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Everything posted by Repulsif

  1. This was the 1st ever football game I saw. That year was special, because I lost my mother a couple of months ago, in an awful way. We, with my father (RIP daddy André) watching next to me, that night at 00:30am, aren't even american. But after the anthem ended, we just cried for a good couple of minutes. Then I was hooked with Football. And for the Bills right after this game.
  2. is that Tom Selleck ? 🤔
  3. read a few KC boards topics and they're saying that that's a coach(es) fault (Sounds familiar)
  4. none of the above. correct answer : smart coaches
  5. - second half against TB. I felt "finally they got it, I see rebellion in their eyes now" - last minute until 13s and two last Bills TD in divisionnal then wild card
  6. This thing awfully sounds like the last week divisional game
  7. It's a little bit to soon to think anyone will come, for free/discount We might have the best QB right now, but we didn't prove yet we are one piece away from Lombardy Look We're not the pats in their glory days having 3-5 Lombardy in the pocket
  8. didn't read the previous posts (it's 3am here and i'm pretty drunk also) but do you mean mac clappy will get it at some point and finally win a SB with another team ? I'm confused right now
  9. don't shoot the op I was thinking the same thing ie a true devastating loss could erase motivation for some keyplayers, Atlanta never recovered from this loss Nobody the 30 for 30 and hear some key players (thurman?) say after the 4th SB ok it's enough I'm done ? We will see what happens in the upcoming year, it could go mission mode, or fizzle mode You can't know And again you can't know what can happen next year (Chargers go rampage, Rams going wild after their SB win, you just can't know Only thing I know is it was the best opportunity to grab the Lombardy since SB28 For sur Allen isn't Ryan and Buffalo isn't Atlanta, it's like comparing apples to oranges. But it's still fruits. You can't win football alone. See Marino(Elway a big part of his career/Bress/Rodgers/etc)
  10. I'm between "I couldn't care less what happens now" and "I'm curious how the Bengals + NFC representative will handle them"
  11. SB28 when I saw the int by Nates Odomes and then the camera on the Bills leaving at halftime with a closeup on Marv Levy determined, i thought this is it, we are gonna win this one, finally ! MCM I was trully devastated for some time. After the fieldgoal i said these guys can't loose now... impossible... 13 seconds It was 4am here and my wife wokeup twice because of my screamings. She went to see on tv the 'comeback * 2 by the Bills offense' then said it's ok they won, time to go to bed, and she went. When I joined her after the game ended, she asked 'so ?' then 'what??' 'you kidding right' She doesn't know a thing about football but she was utterly disguted There are other game I could elaborate but those were the closest for me to win a SB I doesn't count SB25 as it was my 1st football game on tv and had a preferance for the Giants, only team with 49ers I knew by the time)
  12. I want McDaniels as OC McVay as def coach Belichick as coach (yes the hoodie) You didn't asked for a realistic one
  13. thx fot the post but I won't listen for now. It's way too soon for me
  14. For post season games, The answer is the 15 minutes OT wild Whetever happens in OT, the length in 15 minutes still tie ?, then go sudden death = anything win the game 15 minutes, not 10 minutes for "historical" purposes, i'll do the soccer parralel OT was 2*10 minutes if tie -> penalty round then they changed the rule to the sudden death (golden goal) = kinda like the current OT in football it was fun at start but proved to be a failure they reverted back to the old mode
  15. when you can't hold 3 points with 13s left you deserve to loose *****
  16. I'll watch from home, France game start here at 12.30am(? = 00:30 midnight) took a half day off monday morning
  17. 4PM is hard but I can handle anything *night* is bad for me, as it means game start at 2.15am
  18. was naturally thinking of Bryce Paup But... was Fitz a free agent ?
  19. I live in France, so every night game is basically hell for me ( = game starts at 2am ) But night games are often a sign of success I believe Ransom of success...
  20. Women wanted to be treated like men They can't only have the positives
  21. mvp for me are Bucs #54 and #45 4.15am here, too tired (and drunk) to elaborate
  22. I like it My wife disliked it, at first
  23. 5.22am.... but WORTH IT ! a small hello from France I'm drunk as ***** had to open a second good wine bottle during the 2nd half time preps to defense and OLine ! so far so good Go Bills !
  24. well I would say : what shiitty way to end a shiitty year IRL
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