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Everything posted by Repulsif

  1. 3 points from 2 trips to the endzone ugh hoping it won't bite back
  2. honestly, who didn't think "boy, here we go again" ?
  3. we're what 0/10, on 3rd and 1 ?
  4. the 3rd and 22 completed by the Dolphins that eventually led to a TD on that drive
  5. One of those was a 3rd and 22 that went deep in territory and drive eventually ended in a TD
  6. you shouldn't complain night game means game starting at 2.30 am for me this is the price to pay for a successfull team
  7. Sanders 🤣 😂 perfect in Bills apparel !
  8. I noticed that too When I see his number around the ball, I never expect a drop or anything His hands are some kind of magneto-glue things of beauty
  9. Is he dead or not ?
  10. 19-14 Bills here yes a kinda low score
  11. I would probably stop watching football but perhaps superbowl no interest to follow another team
  12. this is a thing I will always have on me (among others, you know the list) it's a scar and like any scar, you may not think about it everyday, but when you see it, you remember it never vanishes completely
  13. I saw the title, then immediatly thought Chargers/Chiefs
  14. I don't have any tie with the city of Buffalo, so if the Bills had won SBXXV (1st game I ever watched here in France) I may have followed the Giants And if they have won 4 in row, I would have probably hated them (some figures high on themselves, bickering bills etc) and perhaps followed the Cowboys (who would have lost twice in a row in this case. please don't hate me
  15. will be better when Bills are ranked #1 right after Superbowl
  16. That's a good point After Fukushima (and remember Tchernobyl), Germany greens were so afraid of a potential nuclear incident in their country, that they forced government to reject civil nuke. It's been 10+ years they shift their energy income fo solar+wind They must sustain low solar/wind income with gaz that they don't have/produce so a big part come from Russia via NS1 (and ex-soon NS2) = $$$ for russia and dependance for germany in energy They still produce energy from coal factories, wich is completly stupid based on their will to be a green country = Germany is ***** right now
  17. I won't enter into much details, because it's 2.19am here and i'm tired (and drunk) Putin won't take Europe, I really don't think it is his objective, Russia couldn't be able to do that anyway I won't go into specifics for nowbut simply put Ukraine kinda shiited on the bed from a russian point of view around economics treaties and mainly gaz, and elite people in Russian felt screwed and enough was enough He is a very intelligent person and knows if he do something against a NATO country he and his country will be erased Also, France (yes France, the coward fries), is the only Europe country to have nuke capability and we have multiple SNLE moving every day in the year somewhere, just in case
  18. 1. You've been a fan since : SBXXVI 2. Your first Bills memory : SBXXV 3. One of your favorite Bills memories SBXXVIII at halftime, last divisional at 59.47, fitzmagic win against patriots 4. Your favorite player of all time and your favorite player currently : JK by the time, now JA 5. Some of you guys have some awesome forum names. What does your forum name say about you? You should better focus on the avatar...
  19. based of my understanding of the question which is for me : contender for years without a title or one run one win then done It's like either everyday you would walk next to the best bakery in town, seeing all these things, hoping, and everyday your mom next to you says "not today darling", and everyday is "not today". By the time passes you start to consider it will never be "today". Probably because you heard some day your familly isn't rich enough to buy you a cake or you are offered a cake, once, then you never see again the bakery One of the option is torture/sadomasochism Of course it would be great if you could see the bakery everday and have one cake from time to time. But let's go back into reality Honestly, some of you are crazy
  20. wonderfull... where is the trophy ? and the parade ?
  21. a brain in clutch situations : 0-6 in close games ??? are you ***** kidding me ? gag plays in playoff games ? bis
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