing. wow!
  13. Jimmy Jonhson if I remember well.
  14. impressive !
  15. the "WTF happened ?? Who ????"
  16. Un petit coucou de Cannes Est tu déjà allé voir un match à Buffalo ?
  17. Buffalo 14 - 10 Giants
  18. what happened to the offense ?
  19. they were what ? 28-7 ? Can they blow it ? Offense is ugly right now... no inspiration.
  20. so we have a patern with this officiating crew. Either they are bad, or they are paid.
  21. Who cares anyway ? For Buffalo an ennemy QB who still has the ball in hands after the pump is not called a fumble. For Baltimore the tuck rule does not apply, even in a very more questionable one. Go figure
  22. The refs blew it. The defense blew it too. But, how in earth do we talk of bad calls in this sport, which have 7 ( SEVEN ) officials PLUS video reviewing ? That's insane. Every week, there are bad calls, or questionnable. Either the refs crew is choosen randomly in population, or they're something under.
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