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Everything posted by BigAL

  1. You're calling Moulds out on a day when the coaches basically told him to piss off? That makes sense.
  2. 13 points on my fantasy team in one half. I'll take that anytime.
  3. Is it a leak or "whistle blowing"?
  4. Not that I worship either one, but Aikman had Emmit Smith and Micheal Irvin, while Brady has Vinateri.
  5. Did anyone else catch Big Ben's comments during the MNF game against San Diego? He said that the reason why he was successful last year was that on passing plays, the coaches gave him a choice of only throwing to one receiver. He would basically look off that receiver and then at the last second look towards him and throw it. I wish MM and Tom Clements would have done something similar with JP. We have the receivers who can get open. If all JP has to worry about on a given play is getting it to one receiver, be it Moulds, Evans or Reed, I think he would have been more successful.
  6. Wow. Very scary when I agree 100% with Todd. Holcomb gives us the best chance to win now. If he sucks, and we're sitting at 1 - 7, then let JP play the next 8 games to get the experience he needs. If we're sitting at 4-4 mid season, then keep Holcomb until we're out of playoff contention, and then start JP.
  7. Mularkey lost his balls on that one by letting what happened last week affect his decision. QB sneak was the right call, he just didn't have the guts to try it again after JP slipped.
  8. Was MM a good coach last year when we went from 0-4 to 9-7? I admit that they have made some bonehead decisions this year, but I don't think you all of a sudden stop being a good coach.
  9. Bollinger - 14/28 149 yds no picks, no fumbles Losman - 7/15 75 yds 1 INT 1 Fumble Bollinger at least looked like he had an idea of what he was doing. The passes he did get off were accurate, and the Jets WR's seemed to drop a lot of them.
  10. I watched the Jets today, and Brooks friggin Bollinger looked better than JP has looked all season. That's pretty pathetic when a 3rd string guy looks better than the annoited one who spent the whole off season preparing to be a starter. And he did this against Baltimore.
  11. If Bennet said this while he was still the secretary of education or the drug czar, I would expect his ass to be fired the next day. I don't care if he holds those beliefs, but he needs to go if he's in a position of power toact on them.
  12. 1) I'm with KTD on this one. Yes the link between poverty and crime is there, but I don't believe that is what Bennet is referring to. I believe he skips to a direct correlation between skin color and crime. 2) Fundamental is implied in his statment that crime will go down when you kill the black babies. He didn't say poor, or single mothers, or high crime urban areas. As stated above it was a direct link to skin color. Without prefacing his statement with any kind of socio-economic factors, what else can be inferred?
  13. Thanks. I didn't realize they didn't show the pilot. I'll take a look for the season discs at Hollywood video. On another topic, do any of you guys watch Smallville? That is just a fantastic show. I didn't have Tivo last year, so I missed abig part of Lost because it was directly against Smallville. This year should be really good. I'm curious how they will lead it into the Superman Returns movie next year.
  14. I have to disagree with you that what he is saying is being taken out of context. During the call, Bennet refers to the Freakonomics book, but then he clearly states his own opinion with this quote: "But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky." I understand that he believes itis a ridiculous and morally reprehensible thing to actually do, but it is undeniable that he believes that aborting black babies would reduce crime. I don't call him racist for trying to implement such a strategy, I call him a racist for having the belief in the fundamental link between skin color and crime. I'm willing to give Republican's the benefit of the doubt, but It's people like Bill Bennet and Trent Lott that really leave me wondering. I mean with those views, Bennet had absolutely no business setting policy around educating our kids.
  15. Fez, Got to admit, I don't understand the fan frenzy behind Firefly or Serenity. I am a huge Sci-Fi fan. I love Star Wars, Trek, BSG, 4400, Lost, etc. When Firefly came out, I watched probably the first 3 episodes or so. I thought it was interesting, but nothing about it really blows me away, or leaves me dying for the next episode like BSG. So my question is what's so good about it?
  16. Well he led us to 9-7 last year, and i'll be pissed if we squander another freaking year bringing along a guy that can't even find an open receiver. I don't care that this is his second year. Anything less that 9-7 is a step backwards, and unacceptable.
  17. Why no 2pt conversion?
  18. Shred and Refan are still around? Man they must have been together for ages now. I used to listedn to them in college 12 years ago.
  19. Someone has to throw the ball to him instead of the sidelines.
  20. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Pinzone's on Main St. near the Queen City Book store and PJ Bottoms. I've eaten many a slice from there after a night out at PJ's. I was back in Buffalo this year, and went there for lunch, but they had sold the place, and don't sell pizza anymore. Very disappinting.
  21. It definitely started slow, but the last 5 episodes or so were great. Definitely threw me for a loop a couple of times.
  22. I'm wth you on Justice League, but didn't have the balls to put it in writing
  23. Battlestar Galactica Smallville The 4400 Weeds
  24. Nice TD toss though
  25. Mickey, the funding aspect is pretty much irrelevent. Even if Bush had fully funded the Levee project in 2001, do you really think the work would have been completed enough to make a significant enough difference in what happened?
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