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Everything posted by BigAL

  1. When you launch a pre-emptive war to to keep the enemy occupied on their territory instead of ours, then yes the troops are expendable.
  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it our government's position that it's better to fight the terrorist on their soil rather than ours? Therefore, the fact that Americans, (other than troops, but they're expendable) aren't dying in large numbers due to terrorism is a success.
  3. We're winning the war becasue it's not Americans that are dying. That's the only thing that really matters.
  4. Well, I just watched EP IV again, and the Death Star is not completed (tested) until then. You don't have to defend every little inconsistency to death. I've loved Star Wars since I saw it at age 7 in 1977, but it's not perfect. Somehow I don't think Palpatine would be too concerned about building it. He could have called it a big space station, not a Death Star if he wanted to hide it.
  5. I don't buy that. Bail Organa's ship at the end of Ep III, is the same ship at the beginning of Ep IV.
  6. Anyone wonder why it takes amost 20 years to build the first death star, then the 2nd one is built (operational) between episode iv and episode vi
  7. I had similar experiences with Episodes I, II, and now III. I will probably have to see Revenge of the Sith a few more times to really get a full opinion of it. Some things went by so fast that I missed them. It was pretty sad to see all the Jedi shot down from behind, and even though I knew ahead of time what Anakin was going to do to the kids, and to Padme, I was still shocked when I saw it. It was also brutal to see what happened to Anakin. That was pretty wicked. I did think that Anakin turned to the dark side a little too quickly. I think it would have been better with a little more indecision, or a really brutal killing of Mace Windu to think that he had no way of turning back. He became pretty subservient really quickly. All in all, it was still not quite as good as Empire, but pretty damn good.
  8. I know the CEO of a company that had about a dozen math PHDs working on a software program to figure out the best credit card offer to send to people so that they wouldn't cancel a card that they intended to cancel. I can't remember which bank it was, but the program ended up making millions for the bank from customers who were trying to cancel their cards. The credit card companys have some of the best minds in the world trying to figure out ways to keep you in debt for life. It's not exactly an even playing field.
  9. Question for the die hard fans that has been bothering me. Why don't C3P0 and R2D2 realize that Luke is Anakins son? In the original Star Wars, they use the escape pods to go to Tatooine and end up at Uncle Owens place. After Atack of the Clones we realize that they had been there before. We also know that Anakin built C3PO. You would think that C3PO would have some recgnition for the family of his creator. Do they get their memories erased at the end of Episode III?
  10. What the hell is wrong with most of you people? We were 9 -7 last season. Why in blazes should we be satisfied with anything less? If JP doesn't give us the best chance to win next season, then keep his butt holding the clip board. Drew may have squandered the #1 special teams, and the #2 defense, but why does being a rookie make it okay for JP to do worse than that? 6 - 10 sucks. Anything less than playoffs next year sucks. Aren't you guys sick of not making the playoffs? I know I am. If JP is a step backwards at QB, then we are really wasting the defense and special teams. Who knows, by the time he does figure things out, our defense and ST might be sh--. What good is that? If Donahoe and Mularkey don't think we will be a playoff caliber team with JP at the helm next year, then he doesn't need to be starting. End of Rant.
  11. If you're a gamer, and your connection speed is important to you, I wouldn't switch to DSL. I used to have it, but my ping to online games was always in the 100 - 120 range. I then upgraded to the more expesive faster connection DSL, and that did nothing for my ping. I switched to cable, and that dropped my ping into the 60 - 80 range. I haven't looked back since. I've rearely had a problem. I was worried about bandwidth with cable, but no problems in over 3 years.
  12. I recall JK saying that he regretted not handing off more to Thurman. Promo is right. This was the no huddle days where JK pretty much called his own plays. Don't blame Marv for it. That being said, the play that sticks in my mind the most is the 3rd and 13 play where everyone in the world had a chance to tackle the Giants WR, but he still got the first down.
  13. Will do. Was in a rush this morning, and din't give it too much thought.
  14. Do some research on a company called Everydaywealth. It's actually an MLM that Richard Kiyosaki recommends. It deals with identity theft and debt management. Here's my link to the company, and a link to a Kiyosaki interview. Everydaywealth Kiyosaki Interview
  15. Which do you think is quicker and less painful? Frying in an electric chair, slowly suffocating to death or having your head chopped off? Granted I wouldn't want any, but I would imagine that the head chop is the quickest and least painful. Please do not go into the Nick Berg and the other terrorist beheadings. Those are entirely different.
  16. Well considering I don't believe in capital punishment, I don't think your moral equivalency schtick applies. I guess if it makes you feel better you can say that we're better than them because we only kill convicted (hopefully guilty) killers.
  17. I don't see much difference between what he does and what the state of Texas does on a regular basis. Would you feel better if he shot them up with drugs to stop their breathing, or strapped them to an electric chair? He's carrying out the laws of the land just like the guy that pulls the switch or injects the drugs. The biggest difference I do see is that they have more offenses that are considered capital crimes.
  18. You don't have a panasonic SCht900 do you?
  19. Don't click on the quick start icons. Right click either just to the left of them between the start button, or just to right before your tabbed applications.
  20. Frez, I know in windows xp family if you right click the task bar where your quick start icons are, you get a menu at the top that says view. You can chosse small or large icons from there.
  21. As it has been said elsewhere in the thread. Wade was 29-12 with 2 playoff appearences. How does that constitue screwing the Bills? I was pissed at his playoff remark (it wasn't a speech) about the Colts game, but that still doesn't amount to much when you consider his whole tenure as a head coach.
  22. When did Wade ever screw us? He got screwed by the Bills.
  23. If you ask me, Shaun Alexander has some effeminate qualities about him.
  24. So you are basically saying that "Enjoy your Holiday" which is the equivalent of Happy Holidays is okay to say if you are unsure of what holiday a particular person celebrates? Wasn't the original point of the thread a slam on those who say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas?
  25. You mean like Jim Kelly and Dan Marino?
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