Your federal taxes were reduced a little. Wonderful. Ever stop to think where the money to run the government came from? Since Bush literally never met a spending bill he didn't sign, there was no accountability on his part there. Not to mention mismanaging Iraq for another $200 billion. He simply rang it all up on the USA's credit card- also known as the National Debt. That record-setting, crushing debt upset the bond markets, caused prolonged general economic sluggishness, the loss of over 2 million jobs, the list goes on. So you see, what the middle class tax "cut" actually results in is a cheap attempt to buy votes by putting a few dollars in our pockets now, hoping we don't notice the more abstract consequences of future debt, which nonetheless bit the economy on the arse.
Oh, and BTW there is substantial interest on the national Visa card that Bush used to buy votes with. Who will pay for it all? You and me...and our children.