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Everything posted by Ray

  1. This is a QB driven league and for the 13th year in a row since JK retired we are going to need to go search yet again....I can not stand it anymore. We can "blame" the coaches all we want but when it comes down to it just ask yourself what our record would be if we had Brady, Favre, Rothlisberger, Favre etc...we would likely be 4-0 and it's b/c of QB play. The coaches don't throw the ball the plays need to be made and you need a playmaker at that position. He just is not good enough....he'll probably be a decent backup QB in the NFL for a decade or so but it looks like he is not a starter in this league....I really was hoping he would be the one but from everything I've seen this year it looks like he's not....just putrid today and it is just not today it is the last about 10-12 games he has played.
  2. I think the Bills rightfully were worried about paying a historically lazy player 10M per year as he admitted and they knew he played for money and admitted he lost concentration last year thinking about a contract.....B Bellichick would release a player like that in an instant. However, Peters was/is a good to very good player depending on his attitude. Paying a guy with that type of attitude is scary as I can see him in a year and a half just lazy and unmotivated and then swallowing 30M of a contract......I think that was the problem. They had no problem paying big money to Evans or some players who dmeonstrate professionalism. I owlud have liked JP to stay but he would not have played as well for us....certianly better than whatr he had today. When he played motivated like two-three years ago he was a lot better....that's the problem, you just don't know what you will get from him. Too bad as he has a lot of talent
  3. He had a nice fumble as well.....give the rookie time to reveal himself. Their defense has been what has won them games not his play. He has played fair enough to win. He may well be a great QB in a couple years but right now expect him to make a lot of mistakes and I am fine with making him beat you rather than L Washington or T Jones.
  4. okay...you want to blame Jauron for that loss? Be objective...he coached a team that had three starting OL and they played the Pats very well in a game nobody gave them a chance to win. The Bills were well prepared for this game and you can NOT blame coaching. By the way, sitting on the ball is the NON-AGGRESSIVE way to play. They played aggressive tonight and played to win.
  5. The thing people should like about the decision was that it was aggressive instead of in the past, sitting on the ball, running three straight running plays with the Pats getting the ball at their 40 with 1:45 to play. Instead he made a play to try and win it....you never win playing scared. He did not have a good game but the mentality is what they need. He played to win. He didn't play scared he played to win.
  6. One of the worst seasons ever and not a single game has been played yet......do you think you may be overstating things a bit? Chill out people and let them play a game.......Jaws and the like are great but are no better at predicting an NFL season than the 10 year old kid who likes the NFL
  7. Yes....was so glad to hear about Sabres Hockey this morning too....are you kidding me? Hockey in September? Who cares....it's football season!!!
  8. Can we at least play a single game and preferably the season before we say the state of the franchise is a disaster. We did bring in an all-knowing football man in Tom Donahoe if you recall and the franchise right now is in better position than he left it. That's correct three 7-9 seasons are better than what Mr Donahoe did......so let's relax a bit and actually play the games first.
  9. For those lamenting the "no experience" OCs....remember that people ran two SB winning OCs out of town in Dan Henning and Kevin Gilbride.
  10. And preseason means so much doesn't it? It is so relevant to the regular season. Why don't we just let the season play out......if it was up to most people on this board he would have been yanked after the first half of the Seattle, Denver, and Oakland games last year...all games he won. So can't we just let the season play out?
  11. Considering the starters will play at most one series it means nothing.....but I doubt that will prevent people from complaining the Lions 2nd and 3rd stringers are better than ours. Remember the mighty Lions were 4-0 in the preseason last year. It means a lot to have a good preseason record!
  12. Defensively expect the CBs to play 10-15 yards off the line of scrimmage and let TB pick them apart again.
  13. Keep in mind nobody will care in basically a day from now that the Bills looked terrible last night. The Bills played the Steelers starters last year really well and moved up and down the field on them....it just doesn't matter now. The line ups will be different the schemes will be different. I know we are all bored but realize it is preseason and does not mean a thing....close to nothing at all in the end.
  14. It's preseason and like it or not....the players in general do NOT care. It counts for nothing. Do you remember last year the Lions going 4-0 in the preseason or 0-16 in the regular season? I thought so. Bruce Smith never cared and look where he is right now. TO doesn't care....they just want to get to the regular season injury free. Now, if that behavior continues during the regular season then you have a point. But every loss last year was greeted with a very somber locker room. The preseason is lame and nobody cares, it is just how it is!
  15. Agreed....although it is discouraging watching them play. However, why should we be surprised that a WR corps the same as last year in the past two games looks the same? Trent looks horrible but he looked both horrible and excellent last year as well. When the Bills are using 20% of their playbook in preseason it makes you wonder why even play preseason. I truly believe having Owens makes this team completely different and forces the defense to play you differently. Preseason is useless for the most part...reduce it to two games and let's get on with it. It really has no correlation with the regular season whatsoever.
