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Everything posted by BigAL

  1. Rare around this place to see someone admit they made a mistake. Kudos to you for the admission.
  2. I don't get that. The Ref puts he ball down with 2 seconds left on the play clock.
  3. We won the toss and didn't defer. Maybe signs of good things to come. I won't hold my breath.
  4. A geek with a super hot wife.
  5. Not really. There were multiple parallel universe in the Trek World. Spock's travel back in time through a singularity could easily have put him in a parallel Trek World. Now we get to see the stories from that work instead of TOS. A simple check of Spock's quantum signature could show that he doesn't belong in that universe. Easy fix.
  6. That's not what the guy said. He said Peters got exponentially worse since the 2006 season. He didn't say Peter's wasn't any good in 2007 at all. He said his performance in 2007 was worse than 2006, and that 2008 was really bad. All true.
  7. Lucky you. I read it when it first came out. Took a year from beginning to end for all the issues to come out. Can't wait for the 6th.
  8. Totally off topic. That is one hell of an avatar
  9. McCain - Romney to the rescue???
  10. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2008/...endorses-obama/ Dear old dad must be rolling in his grave.
  11. Don't tell Miami that.
  12. I was so pissed off with the politics of fear and lies last night that I actually donated to Barack's campaign today. First time I have ever really been motivated enough to give money to any campaign.
  13. I thought she presented well, but the speech was totally uninspiring and bland.
  14. Because I'm scared that the American people will be dumb enough to fall for it.
  15. Maybe, maybe not. It was certainly rushed. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/am...ble-917013.html
  16. Here's an interesting read on how much research was done on Palin. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/am...ble-917013.html McCain's claim of country first is obscene given how and why he chose Palin. Clearly is was win at any cost first, country be damned.
  17. Returning to a smaller Constitutional Government is an easy thing to say, but it's an answer that is devoid of any practical way to implement such a thing. What would be your plan? What government agencies and programs should be eliminated? NASA's a waste, lets get rid of that. Who needs the Antitrust division? Fish and Wildlife... forget about it. Seriously though. There is a tremendous amount of waste in the government, and I have no problem with scaling back some of the ridiculous agencies that there are, but my question remains as to how you implement these things. To me, it's debatable if the government structure we have today causes more problems than it solves. I'm not sure if it's the structure or the idiots we elect on both sides of the aisle.
  18. So what is the solution from the all wise and mighty Alaska Darin? I know, lets eliminate taxes and regulation by the government and trust in the belief that the companies will do the right thing by us. It's not like they would really do anything to manipulate energy prices ala Enron. Those things don't happen anymore.
  19. Sure cutting spending is an option (the preferred option). Again, I have not said a word as to what my positions are. I am well aware that there are legal ways of avoiding paying taxes. I don't enjoy paying taxes, but I do feel it is a necessary evil. I also feel the tax code should be simplified so that the various loop holes and tax shelters that many corporations take advantage off are eliminated. There's no reason why the American people should be paying for the tax breaks of companies who are reporting billions of dollars in earnings. Are you okay with that?
  20. I did not say what my position was. I merely implied that to not tax a group because they will cheat is not a valid reason for not taxing them. The grey matter is just fine. Apparently yours is suffering somewhat in the reading comprehension department.
  21. So basically you're saying don't bother taxing the wealthy because they will cheat. Now that makes sense. Let's overtax the little guy instead since he doesn't have the means or wherewithal to avoid paying.
  22. A thrilling topic of discussion to be sure. Now I just have to figure out why I even bothered to post a reply in this topic. Twice.
  23. Can you remind me again what the point of the original post was? Thanks
  24. Sounds like a guy itching for a confrontation to me. Anything he's saying now is his ass trying to keep out of jail for murder. Guess it worked.
  25. It's freaking Texas where they have exonerated more people on death row than any other state. If the dead guys had been white, and Joe Horn any other color, I doubt the grand jury outcome would have been the same.
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