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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Well, Tom Donahow was a brilliant football guy and apparently still is according to many at ESPN.....Brandon has had as much success as TD (which is basically none) and TD is a consultant with the mighty St Louis Rams who appear to be lighting it up as well. The guy obviously does not follow the Bills, reads a highlight or two and writes about them. He had about 4-5 inaccuracies in a paragraph
  2. Point being all of these OCs who were run out of town may have actually been very good coaches as they have had a great deal of success all over the place and that leads any logical person to the conclusion that it is the players...most notably the QB. We need a great QB. You can bring in whoever you want as coach but you will never go anywhere without a very good QB.
  3. Easterbrook just revealed he knows nothing about football players.....Whitner a journeyman???? Greer a star? Haggan a legitimate everydown LB? Really? Those guys were nice roll players with exception of Greer who I always liked. Hard to imagine you can be so dumb and still have a great job writing for ESPN. McKelvin is perenially injured? Really? Inhis second year he is perenially injured....did he play last year or not?
  4. If you could get him for a 4th or maybe even a third...although it will be a very high 3rd then do it. Listening to Jim Kelly talk and watching the actual game film makes you realize Trent has just regressed as there are plays out there that should be made. WRs are open, the throws need to be there and everybody sees they are not. Maybe Leinart would help but I do agree that Buffalo is not exactly the guy's style. He is too much Hollywood and I could see him fold and quit if the going gets tough. But honestly how many 4th round players are on the roster making big contributions? Probably worth a 4th
  5. I like John Fox but it all comes down to QB play. If the next coach has the horrible QBs we have had for the last 13 years then we will till be terrible. We could have BB as head coach and with TE as the QB it wouldn't matter. If your QB cannot rather will not throw a 15-20 yard out or post you are not going to succeed. Ask BB how successful he was until he got a QB in Brady....essentially same record as Jauron
  6. Back up on the Bills or for some other team....his starting days are numbered, but will make a nice career for himself as a back-up
  7. Bingo! He may run the play well 9/10 times on practice but then it comes to the game and he misses that 1/2 second window to throw the ball and then checks down for a 2 yard gain....somehow that is the coaches fault. You have a GREAT WR combo but he refuses to throw to them and anyone who is at the games does see they are open and the coaches add that as well. My biggiest beef with Jauron is not taking Edwards out even for a half when it is obvious he is having a putrid game
  8. Here's the answer...Trent Edwards....our QB has been terrible. He cannot throw on the run. When he has two options on a roll out like this past weekend he chooses to throw 5 yards to the TE instead of to an open TO 20 yards downfield. It all comes down to QB play. That is 80% of the Bills' problem right there. Despite their injuries on defense they have played well....I just saw Miami shred the Jets D for the same amount as the Bills. The D kept them in the Saints' game, kept them in the Borwns game and the NE game. The Dolphins shredded the Colts as much if not more than the Bills but the big difference was the Colts have a QB.....Manning does not have the WRs the Bills do....does not have as good a tandem of RBs but he is just simply light years ahead of our QB.
  9. Also needs to be a senoir and college graduate! Tough criteria but very good and smart criteria
  10. People need to let it go with the weather thing.....you need a strong armed, smart accurate passer. Nobody in college even in Big 10 plays more than maybe one game a season in VERY bad weather....the season ends at the beginning/middle of November and then they go to warm weather or a dome to play a bowl game. The wind is the big thing NOT the cold. Trent played very well in the 5th coldest game in Bills history against Denver last year. Actually he has outplayed every QB they played against in the major windy games as well. But overall you need a good/great QB regardless of where they played.
  11. I would bring him in to compete if you can get him for a 6th or 7th rounder next year
  12. Of course they should bring him in if he can reconcile with TO.......we know now Trent is NOT the QB of the future. He has been horrible for awhile now going back to next year. Rookie QBs throw a lot better than him and throw in tight areas, throw it up for their receivers etc.... We are not going anywhere with Trent and your future QB is not on the roster so you play for now and bring in Garcia.
  13. Lee is a great player but suffers from playing with horrific QBs. If/when we ever get a competent QB he will be fine. Horrible QB play is 80% of our problems
  14. It is not the coaching it is the player...Trent Edwards. We need to quit blaming the coaches and how a new OC will make a bad player better...players play and win or lose. This town ran Kevin Gilbride out of town and he coaches a SB winning offense. Did he all of a sudden become such a better coach? Well he did when he got Eli Manning as his QB. Dan Henning was run out of town as well....seems to have had a lot of success the other places he went. Mike Mularkey was horrible with Losman and Holcomb but then apparently was such a better coach when he had Ryan in Atlanta and Turnr as his RB. Quit the excuses for Edwards, he is the one missing the throws, not making the throws. It is literally that simple on 90% of plays.