  16. Few points about Trent 1) It is preseason people...we looked great last year against the SB champion Pittsburgh Steelers where Trent marched the offense up and down the field against their D....how did that do for us and for them last year? 2) Many times in preseason offenses work on things they may never do in the regular season and goals of the teams are different. If this was regular season TO would have played. 3) I completely agree if Trent plays in the regular season like he did last game it is obvious he is a goner...evry objective observer agrees. 4) Who cares if he checks down and they make positive yardage and 1st downs.....that is the whole point of the game. If he "checked down" to the open flank in the flat on the play he fumbled that would have been much better than losing a fumble looking to get the ball downfield like he was. Remember the interception was throwing the ball downfield. hrow the ball to the open receiver...we do have talented enough guys who can take a 5 yd toss and make it a 20 yd gain. There are times he will need to throw deep in a game but this constant bickering about "check-downs" takes on a life of its own. 5) Bottom line, if he plays horrible or only mediocre then he is gone. And keep in mind this is the preseason where they may use 5-10% of their playbook.....do you think they are giving BB and the Pats extra tape to study?
  17. Come on.....the poor kid has a stutter and speaking under pressure always makes it much worse. The kid is not Einstein but give him a break on the stuttering problem.
  18. Michael Vick is a despicable person for what he did! You find it hard to believe people would protest a guy who made a reasoned, calculated decision for years to electrocute dogs to death, drown them with his own hands for no good reason? What kind of a person does that? Certainly not someone with any moral compass you want on your team. The Bills absolutely made the right decision not to sign him...if the Bills signed him, my season tix would be gone that same day. What Stallworth did and Little did was awful....but they did not intentionally go out that night and decide to go hit someone with their car. What they did was a horrendous mistake deciding to get in a car that night after drinking. Michael Vick did what he did every day for years thinking it was okay torturing animals. Nobody made him do it.....he made a decision, day after day to kill and torture defenseless animals.....that in most peoples' minds is worse because you intentionally go out and kill something for sport. Take it from Jim Kelly as well who had some very strong, strong words about NOT signing this loser.
  19. Definitely NOT!!!! I would immediately give up my season tickets if they did such a foolish thing.
  20. Moved back a few years ago and do not regret it at all. Plenty to do, great restaurants, affordable housing, and of course the Bills....lots of coverage all year round. The weather gets really overplayed. Now, if you are someone who needs it sunny and 75 for 9 months out of the year then do not come back. If you do not mind 5 months of of mostly very nice weather May-Sept, and 3 months of awful weather and 4 months of weather where it is not warm by any stretch but you can go out, wear a fleece and jeans and be fine then you'll be okay. There really is a lot to do....sports, restaurants, the Falls, Niagara on the Lake, casinos, lots of outdoor activities, lake activities. The area is really blessed with natual beauty and a lot to do. The cons definitely are terrible taxes and locally run gov't..........if you move to Florida, NC, VA you can expect to pay about 50% in property taxes for as good services and schools that you get here. Weather, like I said depending on your need. November really starts the downslide but you get nice sunny 50 degree days too that are crisp and very nice. Keep in mind the Northeast, midwest and pacific NW are not exactly tropical paradise!! What it will come down to is family and employment opportunity. If you can get the same job here, have family here you will probably be very happy. It is very underappreciated and it has the best most community oriented people I have ever been around.
  21. I think people would love to have JP in the area and embrace the guy.....the vast majority really like him as a person and are fully supportive of all he did for Buffalo. We just thought he had played out his hand as an NFL QB and I cannot see many teams wanting him as they can draft a FA college QB and get the same production. But I think it would be great if he stayed in the area and would be welcomed. Hope he does stay.
  22. JP can not even be a decent backup. As of right now he cannot be a 3rd string on anyones team.
  23. I would immediately give up my club seats if they signed him. Not a chance in the world it happens....not a chance!!!
  24. Exactly......everyone thinking the Bills are going to Toronto has to think about the cost of going to Toronto...$3B ($1B for the team+$1B for the new stadium + 600-800M for the relocation fee from this market). Say an owner puts down 1B...not likely in today's climate!!! Not many people with liquid assets of that amount who want to pay that....so they still at 5% interest would need to pay 100M/year just on interest...that's it..without tapping the 2B in principal. The Bills are NOT leaving!!! Keep in mind people when you talk about hte Bills you have to figure in 1.2M people of Buffalo/Niagara, 1.1M of Rochester and another roughly 1.5M Southern Ontario population just from Hamilton on South and not even tapping the Toronto market. All within an hour's drive!
  25. A lot depends on this year. If Trent, Marshawn and Poz continue to improve and have great seasons then that draft becomes one of the best in Bills' history. A lot depends on this year and how those guys perform. But TDs three 1st round busts/luxury picks were horrendous and set the franchise back years! Three 1st round busts kills you.....you need at least good pruduction out of those picks.
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