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Everything posted by stuckincincy

  1. Another Chase Coffman - I appreciate "promise" but it sure looks like CIN wasted a #3 on him, and his busted foot. He did hobble back and had considerable practice time, and the official line from the club on him was "we are working to improve his blocking skills." The last I read from him in the press, is that he's still working on the healing process or some such pap. I doubt that players from the Missouri program will get much consideration from the B'gals in future drafts.
  2. Well then, read the link and search for yourself.
  3. Doesn't Ted Turner, and Robt. Redford and other Hollywood actors already own most of Montana and Wyoming?
  4. What's your definition of "slow?" ... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Jones_%2...can_football%29
  5. The government that forced the industry to lend to people who by any sense, didn't qualify for a loan (of course, that garnered votes for the Dems) now says that mortgage brokers will be fingerprinted and registered in this "Financial Reform" Act. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20100728/us_nm/...a_fed_mortgages Also contained in it is that the SEC can, behind closed doors, decide to close and/or confiscate any private business, and they are deemed immune from Freedom of Information Act requests. The press, the citizenry, can no longer question their acts. http://www.politico.com/blogs/joshgerstein...draws_heat.html Of course, as we know, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae were excluded from the legislation... It's inexorable...
  6. One of the local stations sent out their cutest newsbunny to the airport. Poor thing was crestfallen...
  7. Oddball thought - some club might have him on the roster as the 3rd QB, and activate him if their wr corps takes an injury hit. He didn't shine brightly when CIN signed him and worked him out, but evidently his health is fine, and he certainly has some wheels. Regarding his drug use history - hard to say...young guy with a pocketful of jingle - an old story.
  8. No - it's polite to post a few words of the author's text with proper accreditation and provide a link. Reproducing a person's writing in its' entirety without express written permission is copyright infringement (theft) if the author claims such.
  9. I haven't kept track - but it seems that most clubs have their #2's inked, and also the lower ones.
  10. Don't feel bad for Marvin. You've probably never experienced his condescending tone to the press. Perhaps someday, in the waning moments of a game, he will learn to tell time. Learn how to use timeouts.
  11. IIRC, they have 10 WRs going into camp. My guess is they will carry 6 if they have to, or 5, if Antonio Bryant turns out to be damaged goods. Ochodinko, Andre Caldwell, 3rd rounder Shipley are locks. Bryant's knee - he might get axed in favor of insurance-policy TO. If not, that adds up to 5, and I would be very surprised if they would risk putting their #6, Dez Bryant on the practice squad. My guess is that '08 #2 Jerome Simpson, Maurice Purify, Jones, Quan Cosby (gutsy player, and was a decent PR for them last season - but Shipley probably fills the PR role, perhaps Pac-Man Jones) and Freddie Brown get axed. Jones, Cosby, and Simpson (the book on him is million dollar physical skills but a ten cent head) should merit a look-see by BUF, IMO.
  12. Eh - looks like a typical business or governmental budget meeting to me.
  13. I post at some risk - having found out that iPhone people are always on the attack... http://www.nbc12.com/Global/story.asp?S=12885221
  14. Coles didn't pan out but one has to appreciate their attempt to try and replace Housh. He had the early dropsies. But he was correct with his remark that Palmer likes "tall receivers" - because after the '05 knee injury, he throws high with some regularity. In defense of him, he injured his left thumb in the 1st or 2nd game last season, so he handed off with his right hand. Did a remarkable job of it, too. The pass attack fell pretty low after the late Chris Henry broke his arm. The B'gals increasingly began using an unbalanced line, running Benson and rookie Scott. When Benson was hurt for a few games, they brought in Larry Johnson - he did a serviceable job for them. Coles helped...I didn't realize what a good run blocker he is. IIRC, Palmer only had 5 completions of more than 40 yards.
  15. NE* signed their 1st round pick (#27 overall), cb Devin McCourty.
  16. Peace on Earth - ill will to those who violate our domestic situation.
  17. Ah, this self-proclaimed "all angles all aspects " National Football Post site in their 50 or so words, trumps the Cincy football beat writers who cover them daily...
  18. I'm sorry that you think I slighted you, but you are going over the edge here. Is this your normal reaction to internet ba-de-ba repartie? - I hope not.
  19. Hard to think he makes CIN's cuts. From what I've read he didn't impress in workouts. IIRC, had difficulty executing basic patterns. They signed him on a simple, cheap "look-see" basis. He might work out better elsewhere - who knows? FWIW, it seems he has his head screwed on straight.
  20. Here is one manufacturer of handgun cartridges of interest, for the home defense user: http://www.dakotaammo.net/Glaserreg-Safety-Slug/500/500/dept There are also shotgun rounds of low recoil available. Remember - the lowest-powered center-fire shotgun out there - a .410 - is far more capable of stopping an assailant than any handgun. Nobody moves after receiving a shotgun blast.
  21. We have become a nation of self-absorbed idiots. http://www.findingdulcinea.com/news/techno...e-Banned--.html
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