  15. You missed the biggest problem by far....a new QB. If we had a QB we would be 4-1 and not even talking about this...captain check down is the biggest problem if you want to rank the problem list. Missing WO receivers all day by overthrowing them or more often than not not throwing to them. Show me a great team with a bad QB (very rare), show me a very bad team with a great QB....they do not exist. A great QB makes up for huge deficiencies elsewhere. We have very, very good skill positions and captain checkdown just will not get them the ball....and spare me the he doesn't have time agument. He has plenty of time on 90+% of plays and he just doesn't get it to them. The partially good news is that we needed to find out if Trent was the QB of the future.....sadly we have the answer a resounding NO. The search continues for a 13th straight year
  16. It is NOT the line, it is Trent. There are plenty of times each game he has lots of time to throw and 9 times out of ten he will throw the checkdown even on 3rd and 23. He has regressed so much he is just terrible. If the Bills had even a half way decent QB they would be 4-1 right now. This is a QB driven league. Name me a team with a great QB that is a loser....you can't because offense is 80-90% about thte QB. The Bills went out and got him talent and he just cannot/will not get them the ball. He has been horrible, just horrible for three games straight, all of preseason and the last 8 games of last year with exception of KC. He had his try out and has flunked
  17. Let me get this straight.......you are upset b/c John Murphy did not make a 6-3 football game some exciting?
  18. You're right....and one thing the Bills could do is bring in Garcai provided he could make amends with Owens. Losman was and is too slow to react and read defenses and was easily confused. Trent needs everything to be perfect in order for him to feel comfortable throwing the ball into coverage. This is the NFL and guys will not be 5-6 steps open. He has to anticipate and trust others on his team....too bad but he looks like a lost cause now. I am done listening and watching him play. Both Losman and Edwards are very nice guys....they just can't play QB well at all in the NFL
  19. Trent is terrible b/c Trent is terrible. He has had time to throw...granted not all the time but the vast majority of time he drops back to pass he has time to make a play. He has missed open receivers repeatedly and on #rd and 15, 4th and long he would prefer to throw a 5 yard dump off to a RB. He has lost it...not the OL's fault. Secondary was great yesterday...defense was great yesterday despite the injuries. Giving up 6 points and you lose....obviously ST and offenses' fault
  20. Dumb move....get a QB who can throw to the guy who is open......if the QB hits him on that one play from the end zone it is a TD...not Lee's fault we don't have a QB
  21. Funny topic but absolutely none...not even close. Maybe one or two NFL starters next year on those rosters in college now at best. Just WAY TOO BIG a gap in talent between college and pros.
  22. Can you imagine Jim Kelly responding to a question like that......Trent is done. Going back to a decade long career as a back up...the next Todd Collins. Sign J Garcia and at least we can be entertained by the Garcia/Owens reunion.
  23. Trent is the biggest part of the problem. He has been awful from after the KC game last year including preseason this year, a decent game at NE and that's it. Horrible. If we had a QB we would be at least 4-1 right now. He just is terrible.....don't know what happened. He looked like he was going to have promise but I have seen basically a full season of horrific QB play and players ARE open, he just does not throw it.
  24. Peters has great talent, but average at best motivation at least to play for th Bills. Objectively, he was great in '06 and good in '07 and average in '08 with what he admits was a poor attitude. If you are going to pay a guy 10M per year he better be great for the next decade.....not sure he has the motivation to play that well considering what happened to him after '07. He has played good this year not great. But you can find a LT and pay him half of what you paid Peters. The reasons guys like Pace are/were considered elite are b/c of their consistency year after year. Time will tell if Peters is in that category. But if history is any indication he is more interested in his own paycheck than the team (to the point he thinks about it while playing).....to many that is actually okay as now he is set for life b/c he got his paycheck.
  25. A real fan does not root against his/her team. You just can NOT root for your beloved team to lose. I think Lori is right n the sense that you become ambivalent and just don't care and that's when you are not really a fan of the team anymore...or at least at that specific time. Admittedly, it is very tough to be a fan of this team when they play like the last 5 quarters, but we were all excited just two weeks ago so you just never know.
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