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Everything posted by Ray

  1. That is more like it! The BoSox were still living in yesterday's game and got their rumps roasted!! Very, very, nice
  2. We'll see. I don't see the Yanks winning any series against the Bosox--especially if the Bosox win the AL east which is very possible now only 2.5 games back. The Yanks pitching is terrible and they may not even make it out of the first round of the playoffs. Yanks blew it tonight. And I'm a Yankee fan living in Boston so it is VERY tough!
  3. I'm a Yankees fan but the BoSox have Rivera's number and are not intimidates by him at all. They actually hit him very well. Never, never say it's over until it's over!! Especially when the Yanks were up by only one run. Rivera blew it!!!
  4. Good for you! That is one of the most unselfish things in this world someone can do--thank God for people like you and your generosity.
  5. Anybody at the game could see Moulds was the best player for the Bills on the field. He is the Bills best weapon when he is healthy. He is simply their most gifted and athletic player.
  6. Just think, if Tom Coughlin was our HC like many people wanted we would still have Gilbride!
  7. It is all George Bush's fault for letting people take more money home that they earned! That is such an unforgivable idea! You don't work for yourself and your family you work for the government to take your money--everybody knows that. We, on average work close to six months to pay our tax bill--maybe we should work 9 months to pay it off before we actually get the money we earn.
  8. Yes, everything I'll ever be able to do comes from the government! I am helpless without them! The biggest thing government can do to hurt the economy is take more of peoples' hard earned money. But apparently we will receive a lot of help as the Kerry administration would take it away from some and give it to others!
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