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Everything posted by LasBillz

  1. Nice shot. Rick Martin from the blue line.
  2. Your federal taxes were reduced a little. Wonderful. Ever stop to think where the money to run the government came from? Since Bush literally never met a spending bill he didn't sign, there was no accountability on his part there. Not to mention mismanaging Iraq for another $200 billion. He simply rang it all up on the USA's credit card- also known as the National Debt. That record-setting, crushing debt upset the bond markets, caused prolonged general economic sluggishness, the loss of over 2 million jobs, the list goes on. So you see, what the middle class tax "cut" actually results in is a cheap attempt to buy votes by putting a few dollars in our pockets now, hoping we don't notice the more abstract consequences of future debt, which nonetheless bit the economy on the arse. Oh, and BTW there is substantial interest on the national Visa card that Bush used to buy votes with. Who will pay for it all? You and me...and our children.
  3. Hey- don't give up- the Republicans have shot all their guns already- the Democrats are bleeding a little, but smiling and reloading...
  4. Except the ones that are "incomplete" or "missing". Case in point, more records released today from the Pentagon that show Dubya lied about showing up for service. How long will people put up with this? What happens now that the Emperor truly has no clothes?
  5. Not so fast, Nostradamus. The Whitehouse refused to condemn the Swifties, who were also proven to be liars (guess birds of a feather do indeed flock together). Why should Kerry immediately come out and refute the Texans for Truth? Let it sit, ferment a while. Make people ask questions. Then, if the Texans for Truth are proven wrong, condemn the ads. Kerry would still be the better man, since Bush never condemned the Swifties lies. It's too early to condemn the Texans for Truth- what they are saying could well be True. Time will tell, friends.
  6. OMG you are embarrassing yourself. There are two separate, unrelated developments today- one is the ad that the Texans for Truth is running, disputing the fact that Dubya even showed up for duty in Alabama. The second development is a report direct from the Pentagon, the US Government, remember them? This report proves with documentation that George W. Bush has a huge gap in his National Guard Service. Further, when compared to his claims about his National Guard Service, this documentation proves that ol' Georgie's a liar. One development has nothing to do with the other. Got it?
  7. The Texans for Truth group is just as fair to Bush as the Swifties were to Kerry. That's the trouble with neocon chickenhawks- they can dish it out, but when replied to in kind, they show a yellow side and run. Or in Bush's case, don't show up at all. However, what comes out of the Pentagon is not conjecture, just plain fact that proves Bush is a liar about his service. And that, my friend, is what Dubya has to try and wriggle out of.
  8. Please, for the love of God, get informed. According to the PENTAGON, in WASHINGTON, DC, George W. Bush had a large, months long gap in his service, which confirms the fact that he lied about his service. Not some "group". THE U.S. G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T. I know it's not as reliable as Sean Hannity, but read the USAToday article. THEN turn yourself inside out trying to deny it.
  9. Wrong. Since the records that came out of the Pentagon show that Bush has been lying about his service, any attempted censorship of them smacks of Nazi Germany. Is that what you are suggesting? As to the Texans for Truth, as I said, turnabout is fair play. Let them be proven wrong, if that's possible. Let George Wrongway Bush defend himself, not with deletions and lost records, but with actual documentation. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
  10. I am glad you agree about Bush, AD. Come over from the Dark Side!
  11. Actually, it's far from over. Kerry obviously has been through far worse than this campaign, and simply will not give up.
  12. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahaah. Looks like turnabout is fair play, boys. Especially since the Pentagon just released newly found records that also show Bush had a huge gap in service. In the same USAToday. To those who would deny this- check it out before you censor this post.
  13. Let's compare what happened at Crawford with what factually occurred in Vietnam- Kerry, taking fire (something your Boy George never did) decided to run his boat right into the snipers and take them out. It is wonderful irony that this time he ran the boat right up the figurative shore of the Bush's ranch and got Max Cleland, a Vietnam veteran and triple amputee, to lead the charge into the sniper's nest. Did he take 'em out? Politically, yes, by identifying for the world who was truly responsible for the Swift Boat Liars- George W. Bush. I may be a bit much for some on this board, but you guys have to start seeing Bush for who he is- a fortunate, unqualified son unworthy of leading our great country. I would be curious to find out how the righties here feel about taking on Iran, which is Bush's next stop on the road to World War. Sadly, I bet you can't wait.
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