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Everything posted by patpatBOOM

  1. You cannot be serious. ...and Kurt Warner aint walking through that door.
  2. Could you please explain to me the exact mechanism by which steroids could even contribute to a stroke. That is what implying, right? Is there any evidence to suggest that Tedy Bruschi took steroids? Leave it to low rent, low brow, low intellect fans like yourself to make a completely irresponsible statement like this. I am amazed by your ignorance.
  3. You sound hurt. Like most Bledsoe fans.
  4. Whatever gets you through the night, sparky.
  5. This actually happened on Madden '05 to me. I had to promote Romeo Crennell to Head Coach. Don't think it happens, though.
  6. Best. Post. Ever. And, great timing, too!
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